Your Horoscope Hotties are back at it with another edition of Written in the Stars, and we are so excited to let you in on another round of celestial happenings. With the nights getting longer, we have had more time to look to the sky as November winds down. So cuddle up with a hot cider, watch the sunset at 4:30, and let us give you the rundown of your cosmic destiny! As always, complaints, concerns, and vengeful spells can be cast against us via seance (half-moons only, 11:45 to 11:48 p.m.). Flirtations, cute fall emojis, and compliments can be sent directly to our emails.


Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Sorry, Scorpio, but sneaky Mercury will be spilling all your secrets at the end of this month! With ruling planet Mars connecting with Mercury and clashing with Pluto on the 17th and 19th respectively, you may find yourself with the urge to confide in a friend next week. Hold out! Until the new moon on the 18th (in your sign, no less!), it will be better to keep your lips zipped unless you’re itching for drama. After the 18th, grudges will clear and your season will feel brand new, and you can reestablish that weekly gossip sesh.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Feeling lonely this cuffing season, Sagittarius? Well, you’re in luck. An easy connection between Venus and Jupiter on the 13th will usher in luck in romantic endeavors. If there were ever a day to shoot your shot, this is it! For even more celestial evidence, the new moon in Scorpio on the 18th will bring you a boost of confidence. It seems like by the time your season starts on the 23rd, you will already be off to a lovely start. 

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Use the rest of this month to establish your priorities, Capricorn! The moon on the 18th in stubborn Scorpio will give you the energy you need to take a stand for yourself. On the 28th, ruling planet Saturn will make a strong connection with the master of communication, Mercury. If you are having any relationship trouble, this would be the ideal day to sit down and hash it out. The loving sign that you are, you need to remember to love yourself too. 

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

You have plenty to be thankful for at the end of this month, Aquarius! Mercury is making moves for you, housing harmonious connections with your two ruling planets. On the 25th, after the new moon, Mercury meets up with Uranus. This is a great chance to clear up any drama or grudges. Then on the 28th, Mercury aligns with Saturn, sending you a boost of creativity at the end of the month. Who says you need the new year to have a fresh start?

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

It’s going to be an emotional end of the month for you, Pisces. Ruling planet Neptune opposes your sign on the 22nd, causing a huge internal disruption. Then on the 26th, the Neptune-moon connection will have you feeling all types of ways. After a new moon, this may feel like a celestial F-you. But this negative alignment also lends opportunity for self-examination. Use this time to cut toxic people out of your life and refocus your energies on yourself.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

You may have trouble controlling your fiery personality for the rest of this month. Mars will be on the move on the 17th and 19th, connecting with Mercury and then clashing with Pluto. As inner emotions are brought out to the surface over those few days, it may be hard to keep your cool. While the full moon in fellow fire sign Scorpio will keep your friendships in check, this may cause a problem in other relationships. It might be better to leave them on read than to say anything at all!

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Don’t let daylight savings get you down, Taurus. A thrilling love interest is coming your way as the stars prepare for the new moon on the 18th. Make sure to be responsive and emotionally open during this time, and you won’t be disappointed with the love that’ll come a-knockin’ at your door. Just make sure you channel all of your generous energies into romantic and social arenas this month, Taurus, rather than diverting it into frivolous spending. Try to keep a tab on your shopping habits if they’ve seemed a little outta whack lately…

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Give it your all this week, Gemini. We’re almost at Thanksgiving break, but there’s still one little push left, and if you put in extra effort this week it is sure to get noticed. With classmates quieting down during discussions and taking more of a backseat in your classes, make the most of this lull and win some extra brownie points with your professors. You’re a smart cookie, so speak up! Venus moved into Scorpio on the 13th, and this dynamic pairing will send a zap of energy to your creative mind. Let those juices flow, Gemini.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Romantic Venus and thrill-seeking Jupiter link up in your sign this week, Cancer, so let that passionate energy thrive in your social interactions this week. Trust your aesthetic intuition, too, and dare to make avant-garde style choices to liven up the gloomy atmosphere that’s been hanging around lately. The Venus-Jupiter alliance also means that this week is a good time to make a major change in a key relationship in your life. Is there something you’d like to solidify for the long term? The stars are in your favor to initiate that conversation this week.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

One last push, Leo, and your well-deserved Thanksgiving break will be even sweeter. Remember to have patience with your loved ones too while you’re home, and if you feel your argumentative side starting to simmer while you’re sitting at the dinner table, take a mental step back and remember all the times your innermost circle had your back for you. Outspoken and passionate Jupiter will also move into your sign on the 15th, making it the perfect time to express your admiration and gratitude for the cutie in your life.

Virgo (August 23 – September 23)

You’ve got it pretty good, Virgo. Take some time this week to reflect on all that you have to be thankful for, and think about something that you could do for someone else to keep paying that good fortune forward. Your quick wit and warm charm won’t go unnoticed. Fiery Mars will move into your sign starting on the 22nd, making the setting of home uncharacteristically enticing and stimulating… Is there something, or someone, back home that you might perhaps want to pay a visit to? Who says the familiar has to be boring? ;)

Libra (September 24 – October 23)

Take a breath, Libra. Fall can be a whirlwind, and you might still be jittering in the wake of your birthday celebrations last month. The Sun will pass through Scorpio, your house of stability, on the 21st. This means that the upcoming break is the perfect time to regroup and refocus on any goals you want to achieve before the end of the year. If you feel like there’s some emotional angst cramping your productivity flow, release some energy by jamming out to a hit song from your high school days, or go to Foss on your way home from the library and let out one of those famous PRIMAL SCREAMS. You’ve got this, Libra.


Jessica Mason can be reached at 

Brighten Kaufman can be reached at 

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