Dear Readers,

My OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT ROTH, the giant one-paragraph blob which ran in print last Friday and online the Monday before, is not the multi-paragraphed letter this contributing writer had submitted for publication. When the blob failed to appear in print last Tuesday I counted my blessings: better a non-appearance than a grotesque one. Then, two days later I received an email from the Argus: my letter had failed to appear in print on Tuesdaybecause there wasn’t room enough, but I was assured it would run on Friday. My post-haste reply: “puhLEEZE” run my multi-paragraphed submission. I also said in effect that running in print the “regrettable (online) error” would be adding insult to injury. No sooner said than done: add one insult to injury. “The Argus is kissing us off. They must think muses grow on trees.” “My muse, I’m sure there’s a perfectly logical explanation, some computer glitch…” “You battered housewife.” “You footloose fish wife.” “Fish wife!” Dear readers, my muse and I bid you adieu.


  1. zikka

    how to write an openly gay letter to argus 1) write as if you are imitating james joyce 2) leave out the paragraphs

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