Globe head. Globe tard. Lobe. I had never encountered such terms before. But, there I was, late on a Monday night, sifting through a group called “Flat Earth-No Trolls.” Globe head, as I learned from a post, refers to someone who believes the Earth is a globe, evidently an unwelcome perspective in the group. After a good deal of time scrolling through the page, it became quickly apparent that this wasn’t just another meme page my friends had added me too. I learned that Flat Earth is for real, only confirmed by a pinned post that revealed a neatly written “code of conduct” along with a prodigious list of links to Flat Earth websites and documentaries.

To many, a spherical earth is a scientific certainty, a basic understanding of the world taught to us at an early age. The Flat Earth model has long been dismissed, as early as the time of Aristotle. But in 1956, amidst the Space Race between the US and the USSR, the Flat Earth society was founded by a skeptic from England. And as of late, it has become no laughing matter. With the help of several celebrities, the Flat Earth theory has re-entered the public sphere, some 2500 years after it was first dismissed by the ancient Athenians. In particular, singer B.o.B has become an active proponent of the movement, even starting a GoFundMe page to purchase weather balloons for Flat Earth experimentation. According to the Economist, Google searches for Flat Earth have tripled in the last two years. 

Looking at the 45,000 members of “Flat Earth-No Trolls” revealed a dedicated community. There were numerous links to websites that discussed Flat Earth Theory and a host of YouTube channels. Last year, Raleigh, N.C. played host to the first “Flat Earth convention,” with invited speakers, plenty of merchandise for sale, and hundreds of Flat-Earthers eagerly awaiting to share their ideas. Additionally, Britain’s first Flat Earth conference is happening this weekend (at the time of this article’s writing). On these dedicated groups, Flat-Earthers openly discuss aspects of Flat Earth theory such as the lack of visible curvature of the earth, or a “Flat Earth” map, which resembles the United Nations logo with Antarctica encircling the Earth on its fringes. Followers also show interest in making Flat Earth friends and incorporating Flat Earth into their daily lives. One concerned patron talked about the problems of having a “globe head” fiancée, and asked for tips about convincing a significant other of “the truth.” 

So this raises the question for us globe heads: why? How could a group of people believe that the Earth is flat? What has happened? 

Conspiracy theories have always existed, but Flat Earth is particularly baffling. It’s similar to other popular conspiracies, like the moon landing theory, in the sense that it accuses the government of lying to further some sort of agenda. Flat Earth groups often call out NASA, accusing it of using CGI and faking most, if not all, of its missions. In a way, this deep-seated suspicion of all governmental activity is what binds all of these conspiracy theories together.

But Flat Earth requires something beyond other theories: a complete rejection of the scientific order. This burden is reflected in the quasi-intellectual approach to building principles of Flat Earth that many actively discuss. Contemporary Flat Earth theory calls for the dismissal of many basic scientific principles such as gravity and the Coriolis Effect. Ironically, what many would call an anti-intellectual movement tries to mimic the work of scientists. The more seasoned Flat-Earthers document their experiments online, often picking and choosing from scientific principles that could bolster their theory.

It’s clear that there are a variety of reasons why people choose to adhere to the theory. For some, it’s a matter of religion. One poster shared a picture quoting 200 verses from the Bible purportedly backing up the Flat Earth model and theory. For others, the evidence isn’t there. Many posts point to the supposed lack of curvature from the human-eye, from weather balloons, from looking out into the distant horizon over the sea. For them, sensory perception trumps scientific theory.

But sifting through Flat Earth forums at two in the morning reveals a distinct quality: the enormous pride Flat-Earthers have for being “in the know.” Posters often rally against the modern educational system, decrying it as formal indoctrination. One user argues that education is merely a repetitive system of beliefs that doesn’t require intelligence. Another was a little more crass.

“Being a flat-earther is putting away the bullshit we were taught and going against popular opinion,” one Flat-Earther wrote on Facebook. “Not conforming to the previously approved paradigm that we are force-fed.”

This desire to be “different” bolsters a collective narcissism, reserved only for the true believers. Being in-the-know thus fosters a sense of community by elevating the group to a level above all others. It also represents the extent of boundless speculation, a quality largely reflective of many conspiracies. If, according to theorists, we were to assume that everything we are told is correct, then we are just mindless cogs repeating what we are told. Perhaps it also highlights an issue of education, whereby people fail to differentiate between critical thought and fiction. Looking at photos from NASA and believing that they show what they purport requires, surely, a small level of trust. But even this quality is an affront to the Flat Earth community.

Yet, the Flat Earth community, one that prides itself on thinking critically, also represents a more genuine quality: it’s an easy fix to the difficulty of comprehending the world. 

“Nobody likes this uncomfortable feeling of being this tiny ball flying through space,according to prominent Flat-Earther Mark Sargeant.

There are a number of reasons why the Flat Earth community has become a thing we talk about. Maybe it’s a problem with boundless speculation, or the way we teach people, or blatant narcissism, or an issue of trust, or anti-intellectualism. But ultimately, Flat Earth is an echo of all these qualities writ large in the modern era. And that’s why the movement is likely here to stay. As we move collectively towards scientific heights that were once deemed unimaginable, Flat Earth stands out as an alien reflection of us all.


Tobias Wertime is a member of the Class of 2020 and can be reached at

  • BigJackRabbit

    Personally, I believe the Earth is a sphere. Maybe not a perfect one, but a sphere just the same.

    Now, lets switch to conspiracies as a topic. In the news there seems (and correct me if I am wrong) to be an equation between conspiracies and lies, nonsense or madness.

    My dictionary definition of conspiracy is “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful:”. I don’t know about the unlawful or harmful part but I do agree with the part about the “secret plan by a group to do something” segment.

    I think that our world is awash with real conspiracies both big and small. I bet there are conspiracies in your home, office and in politics as well. Real ones.

    My first experience with a conspiracy was when I was very young and unanalytical child with the concept of Santa Clause. At first I bought it, then as I grew older I began to have doubts. As soon as the doubts hit the scene, denial followed right on its coattails. Surely, my parents, the TV and weren’t lying to me. Finally I approached my mother and asked her flat out if this flying fat man who could streak around the world at the speed of light to deliver presents to all the worlds children and yet have time to eat the cookies I left him and leave a thank you note as well was true. She got that look I was all too familiar with when she was lying.

    “Well, he is like a spirit. The spirit of Christmas.”

    “What is that supposed to mean”

    “Well, he is everywhere and yet no where.”

    I gave this a lot of thought. I realized that this was a vast joke played not just on me but all my little friends. And this joke was played but adults who didn’t even know each other. What other lies was I being told? You get the idea.

    Myths don’t have to be true to be of value. They just have to be useful. Well the same for conspiracies.

    Now back to the message in the media of conspiracies = lies. If I was a group of people in power I would really want the general public to believe that with all their hearts and minds. This way my real schemes will be just a little safer from prying minds.

    Any thoughts on this?

    • question the shape

      I think this is a great comment, what I get from this is you are saying while you don’t question that our earth is a Globe – you do see validity in recognizing deceptions can be perpetrated. I support your stance, I personally stopped believing we live on a spinning ball in 2015 — and I had do go through the fire of realizing deceptions can be perpetrated — to get there. While the shape of our world is hugely important — the stance that questioning is valid — regardless of your conclusion to those questions — is — probably even more important.

  • Man with Axe

    There is nothing so stupid that some people won’t believe it. This is perhaps the most stupid. It’s easy to prove one way or the other. Take a trip around the world. If you fall off, it’s flat.

    Wait: That’s why we don’t have eyewitness testimony proving the flat earth theory. Those who set out to prove it have fallen off the edge into oblivion, like Amelia Earhart. I’ve changed my mind. I’ve convinced myself to believe it.

    • Clint Clinton

      Probably THE dumbest response to all this.

      Take a trip around the world. If you fall off, it’s flat.” lol

      Obviously, you’ve done NO research for yourself, and you simply follow the pack, like sheep.

      • Phillip Red McDavid

        Thank you a wise answer.

    • Zero11s .

      no one has ever circumnavigated north to south, east-west is going in a circle around the north pole

      • Phillip Red McDavid

        Thank you once again why fellow Flat Earth friend!

    • Phillip Red McDavid

      You’re an idiot!

  • question the shape

    I don’t see evidence that flat earthers and narcissism go hand in hand. If anything I see far more cases of globe believers declaring they are fundamentally better people than wayward flat earthers. But the evidence is too sparse in either respect. How about we bypass the lesser question of who feels better about themselves and explore the evidence for and against the shape of the world. We are all equal & all a journey to learn – no matter your stance on the question at any given moment.

    • Phillip Red McDavid

      How can you say the evidence is sparse for a flat Earth? Do you feel like you’re moving? Do you feel like you’re spinning millions of miles an hour? Why are the stars in the exact same spot at the exact same time every single night???

      • Wayne O’Neil

        Do you really feel like you’re moving when you’re on an airplane? You only feel changes in motion, like turbulence, acceleration, and turning.

        No one claims we’re spinning millions of miles an hour.

        The stars aren’t in the same position every night. They shift a bit less than a degree per day. That’s why we see different constellations in different seasons.

      • Phillip Red McDavid

        You’re a real smartass aren’t you? If the earth was spinning 10 mph you would NEVER see the same constellations EVER AGAIN!

      • Random Mechanical Engineer

        I may be joining this discussion a little bit late, but I’d like to point out that you wouldn’t feel like you’re moving at great speeds as the velocity is constant. Also, about the stars, the stars we see every night do not change out of their ordinary cycles because we are in a repeatable orbit around the sun. We pass the same spots (in relation to the sun, that is) in our solar system every year. But, fun fact: the stars in our constellations are technically shifting “out of place” in our perspective, but at a rate so slow a human wouldn’t be able to perceive it in a singular lifetime.

      • Phillip Red McDavid

        Go FUK YOURSELF Asshole! You’re either extremely stupid or you’re a TROLL!

      • Random Mechanical Engineer

        Would you like to state your argument?

      • Phillip Red McDavid


      • Random Mechanical Engineer

        You have fun with that, then.. lol. Goodbye

  • Chris Hillman

    The biggest issue with believe in the spinning ball, is the automatons don’t even know it’s not Science, its Religious PseudoScience and Astro Fantasy.

  • jetturk

    This subject is ridiculed in many ways. Especially those circular maps with edges. :) However, the Earth is NOT what we have been told, the history is NOT we have been told. To understand this, you need to do your OWN research. There is no other way of finding out. It’s completely pointless to bring this in to argument. No one will ever win…

    • Phillip Red McDavid

      Look at the stars and you will get your answer! A compass only works on a flat surface!

      • Wayne O’Neil

        Why does a compass only work on a flat surface? I’ve used them on hills before just fine.

      • Phillip Red McDavid

        North is in the center and south is 360° around you! Compass does not work on a sphere!

      • Random Mechanical Engineer

        A compass doesn’t “work” or “refuse to work” on given shapes. The magnetic field will align the compass needle. Would you like to explain what creates a magnetic field as you are suggesting?

      • Phillip Red McDavid

        A compass can only work on a flat plane plain and simple

      • Random Mechanical Engineer

        Prove it.

  • Phillip Red McDavid

    The first Flat Earth Convention was here in Edmonton Canada! Stay FLAT!
