Welcome to The Wesleyan Argus’ weekly astrology column: Entering the Unconscious. Each Friday, pick up a copy of the paper to get acquainted with the vibes for the week ahead.

General: This week, a major shift relating to obligations, community, foundations, and power structures will take place. After two and a half years of Saturn occupying its natural house of Aquarius, emphasizing the centralization of authority, practicality, and a sense of reduced individual expression, Saturn will move into Pisces, freeing the collective to explore more abstract and dreamlike ideals. This weekend will be a great time to have fun and forget about your responsibilities. You may even find true love. Expect grand romantic gestures to occur. On Tuesday, as the full moon in Virgo will highlight themes of routine and work ethic, you will need to face a more pragmatic side of reality. Find balance between escapism and over-analyzing reality—both take you away from the present moment. This week, if aggression arises, communication and patience will bring balance.

Aries: March 21–April 19

This weekend, you are feeling fun and ready to show the world all you have to offer. If you have a love interest, now is the time to make your move. Pay attention to authority figures or aggression sabotaging your success. Later this week, ground yourself in reality by focusing on your routine.

Taurus: April 20–May 20

Suspicions may arise within your relationships, but these doubts are subsided by a general sense of good luck that has entered into your life. Take a risk and step outside your comfort zone to make your dreams reality. Clear clutter from your life to make way for excitement coming later this week.

Gemini: May 21–June 21

Chaos in your life has been leading you to find your center, identify your values, and search for a sense of home. This week, you may find yourself conflicted. Look to the structures and foundations you have built over the past two years to propel yourself towards achieving your dreams of success and stability.

Cancer: June 22–July 22

Great luck is coming your way in many parts of your life. You are making breakthroughs with your career and you are enjoying life. Treat yourself! Later this week, your focus changes as you are forced to contemplate your surroundings. You may feel that something is wrong, but ask yourself if passing feelings are worth distracting you from your new values.

Leo: July 23–August 22

This weekend, the spotlight is on you and you are feeling beautiful, fun, and happy. After two and a half years of feeling that your self-expression has been stifled by commitments and relationships, take some time to reflect and return to who you are. A sense of renewal comes your way. Let something from the past go.

Virgo: August 23–September 22

This weekend, unconscious desires and dreams are being illuminated as you are confronted by an alternate view of reality that is more positive than you can imagine. Pay attention to the way obstacles come into your life. Later this week, changes will occur in your commitments and relationships. Remember that change prevents stagnation and decay.

Libra: September 23–October 23

This week, you will be given the opportunity to escape your daily life, especially chaotic relationships. You may encounter someone who is “too good,” but secretly wishes you harm. Step away and find harmony outside of aggression. Structure is good for you.

Scorpio: October 24–November

This week, you will get a breath of fresh air as the stress of obligations begins to subside. This is a great time to build your vitality and reestablish a sense of well-being in your life. Allow yourself to dream again.

Sagittarius: November 22–December 21

This weekend, you are feeling joyful and good-natured. The people in your life are supporting your goals and visions and you are remaining lighthearted despite your responsibilities. Your career is highlighted later this week and the universe is urging you to make your ambitions concrete.

Capricorn: December 22–January 19

This week, you are feeling a boost from the universe pushing you to be happier and more grateful for the progress you have made over the past four years. Later in the week, you will feel a pull towards exploring yourself and the world. This comes from a deeper curiosity about life that has been growing for the past few months.

Aquarius: January 20–February 18

This week, you are given the chance to let go of the residual energy left from the challenges you have faced for the past two years. So much has ended and so much has begun. You have found yourself in places you could have never imagined, and you have changed so much. As the warmth of life returns, allow yourself to open your heart again.

Pisces February: 19–March 20

Happy birthday, Pisces! This is a very powerful time for you. This week, make sure to assess your commitments, analyze your routine, and reflect on your identity and how it fits into your dreams. Over the next two years, these parts of yourself will be challenged, pushing you towards new growth. Remember that winter must occur before spring. Find strength in your community, traditions, and past.

Nicholas Summerson can be reached at nsummerson@wesleyan.edu. 

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