c/o Lauren Cho
Welcome to The Wesleyan Argus’ weekly astrology column: Astrology with Nico. Each Friday, pick up a copy of the paper to get acquainted with the vibes for the week ahead. Not into your horoscope? There’s something for everyone in here, with lucky numbers, colors, and a weekly vibe attached to each sign.
Advice for all: This week starts off with the fiery full moon in Aries on Sunday, October 9, which will fuel the flames of passion and independence inside of you. Be prepared for any outbursts in your relationships, as aggression is highlighted by this full moon. This energy will stick around for a while, making you think about the opposition between self and others. Have you been giving yourself away too freely to others and as a result have lost your connection with your desires? Or have you been acting selfishly, which has isolated you from friends and family? This full moon will remind you that what goes around comes around—an act of kindness may bring you good luck. The middle of the week is more mellow and stable. At the end of the week, you will feel the need to express yourself. Tell people how you feel so they can better understand you.
This weekend, all eyes are on you. You might feel a bit chaotic and emotional. Make sure you think before you speak because your words will have extra influence on the people around you. Finding an outlet to release your energy will be important.
Lucky Numbers: 27, 8, 33
Color: Passionfruit
This weekend the full moon is asking you to look into your past. You may be thinking about mistakes you’ve made or moments when you’ve forgotten who you were. After a few emotional days you will feel more clear about your values and you will be ready to move forward.
Lucky Numbers: 9, 11, 13
Color: Midnight
Vibe: Letting go of worries
This week, your friendships will be highlighted and you will be reminded of how you’ve been hurt in the past. This period of harshness will lead you to think about the long term: can you keep on living like this? You will find a way to communicate the answers later in the week. Watch a beautiful movie or listen to your favorite album.
Lucky Numbers: 5, 15, 25
Color: Grey
Vibe: Sullen
You may be contemplating your future and how it might change your work and home-life balance. A sense of home is important for you, but is it possible it is holding you back? Exploration can bring you to find a new home and new people that make you feel more comfortable and loved than you’ve ever felt before.
Lucky Numbers: 23, 5, 1
Color: Pale blue
Vibe: Stoic
This week, you may be having big abstract ideas. It’s not often that you get the chance to explore your consciousness like this, however, now is the chance to think about yourself as an ever-evolving piece of art. Adventure into new territory and find a way to make these ideas concrete.
Lucky Numbers: 10, 22, 44
Color: Pink
Vibe: Joyful
Clear communication has been blocked for a while now and even though you feel the urge to tell people how you feel it still doesn’t come out right. It could be time to try a different approach. Let yourself be transformed by this frustration and you will come out the other side understanding yourself better.
Lucky Numbers: 7, 16, 18
Color: Orange
Vibe: Seeking confidence
This weekend is the culmination of your season. You are feeling beautiful and fun, but it seems that an air of aggression and cynicism may be trying to ruin your fun. You’d like life to be easy, but then how would you grow? This is the time for you to feel like yourself and come alive—embrace everything.
Lucky Numbers: 0, 10, 21
Color: Bright yellow
Vibe: Free
This week you are feeling a surge of passion and a joy for life that clears the murky waters you’ve been dwelling in. Recently you may have been unsure about your identity or your relationships, but this full moon gives you the answers you’ve been looking for. Don’t hold back.
Lucky Numbers: 5, 16, 32
Color: Crystal
Vibe: Ambitious
This week you are questioning your place in the world. Sometimes you get the urge to run. You want to escape mundane life and leave all your problems behind, but these problems seem to follow you somehow. It is okay to be confused. Look towards someone you admire for inspiration.
Lucky Numbers: 16,25, 7
Vibe: Confusion
This full moon is turning your luck around. You may have been feeling a bit shy recently but little by little you are regaining confidence. If you feel like you have been giving too much or making sacrifices now is the time that what you have given is coming back to you. Enjoy this abundance.
Lucky Numbers: 6, 15, 24
Color: Gold
Vibe: Indulgent
New ideas are flowing into your brain this week, which is one of your favorite things. You enjoy thinking abstractly and you want someone to share your theories with. Find a group of people that you feel comfortable with and talk about things you’ve never talked about before.
Lucky Numbers: 1, 19, 22
Color: Sapphire
Vibe: Intellectual
You are feeling very emotional this week, which is not necessarily a bad thing. You thrive when you are in touch with the unseen world. You may need to ground yourself in reality to balance things out. Change is coming your way, surrender to the flow and you will feel the joy of swimming in the current.
Lucky Numbers: 12, 3, 18
Color: Lily pad
Vibe: Seeking balance