March 08, 2025

To the Editor of The Wesleyan Argus,

Greetings to all Wesleyan students and Faculty. I’d like to introduce myself, I am Brian E. Clark, and I am running as Candidate for Mayor of Middletown, as a Write In Candidate. I’d like to appeal for your support this Election Day. I am a lifelong citizen of Middletown, and my background is not one in politics, though I have served my community through the Emergency Services. As a teen, I was a Middletown Police Explorer, and in 1996 I became an EMT, and eventually went on to attend the Connecticut Fire Academy. Ultimately, my service culminated in volunteering in New York at the World Trade Center site, on September 11th, 2001. I’ve never been one for politics, but I’ve never been one to stand idly by when I think my help is needed. An unfortunate set of poor decisions by our current Mayor Dan Drew, has caused me to act, and challenge him, because frankly, I can do a better job.

Freshman, and Sophomores, you will be the most affected by this Election, because Mr. Drew has now managed to lengthen the term limit to four years. As new citizens of our City, I want you to have a friend in City Hall. I want to be able to help you if you need help, and I will be there to empower you if you want to affect change in this great city you have chosen to continue your education in. This is your home. You have chosen to attend one of the greatest educational institutions available, and no mayor has really ever endeavored to tap in to the student base at Wesleyan to make this city even better. If you was to change the world, change begins here locally. If you want change in our nation, in our state, in begins here in our streets, and you are productive members of society that have remained untapped. As an elementary student here in Middletown, I had a Wesleyan Student as a tutor, and that’s an experience I will never forget. Unfortunately, that was in 1989, and that was the last I have ever heard of such a program. I want that kind of participation from you again!

You bring the world here to our city. Our citizens, students, senior citizens all benefit from this. Your participation begins in our election. I urge all of you to become registered voters, and exercise your voice in our city. I don’t agree with Dan Drew’s choices he’s made during his time in office. He’s raised taxes, while reducing city services, and eliminating positions. He’s fired 3 police officers, and then denied them their retirement & disability pensions, which they are rightfully entitled to under current city ordinances. This has resulted in at least 3 lawsuits that we know of. There are others because he has blatantly discriminated against people, and one of those is my Campaign Manager, who is a Transgender woman, who was a Police Officer here in Middletown, and she was fired without cause by Dan Drew.

To be honest, I don’t hate anyone. Hate is a disgusting word that should only be reserved for extreme circumstances. I dis-like Dan Drew, and I dis-like him because of the decisions he’s made while in office, with raising taxes, while claiming to reduce them, also while our property values have fallen. His elimination of city positions, services, and departments that he claimed would save us money, but never did; in fact it cost us more if you do all the math out. The way he has taken his vengeance out on people in his own Party for publicly disagreeing with him, thus they are out of their careers. People, and don’t ask me why, because I have no idea, blindly follow this Opportunistic Dictator, and cheer him on! What none of them realize, is that if he hasn’t dramatically affected their lives, it’s because he hasn’t gotten around to it yet.

You are residents of our city for 4 years, and this election affects you too! What will surprise you, is that the Republican Candidate, Sandra Russo- Driska, and I, have very similar values, and this election to me is about making Middletown the great city it once was. I know I can do that job, with the Common Council from Row B, The Republicans, behind me. I have the drive, willingness, and heart to serve my city, and get her back on track to where every citizen prospers. However, I have come to know Sandra Russo- Driska through this campaign, and this is a woman whose heart is in the right place, and has the drive to restore the Mayor’s Office to the people of Middletown. With her in the position, you would have a friend in City Hall as well.

That’s why I say that this is an election for the citizens to restore Middletown to its once great place among the State, and Nation. A vote for either Sandra, or I is a vote in that direction. Please register to vote, and let your voice be heard! If you need any help with that, all of my contact information is on my Facebook page

Thank you for this great opportunity! I look forward to hearing from you all, and let’s move forward together.

Brian E. Clark, Candidate for Mayor as a Write In

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