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c/o wesleyan.edu

Peter Gottschalk, Professor of Religion and Professor of Science in Society, has been named the new director of the Center of Faculty Career Development. His term lasts for three years and starts on July 1, when he will replace Jan Naegele.

The Center for Faculty Career Development aims to strengthen faculty career development through grants, workshops, seminars, publications, and formal and informal discussions.

“At Wesleyan, we continue to bring faculty members together to foster a sharing of ideas,” the website for the Center for Faculty Career Development reads.

The Center was created in 2002, when the University, along with Oberlin College, Amherst College, Grinnell College, Pomona College, Reed College, Smith College, and Williams College received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to strengthen faculty development.

The Center also pushes for associating University faculty members with those at other academic institutions.

Other workshops coming up aimed at faculty members include Becoming More Visible Online and a Women in Science Lecture by Carol Mason of Columbia University.

Gottschalk earned his B.A. at the College of the Holy Cross, his M.A. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. He has co-edited one volume, co-authored a volume with a University student, and authored three monographs. His work has also been published in The Los Angeles Times, among other websites.

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