You can spot Cameron Hicks ’17 on the tennis courts in a heartbeat if you look for wild, unforgiving volleys or his camouflage arm sleeve. A senior from Oakland, CA, Hicks has seen his fair share of roller coaster seasons since he first came to Wes as one of four male recruits. The team went 13-6 last spring as Hicks bounced around the lineup, playing both singles and doubles with former captain Zacko Brint ’16. The team has been on the upswing since Hicks and his fellow classmates arrived. With one season left, the fierce competitor is now even more eager for some upsets and titles. The Argus sat down with Hicks for a quick chat about the upcoming season and more.

Argus: So, you’re officially an ancient man on this campus! What has changed most for you since freshman year?
Hicks: For me, what has changed the most is the age of the team. Because my freshman class was the first class recruited by Coach Fried, we have always had the feel of a young team. I think that’s a lot different this year, and almost everyone now has a level of maturity towards the sport that wasn’t necessarily always there.

A: What was your best memory from being a little freshie way back when?
H: My best memory from my freshman year was beating Bates, because it had been a revenge match from the year before, and my match ended with my opponent getting pegged.

A: That’s one way to close out a match. Speaking of NESCAC foes, what does this season mean to you and your fellow seniors?
H: I know that I want to make my mark on the Wesleyan tennis program, and I think that all four of us are looking to make as much noise on the national scene as we can in order to continue to build a dynasty within the program.

A: Any particular individual or team goals, besides continuing to solidify the stellar dynasty you all have going?
H: I want to close out my last year strong and be the best player I possibly can be. I don’t want to speak for anybody else, but a national championship would be a hell of a going away prize.

A: A lot of the action takes place in the spring season, so fall ends up being such a short intensive season. What are the perks and downfalls of that?
H: This year we’ve really taken the focus away from competing this fall, in order to really build for the spring and make sure that we have the best possible showing when it really counts.

A: On a lighter note, I know you like to listen to Journey to get yourself through a Tuesday middle of the day solo practice. What are some other fun habits of yours on and off the court? How about for the team?
H: Even off the court, my teammates and I spend a ton of time together. Some of us like embarrassing music, others like to cook for each other. We’ve all come to learn and love each other’s quirks.

A: The team definitely spends a lot of quality time together. I saw snap stories of Steven Chen ’18 getting stuck on some rocks during your team hike. Care to share?
H: We all had a tough hike at Sleeping Giant. Nobody is great at scaling mountains just yet.

A: That’s a deep life lesson for you. Change of pace: if you didn’t play tennis, which sport at Wes would you wanna play?
H: If I didn’t play tennis, I would definitely want to play basketball.

A: Well that makes sense, considering your height. All right, my favorite request: Explain your tattoos.
H: My first tattoo on my right shoulder blade is of the candle from “Invitation,” a poem by Shel Silverstein. I got it to remember the times my dad used to read to me when I was little. My second is on the left side of my ribcage, and is of the design from the flag of the Philippines, with a sketch of the African continent, representing my heritage.

A: Any parting words?
H: “Looking for revenge.” Drake. Shout out to the teams we lost close matches to: We’re coming for you.

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