On Wednesday, October 14, Wesleyan Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) displayed a banner in Usdan that read “Occupation Breeds Violence, Free Palestine.” While hanging the banner, we read a statement that included the names of all known people killed in Israel and Palestine as a result of recent violence, as of midday on October 14, since the beginning of October. We acknowledge that our banner unaccompanied by our statement could have been interpreted as provocation without explanation. We take this opportunity to explain what we mean by “Occupation Breeds Violence, Free Palestine.”

First and foremost, we affirm that violence perpetrated against civilians is inexcusable. Our banner neither condones nor justifies acts of violence by Palestinians against Israelis. Rather, we emphasize that cycles of violence in Israel and Palestine must be considered within historical, political context and physical reality.

SJP not only condemns terror, we go further by condemning the primary engine of the “recent surge in violence”: Israel’s illegal military occupation of the West Bank. Many of the recent Palestinian attacks upon Israelis are terrorist attacks. So too is the “horrific routine” (B’Tselem) that is Israel’s illegal occupation. Since 1967, Israel has violated international humanitarian law by relentlessly and systematically demolishing Palestinian homes and villages while extending its settler colonialism in the West Bank. Israel denies Palestinians legal equality, equal rights to property, and equal access to basic human rights such as water, electricity and medical care. Israel administers separate and unequal legal systems for settlers and Palestinians (settlers are afforded civilian status while Palestinians are subject to Israeli martial law). Israel grants settlements extensive tracts of land within the West Bank, and settlers (Israeli citizens or Jews) freedom of movement and protection within them. Palestinians are forbidden access except by special permit and their movement is greatly restricted by military checkpoints. Talal Jabari relates: “No Palestinian under 50 living in the West Bank, and to an extent the Gaza Strip, has known a day of freedom in his or her entire life.” While daily life for many Israelis is insecure and vulnerable, the constant reality for Palestinians living under occupation is vulnerability entrenched by state-sanctioned violence. Noam Sheizaf attests: “The ‘Israeli-Palestinian conflict,’ most of the time, exists for one side and one side only.” Jabari continues to tell us: “Averaged out, Israel has killed over 10 Palestinians per week over the past 15 years, according to statistics compiled by B’Tselem.” Even our own Secretary of State conveys the causality of the violence. The Institute for Middle East Understanding reports that on Tuesday, October 13, John Kerry noted during a speec h at Harvard University that “There’s been a massive increase in [Israeli] settlements over the course of the last years. Now you have this violence because there’s a frustration that’s growing.”

Despite this, on Friday, Wesleyan United with Israel displayed a banner across the room that read “Condemn Terror, Support Peace not Incitement, Wes United with Israel.” This is a contradiction. Uniting with Israel means supporting the incitement of terror and actively obstructing peace. The word “terrorist” is frequently invoked to brand, reduce and dehumanize Palestinians (and Muslims more generally) and rarely to implicate Israelis or the Israeli regime. For the most part, terrorism is discussed from a state-centric perspective: being perpetrated against the state, not by it. Noam Sheizaf reminds us that “the occupation is the ultimate terrorist infrastructure.” Peace, moreover, is a concept often invoked by the powerful and wielded against the powerless to suppress resistance. Israel’s expansion of settlements demonstrates that the government has no intention to acknowledge Palestinians’ rights to their territory. The Israeli government refuses to take any responsibility for its role in recent violence, instead declaring that it must be quelled with whatever force necessary. Rather than confronting the occupation, Israel strengthens it. Palestinians have issued civil calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), a powerful non-violent tactic, since 2005. The same people who are quick to reduce the current violence to terrorism in a vacuum are quick to condemn the BDS movement. There is terrifyingly limited support for Palestinian tactics of nonviolent resistance. In desperation, many Palestinians see no alternatives to resist state-sanctioned violence against their bodies. We cannot expect peace to be born out of forcible oppression.

Let us at Wesleyan be mindful of the intersectionality of systems of oppression. One thousand students marched in last year’s Black Lives Matter march. A great deal of us consider ourselves feminists, queer, anti-imperialists and anti-white supremacists. We cannot continue to ignore the intersections between such movements and Palestinian Liberation. Many activists around the country and around the world have rallied to the call for standing in solidarity for justice in Palestine. This past summer, over 1,100 Black activists, artists, scholars, students and organizations (including Angela Davis, Cornel West, and the Dream Defenders) signed a statement of solidarity with Palestine, stating “it is to Palestinians, as well as the Israeli and U.S. governments, that we declare our commitment to working through cultural, economic, and political means to ensure Palestinian liberation at the same time as we work towards our own.” (2015 Black Solidarity Statement With Palestine) . Those of us who are U.S. citizens cannot claim neutrality. The U.S. government funds Israel’s occupation with three billion dollars of our tax dollars annually. Now is the time for us to confront our complicity in the constant violence, displacement and dehumanization of Palestinians. If not now, when? If not us, who?

Wesleyan Students for Justice in Palestine


  1. Anonymous

    “On Wednesday, October 14, Wesleyan Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) displayed a banner in Usdan that read “Occupation Breeds Violence, Free Palestine.”

    No, no, no…Islam breeds violence.

    What is happening TO Israel is no different than what is happening to the Hindus in Kashmir, the Animists in Sudan, the Christians in Nigeria, the Bahias of Iran, the women throughout the Muslim world, to the Chinese in NW China, to the Russians in southern Russia, the Shi’ites to the Kurds and Sunnis and the Kurds and Sunnis to the Shi’ites, to the Buddhists of southern Thailand.

    The only common denominator is Islam.

    • BigSticksWalkSoftly

      well if we are going to play the islamophobic bigot racist card then…..
      don’t forget to acknowledge that Christian Europe holds the world record for the most violent, destructive, and death-filled eras and regimes (i.e world war 1 and 2)…. lest not forget the colonialism and slavery that was justified via a white man’s burden to spread Christianity to savages….
      Only unconditional Israeli defenders of apartheid worship continuing a racist occupation regime.

      • Anonymous

        What you are playing at is lying.
        I am not defending Christian Europe’s track record as we all know it is not worth defending. But what I will correct is that Christian Europe looks like a saintly place when compared to Islam.
        We can start by acknowledging reality which is that slavery is part of man’s history and then break it down from there. Europeans were active slavers but they did not compare to what Muslims did and are still doing. First of all Islam embraces slavery and Mohammed (unlike Jesus) enslaved and had many slaves. Many of his women slaves he used for sex for himself and his men and this is chronicled in the Hadiths. Saudi Arabia changed their laws on slavery in the 1960s. Up until that time slavery was legal is SA. Today it is still widely practiced in SA even if it is called something else.
        In Qatar 2,000 indentured servants (slaves) have died building the Olympic edifices. In the Muslim nations of Niger and Mauritania slavery is still legal and widely practiced. Islamic splinter groups regularly kidnap and enslave Christian, Hindu, Animist children. Etc…
        No people have been more consistently ruthless and cruel than Muslims and this includes Europeans.
        Muslims have killed 70 million Hindus in their centuries long conquest of southern Asia. Islam, a young religion, has spread through brute force to span half the globe. In its wake it has left hundreds of millions dead. The most recent genocides have mostly been done by Muslims. All the other recent genocides have been committed by madmen who claim no religion.
        The Armenian genociide was committed by Muslims in and around 1915 and left 1.5 million Armenians dead. The Sudanese genocide was committed during the last few decades and has left 500,000 dead and millions of refugees still living in camps. The Syrian genocide has left 250,000 dead and created 3 million refugees. The Bangladesh genocide (1973) left 1.5 million dead and created millions of refugees.
        Every one of these genocides was committed in the name of Allah.
        Now Muslims are calling for the annihilation (genocide) of the Jews of Israel. Muslims have destroyed and/or are destroying the Copts of Alexandria, the Chaldeans of Mosul, the Assyrians, the Kurds, etc…
        Don’t let your made up facts confuse you. They certainly do not confuse me,

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Man your israeli hasbara handlers sure provided you with a bunch of worthless BS for you to cut and paste….unfortunately America is catching up fast with the rest of the world and is realizing how much of a racist terror state Israel has turned into, all the while keeping up its fleecing of the Americans in terms of tax money and soldiers to do its dirty work.

      • Anonymous

        Since you cannot refute the facts you lower yourself to accusing me of doing things that are untrue. You lower the debate down to your level a low level indeed.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        G O O G L E (Christian Palestinians,george Habash, history of Bethlehem and Ramallah, the multi-cultural history of Palestine, St George/Abu Khader) and cross-checking credible resources….
        Something that is allergic and adverse to Israeli-firsters it seems

      • Anonymous

        What BSWS won’t tell you…

        Wherever Islam is practiced minority religions are slowly destroyed. This is why formerly diverse countries like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Somalia are now either 100% Muslim or (at the minimum) 95%+ Muslim.

        But in Israel the Muslim demographic and the Christian demographic and the Bahai demographic are all growing.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Keep going
        I just left to grab my popcorn but your islamophobic bigoted tirade is always so entertaining despite its lack of substance (even for a bigoted statement it is lacking yes)

      • Anonymous

        John Wesley on Islam

        “Ever since the religion of Islam appeared in the world, the espousers of it…have been as wolves and tigers to all other nations, rending and tearing all that fell into their merciless paws, and grinding them with their iron teeth; that numberless cities are raised from the foundation, and only their name remaining; that many countries, which were once as the garden of God, are now a desolate wilderness; and that so many once numerous and powerful nations are vanished from the earth! Such was, and is at this day, the rage, the fury, the revenge, of these destroyers of human kind.”

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Do you have a full collection of anti-islamic and anti-palestinianism books?
        I hope mommy is not mad that you have spent all of your lunch money on hasbara propaganda

      • Anonymous

        This is for you, Bigboy.

        “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

        ― Mark Twain

      • Anonymous

        “But many Palestinians aren’t even muslim”
        And that proves exactly what?

        In the Antebellum Confederacy (in the US), most “Southerners” were not slave holders. Does that exempt ‘all’ Southerners from Slave ownership?

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        That proves this isn’t a religious conflict
        As much as right wing israeli and Americans what to make it to be
        Palestinians are more diverse and non homogenous then what you have been led to believe
        Face it
        Israelis have lied to and stolen from and led to the destruction of many american and palestinian lives

      • Anonymous

        And exactly how does this prove it isn’t Religious?

        The fact that most Southerners were not slave holders did not prove that the American Civil War wasn’t about slavery.

        Your assertion is an ambiguous one to say the least.

        “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians,
        Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we
        speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab
        national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct
        ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.”

        ~~~~~~~ “Palestinian” politician Zuheir Mohsen 1977 ~~~~~~~~

        “For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with
        defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a
        Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and
        Jersusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of
        Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.
        There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians,
        Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for
        political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity…
        yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only
        tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in
        the continuing battle against Israel.”

        ~~~~~~ ““Palestinian” politician Zuheir Mohsen 1977 ~~~~~~~

        You can look up Zuheir Mohsen at Wikipedia

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        So is this Israeli zionist jews against who?
        The Christian Palestinians?
        The Druze Palestinians?
        the agnostic or atheist Palestinians?
        The dome of The Rock in Jerusalem is more a national symbol of Palestine than it is a religious symbol for Palestinians.
        Only right wing Israeli jewish, mainstream american media, and al qaeda believe this is all about religion.
        grow up and learn the truth
        Palestinians have a right to full civil and human rights
        Remember the Hussein-McMahon correspondence
        Remember that the Balfour agreement stipulated that no prejudice will be committed against the native Arab Palestinians
        Remember that the Peel commission recommended a JUST division of the land
        Remember that Israeli recognition of the UN was contingent on the establishment of a seperate Palestinian state.
        Your ignorant belief this is a religious cosmic war couldnt be further from the truth
        As Reza Aslan has highlighted in his book, there is no point in participating in a religious based war because the zealots (zionist jews and muslim extremists) are not driven by facts and respect, only by blinding faith.
        Palestinians are multi cultural and multi religious
        Americans arent stupid
        Israel is a racist lying apartheid state built on ethnic cleansing
        Whoopi Goldberg is not a semite and has no right to steal Palestinian land just because she is Jewish
        American first
        Not Israel

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        your ignorance and lack of knowledge is typical not only of the average American but also the average American congress person.
        Not knowing the diversity in religion and culture that makes up Palestinian culture has led to Americans being dragged into endless wars on behalf of Israel.
        Your yawning is probably a gag reflex when you are confronted with the truth.
        And the truth is you need to stay out of adult conversations if you aren’t contributing anything meaningful and you are too immature too understand that the illegal occupation and despicable ethnic cleansing and apartheid system (and a whole list of human and civil rights violations) that Isrealians commit in the good name of world Jewry and Americans will not be done in my name.
        Not in my name
        Americans deserve better
        Palestinians deserve better
        Isreal is a racist terror state built on misinformation, lies, violence, and bullying

      • Anonymous

        Like I said, you’re invincibly ignorant.
        You cannot refute anything that undermines your stupid position and you keep repeating the same inane BS over and over.

        You cannot change reality by denying it. If you had any facts instead of stupid leftist agitprop, you might be wort debating. Instead you put your figurative fingers in your ears and chant nonsense . Until you acknowledge reality you’re not worth wasting time on.

        Until that time, (((YAWN)))

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        The facts remain.
        Israel is a 1st world country still getting US welfare money.
        Whereas Palestinians have no army no tanks to jets no subs no nukes nothing.
        Palestinians are indigenous to the holy land.
        Not fake armed illegal immigrant land thief colonial settler baby destroyers and mass murderers like deir Yassin
        Kafr qassam khan younis massacres and sabra shatila kibya and the shmuck ethnic cleansing of over 420 Palestinian villages in the Nakba

  2. Anonymous

    “Why is it Muslims are free to violently conquer lands
    anywhere and everywhere without a word of protest from American Muslims, or any
    Muslims or any liberals?

    But if Jews have a legally established homeland Muslims and
    Liberals and their ilk will never stop protesting against it? Why is this do
    you suppose? What explanation can be given other than as the Qur’an states
    repeatedly that Islam’s goal is to establish a worldwide caliphate in which all
    non-Muslims are subjugated.

    For instance, Mohammed was born around 571 AD thousands and
    thousands of years after Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism existed. But within a
    few centuries of Mohammed’s birth Islam had violently conquered vast sections
    of Asia, all of North Africa and smaller sections of Southern Europe.

    Now Muslims tell us that all this land belongs to them even
    though, for instance, in Afghanistan they killed every last Buddhist who once
    lived there. According to Muslim logic per Israel shouldn’t this land belong to
    the Buddhists?

    Or in North Africa all the Berbers have been forcibly
    converted to Islam or have been killed and now we’re told all this vast
    landmass belongs to Islam. That’s interesting, if not completely hypocritical.

    And what about Southern Thailand. Did anyone know that in
    the last several years something like 5,000 Buddhists have been killed by
    Muslims because, or so we’re told, the land the Buddhists are on belongs to

    And Southern Russia? Muslims are relentlessly waging a slow
    reign of terror in Russia because, you guessed it, Russians are treating
    Muslims poorly and they should give up the Southern section of that country to
    Muslims since Islam deserves all lands.

    Or, let’s take Sudan as another example. How many millions
    have been killed in Sudan? How many babies and children have starved in Sudan
    while Islamists steal the food from aid compounds? How many women have Muslims
    gang-raped in Sudan all because that land belongs to Muslims and only Muslims.
    All other people can go somewhere else to live, I guess. They can go to South
    Sudan, but wait a minute, now Muslims are killing the people of South Sudan

    And Kashmir? The same. Despite Hindus having lived there for
    3,000 years – something like 2,000+ years before Mohammed was born – Muslims
    tell us Kashmir belongs to them. Amazing logic isn’t it? Muslim logic, I guess.

    And that brings us to Israel. Israel also belongs to Islam
    too. Did you know that? It’s true. Just ask a Muslim or a liberal if you
    prefer. Even though it’s no bigger than a small pimple on the caliphate’s ass
    it is still their land and they will fight to the death to prove their point.

    Doesn’t the logic here make a lot of sense. Isn’t it as
    clear as day? Of course it does. The world belongs to Islam and we’re mere
    players on their stage.

    • BigSticksWalkSoftly

      I guess living in mommy’s urine-infested basement would not allow you to realize that almost 15% of world Palestinians are Christian.
      Christians are not Muslims dude.
      BTW there are also Palestinians that are not religious, as in they are more secular (gasp), and there are also Druze Palestinians, and African Jerusalemite Palestinians, and Bedouin Palestinians…..heck there were even Jewish Palestinians before the Zionists screwed everything up with the whole ethnic cleansing/genocide thing during the Nakba.
      It is time to move out of mommy’s house

      • Anonymous

        15% are Christians? Not even. Try 5% are Christians.
        What is more is that the Christian demographic is fast shrinking just as is happening throughout the Muslim world. If you want real ethnic cleansing study what Muslims do to infidels once the Muslims have conquered a territory.
        For instance:
        Saudi Arabia is 100% Muslim. No non-Muslim citizens. Once home to Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians.
        Afghanistan is 100% Muslim. No non-Muslim citizens. Once home to a flourishing Buddhist civilization. Now the Muslims are destroying what is left of the Buddhist statues and relics.
        Pakistan is 97% Muslim. Once home to a huge Hindu and Buddhist civilization. Now the few remaining Hindus live in hiding.
        Turkey is 99% Muslim. Once the second most important seat in the Christian religion second only to Rome. Now all the Christians are gone and the Muslims are now attacking the Kurds instead.
        North Africa is almost all Muslim today. The Berbers, Animists, Christians and Jews have all been ethnically cleansed.
        And now you support Muslims in their efforts to destroy the Jews of Judea and Samaria. If you were in charge diversity would look a lot like Saudi Arabia.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Yes 5% CHRISTIANS left in the holy land (mainly due to Ottoman,ZIONIST,Israeli Persecution)…..
        I stated worldwide Palestinian Christians kid so learn how to read…..you sound like Ted Cruz getting booed off the stage in front of a convention of Arab Christians who realized how much of a fraud he was for unconditionally supporting Israel while belittling their concerns of Israeli civil and human rights violations against ArabPalestinian Christians

      • gmonsen

        Not sure whether you are an idiot student or an idiot visitor. A real shame if idiots like you can attend Wesleyan. Used to be a good school. Babbling on about Zionism. You sound more like a fascist than a Democrat.

        There’s this big emigration problem in Europe as all the Christians and non-fundamentalist Muslims run like hell to get out of the middle east or be killed. Millions of emigrants. The ethnic and religious cleansing has been going on for years and just gets worse as our policy of leaving everyone alone to play nice unravels decades of effort to control and contain Arab militancy.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Your name calling is noted.
        Obviously you don’t know what fascism is considering the ethnocracy that you seem to unconditionally support in the racist land stealing state of israel.
        Did you forget the roots of zionism and national socialism movements of Europe ….
        Israel has more in common with 1930s Germany with it’s treatment of the Palestinians including IDs and licenses based on ethnicity, Israeli-jewish only schools and roads, restrictions on movement, not to mention the death, destruction , and forced expulsions.
        You can continue to feed yourself hasbara lies or delude yourself with how little you know or you can actually find out the truth of how Israel has treated Palestinians all these years with the unwitting help of US taxpayers

      • gmonsen

        Name calling? Calling a spade a spade is a righteous exercise in wisdom.

        I notice that you comment a lot and sound like a broken record. Arab leaders hired every Nazi war criminal and scientist they could lay their hands on. The Bath party was neo-Nazi. And, it is Palestine that looks like Germany in the 20’s today. They have been in the great middle east depression for decades and survive solely on the welfare of the other Arab states. Poverty has fed the beast of Islamic militancy in just the same way as poverty fed the Nazi beast.

        Silly comparisons of having ID cards with ethnicity on them with the Nazis doesn’t work. The Nazis had no one to fear. They were to be feared. The Israelis have the Palestinians to fear and quite rightly want every clue they can get. And, the death and destruction is clearly caused by the Palestinians. Don’t piss on my leg and try to tell me its raining, you idiot.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Nothing you say is true.
        Palestinians have a right to full civil and human rights free from racist israeli propaganda.
        Remember Haavara agreements? And all the ZIONIST incitement

      • gmonsen

        When will the Palestinians pull the cartoon booklets showing Arab children how to stab a Jew? When will Arab children be given an education other than the Kuran? Now, there’s racist propaganda for you. You are boring and tiresome and playing in a sandbox with college age children. Perhaps some of them would be a better dance partner for someone like yourself?

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Maybe when israeli extremists admit they are land thief liars bent using every excuse in the world to get away with using overwhelming violence against a mostly unarmed civilian population perpetuating a refugee crisis of over 66 years, and thrive off of anti-semitism to justify this atrocity?
        Maybe then Id assume
        Maybe when they denounce Meir kehane and the Irgun and attempts to demolish the dome of the rock, and stop having racist football teams like beitar Jerusalem and acknowledge the deir Yassin and sabra and shatila and kafr qassam and khan younis and broken bones policy and mowing the Lawn policy and
        Maybe when israeli legislators stop calling for the elimination of palestinian women and calling them snakes
        Maybe when Palestinians have full civil and human rights.
        Maybe when Israeli households aren’t making 20x more money
        Or using up Palestinian drinking water and farmland water to be diverted to illegal Isrseli-settlement swimming pools

      • gmonsen

        Lots more talking points… Lots more of nothing but whining. If you are leading some Palestinian intellectual charge to convert people to your point of view, you just don’t have whatever it would take to accomplish that. You are child and think childish things.

        Whining is not a winning strategy. Oh, and as to somebody making 20 times more than they do. Great. I make 20 times what many make here and am really happy about that. I’m sure the Israelis are happy they are not living in religious squalor.

      • FlameCCT

        Perhaps you can name any Muslim country that accepts Palestinian Arabs as citizens, allows them to participate in the government, etc.?

        BTW: There are no Muslim countries that accept Palestinian Arabs as citizens nor provide and civil/human rights, let alone full rights.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Why would they be responsible for Israeli aggression and human rights violations?
        Why would they contribute to impeding on the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees?
        But you know what…the queen of Jordan is Palestinian, the presidents of El Salvador and Guatemala have been palestinian, and dj Khaled is Palestinian
        So yes there have been many countries where Palestinians have been welcomed.
        And then there are the millions of refugees that are stateless and are not welcome and also don’t want to relinquish their rights to return to their farms and business

      • FlameCCT

        I would note that it was Syria, Jordan, and Egypt that moved the Palestinian Arabs out of their territory in order to attack Israel. I would further note that Jordan and Egypt were the occupiers of the West Bank, Golan Heights, and Gaza until their failed attempt to remove Israel, which also happens to be the same time that Israel gained control of those areas. Finally, Jordan and Egypt refused to take back control of the West Bank and Gaza, leaving them to the Israelis.

        IOW, it was the surrounding Arab countries that created the millions of refugees and refused to assist their fellow Arabs after they lost several wars.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Blame the Arab countries for Israel’s aggressions and mess
        Typical hasbara propaganda filled by non-facts
        The facts remain
        Israel started wars in 1948 1956 1967 1982 1988 2000 2006 2009 2012 2014 20??

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Nothing you say is true.
        Palestinians have a right to full civil and human rights free from racist israeli propaganda.
        Remember Haavara agreements? And all the ZIONIST incitement during when Palestinians were all labeled enemy combatants in their own land?

  3. Anonymous

    “Why is it Muslims are free to violently conquer lands
    anywhere and everywhere without a word of protest from American Muslims, or any
    Muslims or any liberals?

    But if Jews have a legally established homeland Muslims and
    Liberals and their ilk will never stop protesting against it? Why is this do
    you suppose? What explanation can be given other than as the Qur’an states
    repeatedly that Islam’s goal is to establish a worldwide caliphate in which all
    non-Muslims are subjugated.

    For instance, Mohammed was born around 571 AD thousands and
    thousands of years after Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism existed. But within a
    few centuries of Mohammed’s birth Islam had violently conquered vast sections
    of Asia, all of North Africa and smaller sections of Southern Europe.

    Now Muslims tell us that all this land belongs to them even
    though, for instance, in Afghanistan they killed every last Buddhist who once
    lived there. According to Muslim logic per Israel shouldn’t this land belong to
    the Buddhists?

    Or in North Africa all the Berbers have been forcibly
    converted to Islam or have been killed and now we’re told all this vast
    landmass belongs to Islam. That’s interesting, if not completely hypocritical.

    And what about Southern Thailand. Did anyone know that in
    the last several years something like 5,000 Buddhists have been killed by
    Muslims because, or so we’re told, the land the Buddhists are on belongs to

    And Southern Russia? Muslims are relentlessly waging a slow
    reign of terror in Russia because, you guessed it, Russians are treating
    Muslims poorly and they should give up the Southern section of that country to
    Muslims since Islam deserves all lands.

    Or, let’s take Sudan as another example. How many millions
    have been killed in Sudan? How many babies and children have starved in Sudan
    while Islamists steal the food from aid compounds? How many women have Muslims
    gang-raped in Sudan all because that land belongs to Muslims and only Muslims.
    All other people can go somewhere else to live, I guess. They can go to South
    Sudan, but wait a minute, now Muslims are killing the people of South Sudan

    And Kashmir? The same. Despite Hindus having lived there for
    3,000 years – something like 2,000+ years before Mohammed was born – Muslims
    tell us Kashmir belongs to them. Amazing logic isn’t it? Muslim logic, I guess.

    And that brings us to Israel. Israel also belongs to Islam
    too. Did you know that? It’s true. Just ask a Muslim or a liberal if you
    prefer. Even though it’s no bigger than a small pimple on the caliphate’s ass
    it is still their land and they will fight to the death to prove their point.

    Doesn’t the logic here make a lot of sense. Isn’t it as
    clear as day? Of course it does. The world belongs to Islam and we’re mere
    players on their stage.

  4. Anonymous

    There is no “Palestine”. There might have been, but they chose war instead- time and again:

    The would-have-been “Palestinians” would have had a state IN PEACE in 1937 with the
    Peel Plan, but they violently rejected it.

    They would have had a state IN PEACE in 1939 with the MacDonald White Paper, but
    they violently rejected it (and Jews would have even been restricted from BUYING land from Arabs).

    They would have had a state IN PEACE in 1948 with UN 181, but they violently
    rejected it (and actually claimed that the UN had no such mandate!).

    They could have had a state IN PEACE in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza from 1948-1967
    without any Jews- because the Arabs had ethnically cleansed every last one; but
    they violently rejected it. In fact, that’s exactly when they established Fatah
    (1959) and the PLO (1964).

    could have had a state IN PEACE after 1967, but instead, the entire Arab world
    issued the Khartoum Resolutions:

    A. No
    peace with Israel

    B. No recognition of Israel

    C. No negotiations with Israel

    would have had a state IN PEACE in 2000 with the Oslo Accords, but they
    violently rejected it- as always.

    And as
    soon as Israel pulled every single Israeli out of Gaza, what did the
    would-have-been “Palestinians” do? They immediately started shooting thousands
    of missiles into Israeli population centers, they elected Hamas (whose official
    platform calls for jihad with no negotiations until Israel is destroyed) to
    rule them, and they have dug tunnels crossing into the Negev to kill and kidnap

    And even afterwards, Ehud Olmert made his subsequent generous offer that went far beyond
    even that of Barak. The would-have-been “Palestinians” rejected it.

    They had many chances.

    They threw them all away because destroying Israel was higher on their priority list. It still is.

    Oh well. That’s their choice.

    • BigSticksWalkSoftly

      If you look at any map of the Holy Land region, especially prior to 1948, it is clearly marked as Palestine.
      Say it with me one more time. Palestine.
      What is true is there is no such thing as Israel before 1948, and no such thing as Germany, or Italy, or even America if you go far back enough.
      Look at Roman maps and you’ll see Palestinea Syria.
      Look at Byzantine empire maps and you’ll see Palestine.
      I see no Israel. Does that mean Israelians are an invented people?
      nationality is a human construct.
      I guess they don’t teach you facts and truths in hasbara propaganda world
      If you ask any Palestinian they will gladly acknowledge they are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews/Jews.
      Not militarized European colonialists bent on spreading false information and fleecing the American taxpayers claiming to be semitic.

      • Anonymous

        Yes, the names change but the people who live there do not. Jews lived in Judea and Samaria (Israel) for 3,000 years before Islam was even created by Mohammed the enslaver.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Exactly my point.
        The people who have been there this whole time are
        P A L E S T I N I ANS.
        From Palestine.
        Not armed European immigrants

      • Honest Citizen

        the name “palestine” originates from times when JEWISH people lived their. The original “palestinians” were Jewish.
        Recently pali ARABS have usurped this historical fact.
        arabs are from arabia
        Jews are from JUDEA.
        arabs have invaded land of Judeans.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Palestinians of today claim to have Jewish heritage blood and in fact genetic studies have proven Palestinians are more related to ancient Jews and Hebrews the are the current crop of foreign colonial Israelis(especially Ashkenazi who are more related to ancient Germanic and Khazar tribes)

      • Honest Citizen

        arabs are hashemites
        Jewish people are Semites.
        arabs are thieves. they stole Jewish land and wish to claim it as their own and they want to steal Jewish history and identity as well., The world knows that arabs have not benefited civilization and arab society is a backwards 7th century ideology. Nobody cares about the pali dogs. Look what happens to them in syria, jordan, egypt. palis are the dogs of the arab world.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Hashemites are a clan who claim descendency from Mohammed and got booted out of Syria before Britain gave the Hashemite clan rights to Jordan.
        That’s like saying Israelis are all from the Rothschild which is just as obtuse ly ignorant.
        Say it with me one more time G OO G LE

      • Honest Citizen

        what has that got to do with being Hamitic?

        Fact of the matter is Jews have lived in Judea/Samaria for 3500 years.
        muslim invaders stole Jewish land. muslims hate jews and want to steal from Jews.
        Civilized society has no place for 7th century islamic barbarians.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        That’s what the Christians tried to do after 300 years during the crusades
        Look them up because the crusades are a big part of Palestine history.
        You think Zionist pulling a crusade and blaming the holocaust justified a 3500 year return?
        I don’t think so.
        Crusades were wrong and immoral then, and there is no special exemption when Zionists try to do it again.
        Palestinians have a right to live in Palestine without crusades

      • Honest Citizen

        So let me understand this.
        For thousands of years Judeo/Christians lived in Judea/Samaria.
        islam comes along and invades those lands. and now you want those lands to be islamic forever.

        The crusades were needed to allow Christians safe passage to Jerusalem. Since the muslim invaders were murdering Christians who did so.

        Today Israel is in the hands of its rightful owners. Jerusalem will remain the undivided capital.
        islam can not accept this since islam promotes wars and violence. The world is waking up to the fact that islam is a virus and incompatible with modern society.

      • Anonymous

        Don’t you think BSGooseSteps should move in with the Eskimos? He should sell his home because it’s on land conquered from the Indians. He would sleep better in the Arctic living with people who never conquered anyone or anything other than a walrus.

        Doesn’t this make sense to you too?

        Otherwise he’s just the f*gg*t hypocrite that we already know he is and will die being.

      • Anonymous

        The Muslim savages viciously conquered all of the Middle East, all of North Africa, large reions in Asia, Spain and Portugal, southern France and Sicily before the First Crusade was even declared how many millions of people did the Muslim savages kill before Christianity decided to fight back?

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Glad to see you making your islamophobic bigotry rounds it just wouldn’t be the same without you and I should pay you dividends in your help in highlighting the hate,violence and misinformation people in American have had towards Palestinians.
        Preach on hater

      • Anonymous

        You Muslims are the bigots and hatemongers who kill over cartoons, stone rape victims, throw gays off buildings, and behead aid workers.

      • Anonymous

        Yesterday, I was a mentally imbalanced psychopath
        standing on the edge of a steep cliff. Today, after reading the Koran, I have
        taken a step forward.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Nothing you say is true.
        Palestinians have a right to full civil and human rights free from racist israeli propaganda.
        Remember Haavara agreements between the Zionists and 1930s Germany? And all the ZIONIST incitement

      • Anonymous

        As we come into the United Nations, we passed the flags of all 193 member States. If you take the time to count, you will discover that there are 15 flags with a crescent and 25 flags with a cross. And then there is one flag with a Jewish Star of David. Amidst all the nations of the world there is one state – just one small nation state for the Jewish people.

        And for some neo-Nazis like BigStick, that is one too many.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        The same UN that approved of Israel you mean?
        No UN no Israel.
        No need to bite the hand that feeds your racist ZIONIST colonial project

      • Anonymous

        BS, Mark Twain’s advice was written with you in mind…
        “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

        ― Mark Twain

      • Anonymous

        You’re so easy.

        “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

        ― Mark Twain

      • Anonymous

        I think you should give up your families possessions to Indians. It’s the only fair thing to do. While we’re at it let’s everyone, Muslims and everyone else, give up everything they own to the people who originally lived on their lands.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Different times and different people….
        Although there are similarities between the plight of Native Americans (and also African Americans) and Palestinians they are not the same.
        Your logic doesn’t hold up to any scrutiny…..
        Israel hs defied numerous United Nations general and security council resolutions, hs not abided to its terms on Independence and recognition given its ill-treatment of Palestinians(which continues to this day), and Israel gets kudos of US welfare money.
        Apples and oranges comparison

      • Anonymous

        You want hypocrisy you hypocrite? Try this one on for size.

        There are two UN refugee agencies in the world: First is the
        United Nations Relief and Works Administrations (UNRWA) for 5 million
        Palestinian refugees (which includes the descendants of the original 500,000
        Palestinian refugees from the Israeli War of Independence) which employs 30,000
        workers. The UNRWA has resettled no Palestinians.

        The second refugee agency is the United Nations High
        Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which assists every other refugee in the
        world–including 100 million displaced people during the last 50 years–and
        employs 7,000 people. The UNHCR has resettled tens of millions of refugees.

        Looking at these numbers, one would think that the cause of
        the Palestinians is somehow morally superior to that of all other war refugees.
        After all, why have so many more workers been assisting a dramatically smaller
        group of people? But if the Palestinians are unique it is only because of their
        moral inferiority, as they are the only group of refugees that regularly commit
        acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.

        Another obvious question: why hasn’t the UNRWA resettled any
        of the Palestinian refugees? The answer, of course, is that the surrounding
        Arab states would rather have these refugees remain a thorn in Israel’s side,
        than help them start a new life. The UNRWA is happy to oblige.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Nothing you say is true.
        Palestinians have a right to full civil and human rights free from racist israeli propaganda.
        Remember Haavara agreements? And all the ZIONIST incitement During the broken bones policy of the first intifada

      • Anonymous


        This one is for you…

        “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

        ― Mark Twain

      • Anonymous

        Gregory Palamus of Thessalonica on Islam

        “For these impious people, hated by God and infamous, boast of having got the better of the Romans by their love of God…they live by the bow, the sword and debauchery, finding pleasure in taking slaves, devoting themselves to murder, pillage, spoil and not only do they commit these crimes, but even – what an aberration – they believe that God approves of them. This is what I think of them, now that I know precisely about their way of life.”

      • FlameCCT

        Yes, it says Palestine which had Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews. There was even a Palestinian Brigade made up of Palestinian Jews in WWII and a Palestinian Symphony made up of Palestinian Jews. When the Palestinian Jews accepted UN 181, they named their State Israel and themselves Israelis.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Kind of like Jim Jones and Snoop Dog announcing themselves the rulers of Zamunda.
        Let me go to your house and announce I own it.
        You can take your one-sided announcements where they began:
        In the national socialist policies of 1930s Europe.
        Palestinians don’t need your stinky announcements

      • FlameCCT

        Your ignorance of history is astounding although not surprising for a Progressive Plantation tovarisch (comrade).

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Why don’t you join a communist kubbitz and build aprtheid Israeli only roads and build an aprtheid wall on your neighbors side of the fence line and steal a couple of olive trees and goats while your at it .
        There is also free abortions and gender assignments waiting for you in the liberal capital of the world in downtown tel aviv but just the one block
        Because the rest of the country of israel is becoming more extremist and racist by the minute

      • FlameCCT

        Your moniker should be LittleTwigStompsAround.

        It is truly sad that people like you project your fallacies. I suggest seeking professional assistance while it is still covered under ObamaCare.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        And you should stop being balls deep in your neighbors goat that you stole because it is obviously lessening the blood flow to your brain and forcing you to maintain a high level of bigoted hate speech that is nothing more than low life anti-Palestinianism.
        Free Palestine

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Not what ur mamma said last night.
        Your just jealous because Palestinians have a rich and long history filled with wonderful tales of hummus and falafel….
        And what does Israel have? The identity of a made up country built on lies and misinformation with extremist religious zealots and racist right wing colonial settlers.
        What’s the Israeli national food? It’s stolen falafel.
        Stolen from Palestine.

  5. Marty Stevens

    How come you choose the Jewish state to boycott, out of all the of all the countries in the world where there is much greater violence and discrimination? Do you ever suggest a boycott of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India or anywhere else? No, just the smallest state is worthy of a boycott. Bullies. As if Israel has not tried to negotiate peace at least 3 difference times in the last 10 years, but the Palestinians just demand – they do not negotiate.

    Now is the time for you to confront Palestinian leaders for the corruption and incitement to violence. If not you, then who?

    • BigSticksWalkSoftly

      None of those places you state gets unconditional US taxpayer money, justifies oppression of native inhabitants by using the Holocaust as an excuse (which Norman Finkelstein calls the Holocaust industry and insults those that suffered through the Holocaust).
      Your reasoning of ‘other countries have human rights abuses so don’t mind what Israel is doing” is a false obfuscation that represents how little of a moral compass people who unconditional support Israel have.
      BTW many human/civil rights activists have spoken loudly against human/civil rights violations against many regimes, including Chinese abuses in Tibet for example.
      Israel is not a special case, and you implying it is because of anti-Semitism (whereas criticizing the racist apartheid occupation policies of a right-wing Israeli government in no way is anti semitic).
      Israel in now way represents world Jewry.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Now you are just pulling hogwash out of your yin yang….
        Youtube Israeli fascism and learn the truth of what a few Israelis call for in terms of Greater Israel.
        Looks like you have your fascists confused

      • Anonymous

        You Democrats are the fascists who want Israel wiped off the map. You’re the kind who also defended those who killed over cartoons.

      • L

        BigSticksWalkSoftly Marty Stevens • 4 days ago

        None of those places you state gets unconditional US taxpayer money,

        You need to check your facts. The Saudis get a huge amount of military assistance from the USA. They pay for some of it, but far less than it is worth.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Sorry by the amount of money and support he US given to the Saudis pales in comparison to what is given to Israel….
        Thanks BTW for mentioning another middle eastern ethnocracy that also suffers from a multitude of civil and human rights violations and that gets a ton of US money. A lot of that money can be used to help people in American, but instead is used to give to the few and powerful in order to control and dispossess the poor, working class, and those not interested in stealing other people’s land and rights.
        No taxation without representation is an American and Palestinian ideal

      • Anonymous

        You’re a perverted idiot to insinuate Saudi Arabia’s human rights record and religious freedoms are even remotely like what is common to Israel.

        Why do you lie? Why do you hate Jews so much? What makes you such a neo-Nazi?

      • bear jew

        the world governemnts have given fakistinians 40x marshall plan to fund their jihadist genocidal campaign. You side with Genocide. ooh that ryhmes

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        You have been fully exposed as a racist anti arab anti palestinian anti muslim.
        Just wanted to remind you that a sizable amount of the Palestinians are NOT even muslim!
        George Habash and the early Palestinian freedom fighters from the 1960s and 1970s were led mainly by Palestinian Christians and Palestinian secularists.
        I know I’m using words too big for your hasbara schmuk brain so I’ll tell you
        Secular means non-religious.
        I love to see the ignorant and misinformed racists israel lovers exposed for who they really are:
        Israel-firsters who don’t care to throw Americans money and blood under the bus

      • Anonymous

        As do the Pakistanis. But arguably the biggest waste of taxpayer money goes to the Islam controlled country {sic} known as the UN.

        Yes, the UN, the mouthpiece for Islam, the forum where criticism of Islam is forbidden and where Israel is criticized for anything and everything, is the biggest waste of taxpayer dollars in the service of Islam.

      • bear jew

        yes because tibetian monks wear suicide vests parade openly with knives yelling “intifada” intifada” khaybar al yahud , itbah al yahud.

        your argument is flawed without understanding Palestinian societies deeply anti semitic roots. a society that openly glorifies what we call in the united states murder and terrorism (#workplaceviolence). Makes heroes out of so called martyrs, in reality these are ppl that can be compared to modern day molochites whose sole purpose is to create children expressed to die for the cause. shihadism is child sacrifice.

        So take the norman finkelstein line of reasoning if that makes you feel better but all arabs want to accomplish is the resumption of hilterian genocidal nature toward jews. #hamascharter

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Besides your bigoted anti-palestinian hate speech that falsely accuses the palestinians of doing the holocaust?
        Reality fact check
        As israelis permit racist football teams like beitar jerusalem that prides itself on chanting the name of The assassin of Yitzhak rabin.
        Israeli MP recently ordered death of Palestinian mothers calling them snakes.
        Another Israeli Mp keeps yapping his mouth off about placing Israeli flags on the Dome Rock. Even netanyahu had to tell him to tone down his racist incitement.
        At least it’s not as bad as sabra shatila deir Yassin khan yunis massacre kafr Qassam mowing the lawn policy broken bone policy or even attempts to ring the dome of the rock with explosives like in the 1980s and 1990s.
        Facts over hasbara fiction and fear mongering
        Free palestine

      • bear jew

        They literally pray that their kids become martyrs what kinda sick deviant culture are you protecting??

        The latest war with Gaza Jihadism shows the disparity between the culture of death that is championed by Gaza Palestinians and their Muslim allies, e.g., Syria, Iran, ISIS, and others, versus the culture that champions life—Israel.

        If Israel wanted to completely destroy Gaza, it would not take very long. Israel goes out of its way to warn the Palestinian citizens to get out while they can. Injured Palestinians routinely receive health care free of charge at Hadassah Hospital and other Israeli medical facilities.

        Amazingly, Israel continues to provide gas and electric to the people who are shooting bombs at them. Did the British provide the Nazis with gas and electricity during WWII?

        You know the answer.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        And extremist orthodox israeli jews spit on their women, are known to throw their children off of buildings, will not sit next to women on planes, perform felatio on newborns, are taught to think they are the chosen people, and tell goyim that they are their slaves, curse at christian cemeteries, israelis are forced into military service, are taught to hate Palestinians in kindergarten, the israeli extremist jewish hilltop gangbangers do price tag attacks….
        I could go on but I doubt your racist ZIONIST brain is probably bursting at the seams at all the new knowledge
        Sorry but I know the truth hurts.
        The facts remain Israel is a racist terror state built on lies and misinformation

      • bear jew

        U literally described Iran, not any orthodox jewish community, Yoda would say strong the jew hatred is in this one. The only thing that you said is compulsive military service, to defend their nation from genocidal arabs, something it seems you would never do for yourself. You have coward written all over you. I bet u suck ur thumb in ur “safe spaces” to save you from the “Zionist microagressions”. U are beyond saving, there is just so much jew hatred in your heart.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Iran has the oldest Jewish culture in the world and it is mandated by Iranian law to have Jews in their legislative body.
        What a big contrast with the made up racist state of israel that is built on ethnic cleansing and violence.
        Palestinian Christians are sick and tired of the israeli lies and misinformation.
        Free Palestine

      • bear jew

        One of my favorite Jewish philosophers and teachers, Eric Fromm, writes about two opposite impulses that are struggling for supremacy in the world. He refers to them as necrophilia vs biophilia.

        He explains that necrophilia, or the “love of the dead” is an ideation that is attracted to everything that is dead, e.g., corpses, decay, filth, dirt. The goal of necrophilia as political and religious phenomena is to transform everything that is living into death. This is exactly what Jihadism is all about. It is a death-force that aims to destroy life as we know it for the glorification of Allah, who behaves more like the bloodthirsty deity of the Bible known as Molech.

        Jihadists love saying, “We love death more than you love life”

        See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAOzy2zwyxo

        The worse part of necrophilia is that the people this philosophy affects makes them totally indifferent to life and even attracted to death.

        This would explain why being a martyr for Islam is so important. In the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinians have museums celebrating the sacrifice of his human bombs; museums decorated with Israeli body parts across the wall.

        Sounds like a museum made for Freddie Kruger.

        Israel in contrast believes in what Fromm calls, “Biophilia” is the love of life, the attraction to everything that lives and grows. Preserving life and preventing death is one form of biophilia. Biophilous tendencies can be much more varied and tend to integrate and unite, to fuse with different and opposite. Biophilia is life that changes, grows, and develops to the changing circumstances of the environment. Fromm believed that for biophilia to emerge, there has to be certain circumstances to enhance its growth, e.g., the absence of injustice, the love of creativity, the presence of freedom, and the spirit to innovate.

        In spiritual terms, biophilia encourages people to search for self-awareness, aspirations, and moral growth. Israel continues to develop technologies that improve the fabric of life while the Palestinian culture of death, which worships a god who loves shihads (martyrs) has produced a moral decadence that threatens the peace of humanity.

        Let me add that any society is capable of embracing necrophilia. Last week, when some Israeli teenagers burned the body of a poor gay Palestinian boy, these individuals became Molech worshiper who demands the sacrifice of children to sate its savage appetite.

        The time has come for the Palestinians and Israelis to work together and embrace a new paradigm of life that brings prosperity to all of its people.

      • BigSticksWalkSoftly

        Thanks for the racist bigoted hate link.
        The depths of fear and hatred and land stealing and baby killing and ethnic cleansing and apartheid wall building by the zionist extremists is pathetic.
        Go BDs go

  6. Man with Axe

    Since you mention Angela Davis, you might want to contact Judge Harold Haley and see what he thinks about all this.

    Just curious, but given that Israel took control of the West Bank in the 1967 war, I wonder what makes you say that exercising that control is illegal? Have you considered what the fate of Israel would have been if it had lost that war, or the wars in 1948 or 1973? Have all other conquered territories been turned back over to the vanquished in the past century?

    What do you think the Palestinians would have to agree to in order to end the occupation? The Israelis voluntarily withdrew from Gaza and then waited to see what would happen. They didn’t like the result, incessant rocket attacks, so they decided no more concessions. Can you think of anything the Palestinians could do, like recognizing Israel’s right to exist, giving up the idea of a right of return to Israel itself, renouncing terrorism, and determining that above all else that a good life for their children is more important than killing Israelis? If they did these things wouldn’t it make sense for the Israelis to end the occupation and live side by side with them as they do with the Jordanians and the Egyptians, once mortal enemies, who now are, if not friends, at least not at each other’s throats.

  7. 0 0

    *looks at comments* this will end well….yep very well…..nothing to worry about…..not at all….

  8. Richard Smith

    We already have about 20 Arabic hellholes dominated by the homophobic, pedophilic, misogynistic, violent cult of the Pedophile “Prophet” Muhammad – the sadistic, literally stinky old goat who raped a little girl Aisha, while she was still playing with dolls. No need for one more Muhammad Pedophilia Center.

    • Anonymous

      Well if we leave it up to liberals, the Obama acolytes, America will become one of those hellholes, and Europe is ahead of this in pioneering that dead end.

      The incidence of rape and violent crime is up more than 1,000% since the liberal democrats opened up the floodgates.

  9. gmonsen

    I just donated $25 to this news site and decided to browse a bit to see what the students were thinking and, unfortunately, came on this piece of ideologically au currant claptrap. For those of us who have been on this planet for more than half a century this kind of nonsense is simply the lunatic fringe of youthful liberal rebellion. Liberals so need causes and usually pick up the banner of whomever seems most oppressed. The oppression of the Jews — the holocaust even — is a bit passé for today’s young liberals. Some prior generation already had that cause and today’s young firebrands need their own cause. So, we end up with today’s young militant liberals supporting the Arabs and attacking the Israelis as the oppressors.

    Not sure how Wesleyan covers George Orwell…

    • L

      The people they are supporting do not believe that the Holocaust happened. They are, however, perfectly willing to have one in Israel. Death to Israel is not a metaphor.

  10. Debbie

    The root cause of the ongoing Arab-Israeli war and the reason the conflict is so intractable is the Judeophobia that is intrinsic to the ideology of the depraved barbarian warlord Mohammed. Islamic ideology is violently infidelophobic in general, but it is especially hateful towards Jewish people. Devout Muslims consider Mohammed’s brutal genocide against the Banu Qurayza to be a model of proper behavior towards Jews who don’t submit to Islam.

    In Islamic ideology, once a land is conquered by Muslims as Israel was, it is considered Muslim territory for all times. This is why devout Muslims consider even Spain to be a land that “rightfully” belongs to Muslims. It is affront to devout Muslims that once-Muslim land is ruled by non-Muslims, especially if those non-Muslims are Jewish.

    The thing that really bothers Palestinians isn’t checkpoints or settlements or the disputed territories — it is Israel’s very existence as Jewish majority, Jewish-ruled state.
    The thing that made the creation of modern Israel necessary for the Jewish people was centuries of brutal persecution both by Middle Eastern Muslims and by European Christians, interspersed with periods of “tolerating” Jews as second class citizens. Ironically, anti-Jewish bigots whine the loudest about Israel’s existence and its defense of its existence, but it is their bigoted ilk which has allowed Israel to continue existing by driving millions of Jews out of Europe and Muslim countries, giving it an adequate population base to defend itself.

  11. L

    All you students and your heroes who think Palestine is such a worthy but oppressed place. Why not go there and live and work among the people? Take up arms on their behalf if you must. (Cf. The Spanish Civil War, circa 1936). Do you care enough to take action? Of course you don’t? A banner in the dining hall at Wesleyan is so much more convenient.

    • Anonymous

      And the Muslim jihadists keep killing to expand their Caliphate. Muslim jihadists are killing Buddhists in southern Thailand, they continue killing Animists in Sudan, they kill Jews wherever they can, they kill Christians wherever they can and do so daily in Nigeria, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, and elsewhere; and their biggest victims are Hindus. Yes, Muslims have killed up to 70 million Hindus over the last thousand years as they expand their ugly caliphate across southern Asia.

      Once southern Asia was a Buddhist and Hindu world. Today it is mostly Islam and not surprisingly hatred and fear rule the day.

  12. Adam Vant

    Israelis are fools to continue to live with Arabs walking among them. Arabs should be banished from Israel and Islam should be made illegal. Meir Kahane was right. Muslim terrorists should be hunted down and killed by Israel. Any country or group which funds, arms, supports or allows its territories to be used by Muslim terrorists should be mercilessly punished by Israel.

  13. David E. Cohen '76

    I completely agree that the violence needs to be viewed in the context of history. However I disagree that this history started in 1967 as if nothing happened before. Prior to June 5, 1967 there was no Israeli presence anywhere in the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, or the Al Aqsa mosque. There was no occupation, no settlers, no wall, no checkpoints. The areas currently under contention were all under Arab control. And furthermore there was a standing 1948 UN resolution calling for a Palestinian state that was accepted by Israel (but not by Arab states). Yet no effort was made by the Palestinians to create an independent state during 1948-1967 even though there were no obstacles to do so. And on June 5, 1967 Egypt, Syria, and Jordan attacked Israel. Israel’s detractors use “1967” as a convenient euphemism for implying that all of history started that year. That selective view of history leads to the wrong conclusion that peace would follow Israeli withdrawal. Israel’s enemies want much more than that.

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