Do you ever feel like your points are able to buy you less and less each year? Well, there’s a reason for that. Since the academic year of 2012-2013, the number of points allocated for each meal plan has not been increased. Thus, as inflation drives up the cost of all products on campus, the amount of points holds less value every year. This means that while the administration has not actively reduced the number of points for each meal plan, we have been hemorrhaging purchasing power as each point is worth less.  To resolve this issue that impacts all of us, the “Foster Affordable, Reasonable, and Equitable (FARE) Eating Act” will redirect a portion of the increase in the Residential Comprehensive Fee to students’ purchasing power, increasing the number of points to adjust for inflation since the last increase.

What the FARE Eating Act does is ensure that students’ purchasing power will be maintained year to year. Going forward, the amount of points students receive will be tied to inflation. This means that the value of each point will remain consistent and never decrease in purchasing value as the price of goods increase. Adding to the good news is the fact that the FARE Eating Act will not increase the Residential Comprehensive Fee more than it would have anyway.  Each year the Board of Trustees increases the Residential Comprehensive Fee by about 3.5%.  Through this, we are maintaining students’ purchasing power without placing an extra burden on students.  The FARE Eating Act means those points will not feel like someone just picked some loose change from your pocket.

Discussion on this resolution will happen in the WSA Senate Meeting on Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016 at 11:30AM in 41 Wyllys, Room 114. We invite all community members to come and voice their opinions on this matter and ask questions.

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