Remembering Freddy Cruz

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Just before winter break, the University community lost a dedicated and special man. Freddy Cruz passed away on Dec. 15, 2015 following a serious illness. Best known as the personality behind the cash register at Usdan Late Night, Freddie brought his good spirits and culinary flair to various areas of Bon Appetit dining over the decade he spent at the University. Cruz will be remembered as a friend who brought his whole self to the University every day, forming tight bonds with his co-workers and Late Night regulars.

When he wasn’t at the University, Cruz could be found with friends and family all across the country. An avid traveler, Cruz spent all school breaks relaxing in locales from Florida to New York to the Caribbean.

In an Argus profile published in 2013, Cruz reflected on the invisible benefits of his life at the University. He remembered helping a student find bananas one night at the Marketplace.

“This happened yesterday, and when she came in today, she thanked me,” he said. “That’s rewarding. You do the little things for them, and they appreciate it. That’s why I like doing it.”

The Argus collected stories from members of the Wesleyan community who wished to commemorate Cruz and his time spent on campus.


Ryan Robbins

“Whenever I think of [Freddy] (which is all the time) I can’t stop smiling. Freddy and I had some of the most amazing times together. I would visit [Freddy] usually 2-3 times a week for the last 2 months leading up to his passing. Some people couldn’t handle what they might see, others never bothered to even take a few minutes or an hour of their time to visit a co-worker. That’s their business and problem, but I’m sitting here happy I spent all the time I could with him…joking, laughing, with my kids and wife, crying…. I’ll always remember [Freddy] for the time we didn’t plan anything and just drove to Virginia Beach for a week. We would call out sick from work while we were on the beach drinking. Freddy, being one of my groomsmen in my wedding. All his huge family parties playing beer pong! Freddy taking pictures holding my kids from when they were born to a week before the Lord took him home. Doing catering bartender and seeing him ‘in paradise’ as he always called working at Wesleyan. The times are hard but bittersweet when my 3-year-old daughter will go through my pictures on my phone and see [Freddy] and I and she would say…‘[Freddy] isn’t sick anymore, he’s in heaven with Jesus!’ Til we meet again [Freddy]. I love and miss you bro! Love always, Pizza Cook Ryan!”

Jennifer Baars 

“Freddy Cruz, such a great guy with a huge heart. I first met him in the beginning of September in 2013 when I started working for Bon Appetit. It was my first late night shift and immediately I knew working with him was going to bring some interesting nights. My first semester was a roller coaster ride with our relationship. He didn’t like much change and I was a new manager trying to make things work the way I wanted. We got into an argument a few weeks before Christmas break and quit talking to each other. As an apology he bought me a shirt. Not just any shirt though. One of my favorite shows is ‘The Big Bang Theory’ and this shirt had Sheldon saying one of his favorite lines. Ever since [then,] we got so much closer. Over the next couple of years we picked on each other during our shifts together and were even told we acted like an old married couple. He joked about stealing me away from my husband and us running away to Florida together where he would take his vacations to. Once he and I got used to each other and accepted things about each other, I really enjoyed working with him. I know he’s gone and is no longer in pain like he was the last few months he was still with us, but I really miss him a lot. Tonight as I was walking through the [Usdan] dining area, I could hear him calling ‘JENNY BOOM BOOM’ like he did whether it be just to say hi or to ask a question. It will never be the same, we will never be the same after losing such a wonderful man, but I am very happy I had the chance to know him. I love you, Freddy!”

Mary Robbins 

“I had the pleasure of working right alongside with Freddy our late night cashier [five] days a week for the last [seven] years. I knew Freddy as a little girl when he used to work with my mother driving school [buses] and was reacquainted again when I started working at Wesleyan in 2006. We grew very close and even had Freddy in my wedding. My husband Ryan also works for Bon Appetit leaving all of us very close. I loved working right alongside him. There was never a dull moment with him. He could always make me laugh. I always admired how he was with the students. Their faces would light up as they would come up the stairs and see his face. They would share their day, weekend or whatever was on their mind. They trusted him, they loved him. He practically knew what you would order and have it rung up before you could give your order. He was known for giving people nicknames especially when it came to food, for example Mr. Tuna Melt and Norm. He was always working and called every day ‘another day in paradise’ as his Facebook posts always read. He truly loved his job and, most of all, the students. He would try his best to attend basketball games, plays, performances when he could.
And when Freddy was not at Wesleyan, he was a family man thru and thru. He had monthly get togethers with his family where they would have a Sunday dinner with a different food theme. And every November, he took a huge family vacation to all different places. Freddy loved traveling and his favorite place was Florida. He loved to get in his BMW and just drive. Freddy will always be remembered by everyone as a kind, loving man that would give the shirt off his back to help you in any way he could. He lived his life to [its] fullest and I was honored to spend his final days visiting at every chance I had laughing, crying, and savoring every moment not knowing when it would be his last.
It was an honor to know him, he served our country, and went on to serving the people he met from day to day.”

Austin Tamaddon ’16 

“Every single thing Freddy did was kind. He cared about those he loved more than he would ever care about himself. He was willing to take any steps necessary to get a smile from someone, and it wasn’t hard for him to do so. He helped me through some of the hardest trials of my college career and supported me when I was unsure in myself. We spent many nights together talking and laughing the night away, and as a result I was lucky enough to witness his limitless compassion day after day. I am just one of the many people who smiled every time we saw him, and I know that all our hearts go out to his dear friends and family who cherished him all the more. You will never be forgotten, Freddy.”

Zacko Brint ’16 

“I would say that Freddy like so many members of the Usdan staff provided me and the entire Wesleyan community a sense of being home. I remember several occasions when Freddy’s energy after 10 hours of work was boundless and it definitely affected me in a positive way. His smile late at night always provided a source of happiness and I think I speak for all students when I say that he will definitely be missed by the Wesleyan community.”

Courtney Laermer ’17 

“I met Freddy one night when I accompanied my boyfriend—or as Freddy called him, ‘Norm’—to late night. I remember vividly as we walked up the Usdan stairs, Freddy played the Cheers theme song as his way of greeting us. While a part of me was certainly confused at the song selection (later I learned the nickname allowing me to make the connection), another part of me couldn’t stop laughing at his silliness. Whenever I saw Freddy, he had a big smile on his face. He was the kind of guy who was always willing to chat about anything; it was pretty remarkable how much fun I would have just ordering some fries at late night. Freddy, you’re a great guy, and will be truly missed by the Wesleyan community.”


  1. Joel L Harrell Sr

    Like people said, Freddie Cruz was a very people person. If you didn’t get to meet or know him, you missed a lot! My Brother in law was a family oriented & working guru! When ever there was a party he always wanted to cook himself. Don’t worry about bringing nothing to the party just help out with the refreshments. The only regret that i have was that i never got to vacation with him! I know that your in paradise vacationing with God & your family also friends that you lost. Until we cross paths again Freddie….R.I.P.! YOU ARE TRULY MISSED BY US ALL! LOVE YOU BIG GUY!

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