I must steadfastly refute Mr. Rosetti’s claims that the hot dog is a sandwich. First of all, his definition of sandwich is flawed. While two seperate pieces of bread are not required to form a sandwich, the placement of the bread – on top and bottom- is what constitutes a sandwich. It is this distinction that allows a subway sandwich to be a sandwich, despite the fact that it lacks two distinct pieces of bread.

This brings me to my second issue with Mr. Rosetti’s argument: a lobster roll is not a sandwich. It is a roll. Rolls differ from sandwiches regarding bread placement. While a sandwich has bread on the top and bottom, a roll has bread on the left and right sides. If it were a sandwich, it would be called a lobster sandwich, but it’s not called a lobster sandwich, is it?
The lobster roll also brings into question Mr. Rosetti’s definition of “bread.” Most would argue that a roll is not made from simple bread, but bread in bun form. If we do not draw a distinction between typical bread and bun, then couldn’t any meat placed between two forms of bread be a sandwich? A burger consists of ground meat in between top and bottom “bread,” but it is certainly not a sandwich.
In conclusion, a hot dog is not a sandwich. It is a piece of meat sometimes placed on a bun. If Mr. Rosetti insists on classifying a hot dog as something other than simply that, the closest food family would be rolls.


  1. Bob

    A factually supported and ultimately irrefutable conclusion. Well done Ms. Hussey. I’m confident Mr. Rosetti will think twice…no thrice…before uttering his cockamamie-flat-earth-sandwich theories in public again. The sandwich world needed a hero and her name is Hussey. We mortals salute you. ;-)

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