c/o Sam Giagtzoglou
Known for revamping the WesCam website and jumpstarting its app, Sam Giagtzoglou ’16 sat down with The Argus to talk about the app introduced this year, a new app currently in the works, and post-grad plans.
The Argus: Why do you think you were nominated as a WesCeleb?
Sam Giagtzoglou: Probably because of WesCam.
A: That’s accurate. So what exactly is your role in WesCam?
SG: I basically run it, so I wrote the new version of it. I redid the entire thing this year. I wrote it from scratch and organized the other people who were part of it.
A: Why did you rewrite it?
SG: Basically because the old version didn’t have the ability to be upgraded. I wanted to make it a mobile app and with the old version I had to rethink how everything was organized in order to do that. WesCam is now a mobile app and a website.
A: So have you always been involved with WesCam?
SG: I did it last year. Justin Raymond ’14 ran it before me and asked if I wanted to do it last year and I said yes. He gave me the software program he used before that and I made a couple changes to it last year. This year I went back and redid the whole thing.
A: So are you training anyone for next year?
SG: I am not training anyone, and I don’t know what I’m going to do for next year. I’ll worry about it next year.
A: During your free time, what would you do?
SG: I do a lot of programming and work on apps. I used to be on the rowing team. I play video games, watch television, and hang out with friends.
A: So what app are you working on now?
SG: I’m working on a music app with a couple of friends. It’s like a music and party app where someone is hosting a party can get the app and set up a queue that anyone can add songs to and get played.
A: What inspired the app?
SG: At a party my house was throwing, someone asked if they could play one specific song, and that’s what kind of planted the idea that it would be cool for anyone at a party to be able to influence the playlist.
A: Are there things you know now as a senior that you wish you knew as an underclassman?
SG: Maybe how to manage your meal plan.
A: So is there anything you would change in your Wesleyan experience?
SG: I would major in Government instead of Econ. I don’t have a problem with the Econ major, but looking back I just wish I had majored in Government. I was always going to do Computer Science as a major, and I had to figure out what I wanted to do as my second major.
A: Why did you need a second major?
SG: I was very ahead of the Comp Sci major and if I didn’t pick up another major I would be doing a lot of electives. It seemed stupid not to point towards another major.
A: What has been your favorite class at Wesleyan?
SG: The game design class I’m in now. We are making a video game. It is a 3-D racing game that is multiplayer, similar to Mario Kart but with physics and aimed at children.
A: Besides programming, do you have any other hidden talents?
SG: I’m pretty good at video games. Does that count?
A: Well that’s a pretty good talent. Any favorite video games?
SG: I’m currently playing a lot of Rocket League with my friends, so I guess that’s my favorite game right now.
A: Do you have any plans for post graduation?
SG: I have a job lined up. I’m going to be a software engineer on the consumer website team at Amazon. I interned there last summer on the Instant Video team, and when I start in the fall I’ll be on a division of the consumer website, so Amazon.com itself.
A: Lastly, as the creator of WesCam, do you also use it?
SG: I use it a little, but to a certain extent, the magic and fun of it is ruined because I know how it works. Because I know what happens whenever you do an action on the site, it’s not very appealing for me to use it all that much. But yes, I do use it.