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In the spirit of Thanksgiving, there are many things I’ve been feeling grateful for lately. This includes the new Kanye West album, the cinnamon rolls I got from bread co-op, the heating in my house, and, last but not least, the upcoming Thanksgiving pails that WesWings will be serving up next week. 

This is my favorite time of the year, because there is certainly no shortage of amazing, festive food on our campus, with so many endless possibilities. In my old age of 21, I’ve realized that every eatery on campus can cover it all. Are you dreaming of your grandmother’s famous stuffing? WesWings has you covered. Thinking about hosting a Friendsgiving? Weshop has everything you need. Don’t feel like cooking? Usdan has all the mashed potatoes and gravy you could ever dream of. As a senior, I’d like to think that I’ve mastered the ability to make sure you have the best Thanksgiving meal at Wes over the years, which is why I’d like to introduce: Jane’s Guide to a Very Wesleyan Thanksgiving.


’Swingsgiving (the most important decision of all)

Thanksgiving pails at WesWings are the best, and there’s simply no question about that. This year is extra-special for me, because I was abroad in London last fall, which meant that I was eating fish n’ chips on Thanksgiving, when I really should have been devouring a pail. If you’re a freshman, I envy you, because you have four more years of Thanksgiving pails ahead of you. Unfortunately I don’t have any tips to beat the line that will inevitably wrap around the building, but I do have the best WesWings menu items that you should definitely pair your take-out box with. Trust me, it’ll make you feel like you’re back home, sitting next to your cousins at the kids table that you’re way too old for. 

Combo 1: Thanksgiving pail (stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, roasted turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce) with mozzarella sticks on the side. Dip the mozzarella sticks in pail, repeat. 

Combo 2: Ask for your pail with chipotle mayo, thank me later.

Combo 3: Vegan Thanksgiving pail (seasoned grilled tofu and vegan gravy) with side of celery and carrots. Dip in vegan gravy, or make your own version of “ants on a log” with celery, mashed potatoes, and corn.


Usdan Thanksgiving 

I used to be obsessed with Usdan—there was nothing better than walking in, hearing the loud pop music blaring, and eating an endless amount of M&M brownies. Unfortunately, now that I have a kitchen, I’ve been going to Usdan less and less, but I’m excited to make my return for one night, and one night only. (Just kidding. I’ll definitely be there more nights). I would recommend getting there right at 5 p.m., so that you don’t miss any of the deliciousness.  As long as it follows tradition, here are some of the best items you can get.

Usdan Thanksgiving Highlights: Candied sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie (don’t forget the whipped cream), cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, butternut squash soup, turkey (of course), dinner rolls (my personal favorite).


“Friendsgiving” Items from Weshop 

Sophomore year, my and my friends hosted something called “Friendsgiving,” where we each contributed our own dish, in a sort of potluck style. We all made food from ingredients found at Weshop, and everything was fairly easy to make. This was one of my favorite memories at school, and I can’t wait to do it all again! Here are some of the dishes we’ll be making this year, courtesy of Weshop:

Baked macaroni and cheese:

All you need is some elbow pasta, shredded cheese (found on the very top of the dairy aisle, kind of hard to find—I always need someone to reach it for me), breadcrumbs, and seasoning of your choice. Once you’ve taken your ingredients home, boil the pasta like you normally would, and mix in the cheese when it’s finished. Move it into a pan, and sprinkle with breadcrumbs and other seasonings. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, and voila! You’ll be a favorite among your friends.

Marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes:

This could be the simplest recipe of all—make your way over to Weshop and buy a handful of sweet potatoes, a bag of marshmallows, brown sugar, and butter. All you need to do is chop up the potatoes, and place them in a baking dish. Melt the butter, pour it into the potatoes, dust with brown sugar, and top with marshmallows (get the big, fluffy kind, not the mini ones made for hot chocolate!), and bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. Let cool, and enjoy!

And, if you’re here on campus for Thanksgiving, don’t forget to check out the Thanksgiving Break Dinner at the Resource Center. Join for community, food, and fun!


Jane Herz can be reached at jherz@wesleyan.edu.

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