c/o Leo Egger
About the Column:
Poems of Our Climate is a weekly poetry column run by Oliver Egger ’23. Oliver Egger also runs the literary magazine group Route 9, whose literary magazine The Lavender is opening submissions for volume three on Tuesday, Feb. 8! Submit and read past issues of The Lavender at Route9.org. If you are interested in having your poem featured in this column, Poems of our Climate, please email your work directly to oegger@wesleyan.edu.
By Jane Hollander ’23
a thin crease marks the fold
of flesh on flesh and upon
closer inspection, it isn’t just darkness
but reds, greens, and yellows touching,
vibrating a psychedelic line splicing
the fatty pink underside of a breast
from a soft beige torso
however, the most beautiful description in paint
is not this division of flesh
but the rich and earthen chasm beneath it
dark like humus
red like clay
See what I’ve got? Made you flinch by shoving myself at you. Don’t
worry, I won’t use it on you. Whew.
curls of hair,
slick like they’ve been coiffed
with gel or wetness
which is oddly difficult to find a name for
female ejaculate?
arresting and flagrant as porn
in Saville’s case it’s really linseed oil
or some other varnish
which makes her shine
in the velvet folds between her thighs
allows her to situate a lovely face in a painting outre enough to maintain
critical respect
it’s powdered pigment, slaps of color
next to one another
or emptiness
big white swaths of thighs, breasts, stomach
It would be great to see her apply this same facility to commonplace
things and people
rather than rely on the spectacle of unappealing bodies and body parts
to get people to stop and not look away.
and I can’t look away,
not for some spectacle but
for snow and dirt
powdery limestone and clay
the mundane existence of all this soft flesh
reflected in all directions.
About the Poet:
Jane Hollander is a junior English major and environmental studies minor who enjoys writing about the experience of being a sentient, sexual being in this crazy world. She enjoys running, hiking, farming, reading, and long conversations with friends.