The world will never be the same after the Coronavirus. That is a thought that a lot of people are bearing in mind, especially the ones to whom the scale of the Coronavirus calls in mind no equivalent reference. A global virus that not only keeps us contained in our homes, but also makes us rethink things that we took granted, such as social habits and interpersonal relations. At this moment, many of us are cultivating a virtual lifestyle that perhaps, if healthy, operates as a relief from the anxiety and panic provoked by the global pandemic. A good example would be how Tunisian artists shared their performances on social media in order to encourage people to stay at home, which is an act that foregrounds a healthy and less polarizing use of technology.* However, moments of crisis, such as Covid-19, present less time for states to contemplate on matters. We can see government officials addressing people on an unprecedented regular basis with time intervals that are sometimes less than 24 hours. Indeed, the increasing number of cases alongside the movement from one category to another in the Pandemic Severity Index are arguably considered to be the reasons behind this political approach. The latter inevitably means less time and margin for countries to work and take decisions cooperatively. Each country is investing with its time and capital to contain the virus and to prevent being overtaken by the outbreak like what is happening in Italy. The domestic self-centered focus on the pandemic is not necessarily wrong within today’s circumstances especially considering specific characteristics of the virus. Nonetheless, the global panic gives rebirth to the survival of the fittest logic, which might appear to be a significant disadvantage for underdeveloped and developing countries.* Does the survival of the fittest logic mean pursuing our way out of the pandemic through methods that are contrary to accepted standards of international behavior and law? That is what rogue states do. The rogue state, in French État voyou, or outlaw state cannot just refer to a state pursuing interests that some of us do not identify with. Rather, rogue or outlaw behavior has to do with how a state pursues its interests. In our context today, the main challenge for states is to protect the lives of its people while using methods that will not harm future international relations, if we assume that it is neither the end of the world nor that we are all characters from a dystopian novel.* The European Union, for instance, is in front of another situation that could be, by margin, more challenging than the 2008 European Sovereign Debt Crisis. The future of the EU will perhaps depend on whether the upcoming policies will protect the union or EU’s leading nations. If it is the second, the periphery is going to help itself in whatever way it can — even if it means the detachment from the eurozone and the EU. On the other hand, the fact that China and Russia are stepping-in to help Italy raises doubts among Italians vis-a-vis the EU’s solidarity. Not only Italians, Serbian president had stated in one of his speeches that: ‘European solidarity does not exist. That was a fairy tale.’ Certainly, Social confinement has increased the solidarity among people within their nations but destabilized it on the regional and global level. As a matter of fact, politics of blame are omnipresent between some countries and tension surrounding the creation of the vaccine is escalating. Therefore, if the economy deteriorates significantly in the world, which is highly probable, Covid-19 can pave the way for the re-emergence of a dangerous nationalist discourse or rogue behaviors such as cheating and appropriation or monopolization of medical supplies.* On the domestic level, the economy is getting weaker, but the state control is getting stronger. Although this statement can be implausible at first glance, the current worldwide indicators demonstrate that Covid-19 gave the complete legitimacy to states in order to exert more power. The fact that countries are engaging in a war against a biological enemy that threatens the lives of people means that the mechanisms of social resistance people have lived by won’t apply anymore. It is understandable that, in the current global circumstances, governments implement tailored policies and aim to exert more control over the situation in order to reassure people. However, further state control provided to authoritarian systems that highly invest in enhanced surveillance and robotics technology will complicate people’s pursuit of freedom in the covid-19 aftermath.* When the pandemic ends, a lot of countries, that were kept politically and economically dependent, will serendipitously have the opportunity to reorient their political policies and make concrete investments in local public goods and social justice. In the long run, Covid-19 can help countries reconstitute themselves domestically and resituate themselves on the economic and political map differently. Undoubtably, humanity will end up victorious against the Virus; however, the global political and economic picture will never be the same.

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