c/o Sophie Griffin

c/o Sophie Griffin

Welcome to Ask The Argus, a column brought to you by the magnificent Features section! Every once in a while, we bring you the hottest advice from your wonderful, trusty, seasoned editors. Having trouble reacclimating to campus life, Middletown, or the freezing winter? We’ve got you covered! To submit a question to Ask The Argus click here.

Midterm season is almost over and a break from the madness is within reach! But we know breaks can be as maddening as long hours spent studying in Olin. Staying on campus for break? Worried about tense interactions with family members at home? Scared about losing your academic drive with two weeks off? Never fear, The Argus’s Features team is here with tips to help you get the most out of your spring break.

What should I do on campus if I am staying here over spring break?

Middletown may seem void of activity on a regular school day, and even more so when campus is deserted. But some hidden gems in town are sure to help you stay busy if you are on campus for break. Metro Movies 12 has showtimes every day, currently playing a wide range of films from Creed III to The Amazing Maurice. If you are looking for some new reading material or want to check out a new spot to cozy up with a book, check out the Russell Library; the library is also hosting events in the upcoming weeks, including a concert in honor of Women’s History Month by singer Nekita Waller.

Hungry? Check out some of our favorites in town, including Ion’s scrumptious vegan fare and delectable pierogies from the newly opened Rogis on Main. Sports are more your thing? The University’s lacrosse and tennis teams will be playing at home over break, so don’t miss out on the action! If you are an art connoisseur, enjoy a free entry into the annual Middletown Public Schools Art Exhibition at the Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery. The opening reception will take place on Saturday, March 11 starting at 3 p.m., featuring pieces across all K–12 grades. 

How do I deal with overbearing parents when I go home?

It can be hard when your gracious hosts for spring break also happen to be your dear and loving parents who just want to know every part of your life and spend every single minute of every single day with you. This is supposed to be your time to relax, and as much as they mean well, overbearing parents get in the way of that. Try and carve out time that you specifically schedule for just your enjoyment—hang out with your friends, go to the movies, do stuff they can’t be at. They may not like it, but they need to accept that you’re your own person and need time for just you and your friends. If you find yourself in a position where you cannot avoid their presence, try to remain calm and counter their annoying behavior. Are they asking you too many invasive questions? Ask them more questions in return!

How do I avoid completely losing purpose over spring break?

Listen, we’ve all been there. It’s the start of week two of break and you’ve already binged every show you were meaning to catch up on, scrolled endlessly through TikTok, and exhausted your Instagram feed until it gave you a “Wow! You’re all caught up!” message. Figuring out what to do with yourself without the pull of deadlines, club meetings, class schedules, and campus events keeping you moving can be tricky. Try to find some active relaxation methods! Make a nightly movie night with your friends over Zoom, bake a new recipe and if it fails hilariously then laugh at how horribly it went, do little things you don’t have time to do here. College life is ridiculously busy for many people, so take advantage of this break in required work and do stuff you wouldn’t normally!
