c/o Leo Egger
About the Column:
Poems of our Climate is a weekly poetry column run by Oliver Egger ’23. Egger also runs the literary magazine group Route 9, whose literary magazine The Lavender released its fourth volume on Thursday, April 28! Read Issue Four and past issues of The Lavender at Route9.org. If you are interested in having your poem featured in this column, Poems of our Climate, please email your work directly to oegger@wesleyan.edu.
By Milly Hopkins ’25
I was once told a story
About an army
Who marched
at the same frequency
as the suspension bridge
carrying them until
it wasn’t
And they went plummeting down,
their legs frozen mid
Which they had not been wary of.
it had rattled, and
I heard they found the sound amusing
And began to whistle a marching tune
of the frequency they shared with its moving.
Watching from the shore,
Their bodies too caught the wind like sails
and blew them deep blue down
Into the great white wash.
a system is more sensitive to its own frequencies
than that of the air
And so they went tumbling
I wonder if they felt free,
falling into the very sea
which has climbed up through the concrete.
Their possibilities extinguished
but not exhausted
I like to think they kept marching all the way down
Past what they were and could have been
free from the horizon’s endless stare
down its steps, tumbling mid-march
Into the great white wash.
About the Poet: Milly Hopkins, who doesn’t take herself seriously enough to write a bio, hopes you have a nice day.