c/o Leo Egger

c/o Leo Egger

About the Column:

Poems of our Climate is a weekly poetry column run by Oliver Egger ’23. Egger also runs the literary magazine group Route 9 whose literary magazine, The Lavender, was released last month! READ IT ONLINE AT ROUTE9.ORG. This second issue is metamorphosis-themed and is coming out this Wednesday, Dec. 8. Come to the release event at 9 p.m. at Espwesso. If you are interested in having your poem featured in this column, “Poems of our Climate,” please email your work directly to oegger@wesleyan.edu.


The College Grad

By Johnny Sails 24


The scholar sinks into his head.

He is a fraud and he knows it.

Numbers and quotations quiver

in the dull nowhere of sentences.

Smelling like bile in the jungle,

he lunges towards fresh meat

tastes sweet blood

to smile. 


About the poet:

Johnny Sails is a biology and chemistry double major. This is the first poem he has ever written and the last. Roll Cards!

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