c/o Sophie Griffin
Welcome to Ask The Argus, a column brought to you by the magnificent Features Section! Every once in a while, we bring you the hottest advice from your wonderful, trusty, seasoned editors. Wondering what to do this Valentine’s Day in Middletown? Having trouble approaching your crush? Not even really into Valentine’s Day in the first place? Look no further—we have you (and your significant other(s)) covered. To submit a question to Ask The Argus click here.
What are some great places to take your date on Valentine’s Day in Middletown or on campus?
Lucky for you, Middletown happens to be Connecticut’s foodie hub, at least in our eyes. From Ion’s cozy setting and delicious vegan fare to Conspiracy’s moody interior, there are many restaurants in town that will channel your inner hopeless romantic. On campus, Star and Crescent at Alpha Delta Phi offers a sit-down dinner for couples willing to spend 17.5 points on pappardelle with rosé sauce and a milkshake with two straws. If you are feeling adventurous, you can take your date outside by setting up a picnic under the night sky on Foss Hill. Even though Metro Movies 12 does not do five-dollar-Tuesdays anymore, the cinema is the perfect place to enjoy “M3GAN” or “The Whale” with your partner tonight. Whatever you do, do not go to WesWings.
How do I have a good Valentine’s Day if my significant other and I just broke up?
Oh no! So sorry to hear that you and your partner broke up. You can do better, we promise. The good thing is that Valentine’s Day isn’t all about romance—there are so many other relationships worth honoring on this special day. Instead of thinking about your ex-partner, get together with some of your closest friends and celebrate the amazing platonic relationships you have created. Remember that Valentine’s Day isn’t that deep, so don’t worry if the day isn’t all that you thought it would be.
Single at Wes? What can I do on Valentine’s Day at a school that is so small that I run out of Tinder swipes in an hour?
Have no fear, there are plenty of purely platonic activities around campus happening this Tuesday. WesBurlesque is holding their auditions in West College (WestCo) Café from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.; come with your friends and dance the night away together. If you are looking to enter Wesleyan’s tragically small dating pool, follow @wesleyanareuthe1 on Instagram for updates on how you can get involved in an upcoming on-campus dating show. And maybe Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity for you to make that move and talk to your crush. We at The Argus are huge proponents of in-person flirting, and have your back as you make your advances this V-Day. If you think they like you, they probably do—or maybe not, but it is good to know how they feel! So get out there! Maybe even take this opportunity to say hello to all those past hookups; there is no time like the present to overcome a little past awkwardness…or embrace it.
Why don’t they like me????
Let’s just begin by letting you know that you are (probably) hot and and your crush is in fact interested in you…or maybe they aren’t. But there is no way to know unless you ask. You know what happens when you make assumptions. If you do ask them out, and it doesn’t turn out how you want, don’t fret! Yes, this campus is tiny, and yes it might seem like you will never find love, but this is not (quite) true!
Keep your mind open for new prospects, and maybe don’t be so hard on yourself about the loss of your crush. You deserve someone who values you for you, and maybe that isn’t this person. Don’t settle for less just because you have your Wesleyan goggles on.
If you were friends before the rejection, maybe take some space for yourself and reevaluate the relationship. Try setting new boundaries when you reenter the relationship and give yourself some grace because, yes, you will see them every day at Usdan.
Be sure to remember, though, that they’re a person just like you, and no matter how hot and hilarious and interesting you are, they don’t owe you their affection. If they’re not interested, find someone who is!