The opinions, beliefs, and arguments of this opinion piece do not align with the viewpoints or priorities of The Wesleyan Argus as a student-led institution. Not only are the arguments in this piece generalized and oversimplified, but they fail to contextualize the Black Lives Matter movement and the systemic, historical background behind police violence against communities of color in the U.S. The Wesleyan Argus believes that writing articles pertaining to Black Lives Matter and institutional racism in the United States requires a much more comprehensive, reflective lens.


A 20-year-old man walks into a church and massacres nine people, claiming that he was afraid that America was being taken over by Black Americans, citing American race relations as evidence. About a month later, a man wears a GoPro, tapes himself walking up to a local reporter and a cameraman, and shoots them both on camera, proclaiming racial injustice in this country as his motive.

Police officers are looking over their shoulders as several cops have been targeted and gunned down. The week before classes started, seven officers were killed in the line of duty; a few were execution-style targeted killings.

An officer I talked to put it succinctly: “If they want to come after me, fine. Just come at me head on. Don’t shoot me in the back of my head. I’d rather go down with a fighting chance.”

Is this an atmosphere created by the police officers and racist elements in society itself? Many, including individuals in the Black Lives Matter movement, believe so.

Or is it because of Black Lives Matter? Many believe that as well, including a police chief who made his remarks after one of his officers was shot and killed—he claimed that Black Lives Matter was responsible for the officer’s death. Some want Black Lives Matter labeled as a hate group.

I talked to a Black Lives Matter supporter, Michael Smith ’18, who recoiled when I told him I was wondering if the movement was legitimate. This is not questioning their claims of racism among the police, or in society itself. Rather, is the movement itself actually achieving anything positive? Does it have the potential for positive change?

There is evidence to support both views. Police forces around the country are making more of an effort to be more transparent, have undergone investigations to root out racist officers and policies, and have forced the conversation to the front pages after being buried on the back pages for far too long.

On the other hand, following the Baltimore riots, the city saw a big spike in murders. Good officers, like the one I talked to, go to work every day even more worried that they won’t come home. The officer’s comments reminded me of what soldiers used to say after being hit with IEDs in Iraq. Police forces with a wartime-like mentality are never a good thing.

Smith countered with, “You can’t judge an entire movement off the actions of a few extremists.”

I responded with, “Isn’t that what the movement is doing with the police? Judging an entire profession off the actions of a few members?”

Hence, my concerns that the movement is not legitimate, or at the very least, hypocritical.

It is apparent that the man who shot the reporter and her cameraman isn’t a representation of Black Lives Matter. The question is whether or not the movement is setting the conditions of the more extreme or mentally disturbed individuals to commit atrocities.

Smith explained further. “Yes, but the police have an established system of reporting the bad officers. BLM is decentralized, they aren’t as organized. You can’t hold the more moderate elements responsible for what a crazy person does in their name.”

Perhaps. But that doesn’t explain Black Lives Matter rallies from cheering after an officer is killed, chanting that they want more pigs to fry like bacon. That wasn’t one or two people. The movement also doesn’t want to be associated with looters and rioters, calling them opportunistic. But it is plausible that Black Lives Matter has created the conditions for these individuals to exploit for their own personal gain.

I warned in an article last semester that a movement that does not combat its own extremists will quickly run into trouble. The reasons why are now self-evident. If Black Lives Matter is going to be the one responsible for generating these conversations, then a significant portion of that conversation needs to be about peace. They need to stand with police units that lose a member, decrying it with as much passion as they do when a police officer kills an unarmed civilian.

Smith does have a point, though. An organization cannot be labeled based of a small percentage of their membership. There is a reason why so many have shown up to protests across the country: there is clearly something wrong, and wrong enough to motivate them to exit their homes and express their frustration publicly. That is no small effort. The system is clearly failing many, and unfortunately they feel like they will only be listened to if their protests reach the front pages of the news. And so far, they are correct.

But this principle needs to be applied universally. I know many of us here at Wesleyan realize that most police officers are good people simply doing a service for their community, and that there are only a few bad apples. But those chanting to fry the pigs seem to have missed this message.

It boils down to this for me: If vilification and denigration of the police force continues to be a significant portion of Black Lives Matter’s message, then I will not support the movement, I cannot support the movement. And many Americans feel the same. I should repeat, I do support many of the efforts by the more moderate activists.

It is advice that I need to take myself. After the Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage nation-wide, a few liberals gloated in a conservative political forum that I like to read. They were surprised by the reaction: every conservative who responded was happy with the ruling.

I realize that moderate conservatives need to speak up more as well. If we had, gay marriage might have been legalized years ago. Instead, I got the feeling that a lot of moderate conservatives were afraid of speaking up about the issue and being labeled as a RINO (Republican In Name Only).

I also understand the frustration of moderate Black Lives Matter members, like the one I talked to, about being stereotyped based off of a few radical and vocal members.

Kim Davis, the misguided clerk who is refusing to hand out marriage licenses, is a perfect example of this. As a conservative, it is infuriating to see one clerk in one city out of the thousands in conservative states making headlines, when the rest are handing out licenses with no issue. One clerk is making headlines and is being held up as evidence that conservatives hate homosexuality. Kim Davis generated a couple hundred supporters, a very small showing.

Yet I am not innocent when it comes to Kim Davis. I could have gone down to the courthouse and joined the counter protest, holding up a sign that says “conservatives for gay marriage rights,” and made a statement that Kim Davis is not representative of the mainstream conservative views. I don’t blame those who can’t support conservatives for not being more vocally pro-gay rights, though many liberal politicians were also silent on the issue during the 1990s and 2000s.

Returning to Black Lives Matter, the country is nervously waiting to see what happens next. The next unarmed civilian to be killed, the next officer to be killed, the next radical racist to take their views to the next level.

At some point Black Lives Matter is going to be confronted with an uncomfortable question, if they haven’t already begun asking it: Is this all worth it? Is it worth another riot that destroys a downtown district? Another death, another massacre? At what point will Black Lives Matter go back to the drawing table and rethink how they are approaching the problem?

Bryan Stascavage is a member of the Class of 2018.

  • alum86
  • Anonymous

    I thought the article was well written. I do wonder what all the yelling, screaming and threats are about.
    I would guess that some Wesleyan students do not understand what reasonable discourse actually is all about.

  • The Mule

    Putting aside the external controversy surrounding this article, one of the claims made in it is patently, demonstrably false: violence against police has been decreasing over the last decade or more, and continues this year to decrease.

    So, when you ask if BLM’s activities are increasing violent attacks against police, the answer is clear and easy to determine — no, it is not. Unequivocally, no. That begs the question, then, why does anyone perceive that BLM IS increasing violence? The answer to that is far less clear, and much more interesting. It appears to be a complex interaction between culture and the media, present article included, in which this narrative is put forward as an exposition of either hypocrisy or lack of nuance at having spawned such a terrible unintended consequence. Or outright implication that increased violence against police IS the intention. Why are these narratives being presented in the complete absent of supporting evidence? How do numerous people who consider themselves journalists fail to do the most basic journalistic task — investigate the facts of the story?

    Normally, when presenting an article of this nature, the author will seek to support statements with external references. The author here is obviously familiar with the practice, having provided reference links to several other statements. However, when it comes to the main premise, there is a glaring absence of data or any other supporting external evidence. How does something like this get composed, and how does it get taken seriously? The issue of free speech is moot: of course the author should be allowed to say such things. The important question to ask is: why would he want to?

    Here’s the site with data you can see for yourself. This list is compiled by law enforcement agencies, and there are several years of archives. Click through and take a look at the past, and decide for yourself if violence against police is increasing:

    For comparison, take a look at the data at the following site. It is not as extensive, as the archive only covers a few years, and it is not official, so it is missing data. Scroll through the past years, observing numbers, then ask the flip side: are police becoming more violent with civilians?

    • John

      There is a subset of ‘those killed by police’ who would have killed police had the police not killed those people first. To the benefit of your antagonists, what you’re providing evidence for is an inverse correlation. That is, due to the very nature of these lethal encounters, we’d expect to see an uptick in one component when we see a downturn in the other.

    • Anonymous

      You actually can’t draw any conclusions in either way as the data can’t tell you whether a police officer was killed by “normal” bad guys or by someone set on revenge against the police. Also, the BLM movement is too new to start drawing statistical inferences. So you can’t say “no, it is not. Unequivocally, no.” That is an unsupportable assertion. Perhaps attacks against police would have declined even more this year without BLM. If BLM resulted in less of a decrease than would otherwise have occurred, the answer to the question he posed would be “yes, BLM has led to an increase in attacks” (over what would have been the trend). Perhaps next year or the year after, we’ll be able to draw much more confident assertions about BLM.

    • Doug Chance

      So, I can only take issue with the promotion of violence against police officers if the promotion is working? Isn’t it just possible that I find it offensive and irresponsible, regardless of the net effect? Statistical trends certainly won’t comfort the family members of an officer killed by someone inspired by anti-cop rhetoric.

    • flyr

      Unfortunately your stats are wrong, attacks on police are increasing . Also police are pulling back and so the level of policing is not constant. The net result is that crimes are increasing. Black Lives Matter is making the world a more dangerous place for both police and blacks

  • Doodoo

    93% of Black murder victims are murdered by…other blacks. Just keepin’ it real and remember, Black Lives Matter!

  • Monster

    This is a very fair article that treats is subject with respect. It is hardly a hate piece, and the fact that some are offended or insulted by it is ridiculous.

  • juandos

    Black lives matter?

    Not to other blacks in Chicago

    • The Big City of Dreams

      “Not to other blacks in Chicago…”

      So all the stop the violence efforts in Chicago don’t mean anything

      • juandos

        So all the stop the violence efforts in Chicago don’t mean anything“…

        Apparently not in Chicago big city, its all talk and no walk…

      • The Big City of Dreams

        The crime that occurs doesn’t take away from the countless ppl working tirelessly to change things. Would you rather they do nothing at all?

      • juandos

        Would you rather they do nothing at all?“…

        Absolutely I want them to stop their asinine BS – they’re making it harder for law abiding citizens purchase and use firearms…

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “Absolutely I want them to stop their asinine BS ”

        Wait so you want ppl who are working hard to curb violence to not work toward curbing it at all? That doesn’t sound strange to you?

      • juandos

        Those supposedly ‘hard working” people aren’t accomplishing a damn thing – so yeah I want them to taking their whining somewhere else like one of those infanticide factories where there are some serious body counts…

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “Those supposedly ‘hard working” people aren’t accomplishing a damn thing”

        According to who exactly? Black ppl are the only ethnic group where their crime has to reach zero or close to it for ppl to even acknowledge they have been working for yrs to curb the violence. They will never end it completely but the lives they do save will make an impact.

        How are you helping end the violence in the black community? What groups and orgs. do you belong to?

      • juandos

        According to who exactly? Black ppl are the only ethnic group where their crime has to reach zero or close to it for ppl to even acknowledge they have been working for yrs to curb the violence“…

        Its dreadfully apparent that you have done exactly zero research into crimes committed with firearms…

        Is doing a little homework to big a chore for you or you don’t want to challenge your inane leftist narrative on firearms?

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “Its dreadfully apparent that you have done exactly zero research into crimes committed with firearms…”

        You’re the one that appears to not be aware of the work that ppl are doing within the community. Do me a favor name fifteen other groups besides BLM that combat inner city crime.

        “Is doing a little homework to big a chore for you or you don’t want to challenge your inane leftist narrative on firearms?”

        I have no problem doing that but I see you didn’t answer my question so I’ll ask it again: How are you helping end the violence in the black community? What groups and orgs. do you belong to?

      • juandos

        You’re the one that appears to not be aware of the work that ppl doing within the community“…

        Their wasted time & energy is not worth considering unless one is in dire need of sick humor…

        For instance: 14 shot in 15 hours in Chicago; Rahm says guns are the problem

        Why should the stupid you claim are working so hard to stop the violence be considered?

  • Josh

    I am so sorry that some idiots are trying to harass the author and newspaper. This is a great opinion article, whether or not I agree with it is inconsequential. This is a good article with good points, and I hope you continue to question the status quo and always push for the truth in the mountain of deceit!

  • Google my name.

    • Mobetta Jenkem

      Dass da troof!

      (but defenseless white toddlers’ lives don’t really matter so much, it would seem)

      Yoo bees a hero to yo’ peepul!

  • Jack F.

    Very interesting and thoughtful piece, thank you.

  • Major Infidel

    You can’t spell Argus without “r – a – g”.

    What a slap in the face to the principles this nation was founded upon.

    • Lanfall

      Principles this nation was founded upon? You mean like Freedom of Speech?

  • Common sense

    Can’t believe how some people think. If I robbed a store then proceeded to wrestle with the officer and ended up getting shot… My parents would say “that’s what ya get you little f’n punk.” BLM would say “you shot him because you’re a racist.” This shit just blows my mind.

  • flyr

    It should be re labeled as

    Black LIES matter

    The real reason so many young black men die is that they are killed by other young black men or during the commission of a felony. Another major contributor to the staggering death rate among young black men is their lifestyle choices – drugs, crime, etc.

    Putting some numbers to the reality ( vs the black lies)

    The vast proportion of deaths at the hands of police occur during felony arrests . Blacks are only 13% of the population and yet are 34% of the deaths at the hands of police. Jessie Jackson and the poverty pimps are demanding justice. What they don’t want you to know is that while Blacks are only a tiny % of the population they account for about 50% of the felony arrests for the two well reported crimes murder and bank robbery. They are similarly over represented among other violent felons.

    There’s another important statistic – while blacks are 34% of those killed by police, 42% of officers who are killed in violent encounters are killed by blacks. This is really important as it documents the vastly higher number of violent arrests of blacks.

    All Americans have a stake in this violence, it is bankrupting communities, destroying families, and tearing at our national fabric.

    In this politically correct world the author’s comments are suppressed by those stealing the papers to prevent exposure to others. This is remarkably similar to the highly organized program to prevent the exposure of the public to those who believe the Global Warming theory is based on junk and corrupted science.

    Anything disparaging of black behavior is an outrage, yet nobody in the obama administration, mainstream press or black community has the courage to demand that the entertainment stop the 24/7 flow of rap and hip hop music and messages into the black community . The highly aggressive beat carries messages promoting and glorifying thuggery, unprovoked attacks, killing, drug dealing, drug using and the treatment of women as sperm dumpsters.

    There are assertions that the very high crime rate comes from the lack of opportunities and that is certainly a component. Yet the mainstream media refuses to connect the millions of uneducated illegals coming to our cities as having a catastrophic impact on entry level job opportunities for blacks. In addition in past years black communities were filled with small entrepreneurs running a vast array of business and often serving as both first employer and also mentor to young men.

    No the Black Lies Matter movement is strictly about politics , economic shakedowns and energizing Obama’s far left base. Not surprisingly studies have shown a very close correlation between precincts which had very high (0ver80%) vote for Obama and murder rates. The message is that what’s going to get you killed is not whether there are many gun owners in your neighborhood but rather whether there are a lot of obama supporters

  • Anonymous

    Black lives DON’T matter when the killers are black.

    • The Big City of Dreams

      “Black lives DON’T matter when the killers are black.”

      What are you basing that on?

      • Anonymous

        Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, anywhere else where blacks are killed by other blacks, especially gangbangers.

      • The Big City of Dreams

        What makes you think their lives don’t matter because they are killed by another black person?

  • Pascal

    This debate is getting a bit heated! I’d like to offer a few civil points of discussion that all fair-minded people can agree on, no matter their race or political leanings. It’s time to inject some bipartisan sanity into this debate:

    1. It’s clear by now that the First Amendment, along with the underlying idea of ‘freedom of expression’ is just a tool created by white supremacists, and must be rejected in order to create a fair and just society. People must be protected from poisonous ideas that run counter to those principles that all fair-minded people know to create just social systems. Brian Miscarriage has abused his right to ‘free speech’ here by offering unapproved ideas. Free speech is totalitarian!

    2. As much as I hate religion, we would do well here to borrow an idea from the Roman Catholic Church. Of course they (being mostly white people) are wrong on this, but they think that when their Pope speaks ex cathedra (Latin “from the chair”) he is infallible. This is a good idea and we should apply it to marginalized groups, especially to the leaders of the BLM movement. All of their pronouncements, goals, tactics, and Twitter posts must be considered infallible. Any person, white or black (like that disgusting Uncle Tom, Richard Sherman!), who disagrees with the BLM movement must be immediately considered a heretic against infallible truth, and must be destroyed. Disagreement is terrorism.

    3. The author questions whether the BLM movement cares about the lives of police officers as much as they do about their own people. This is absurd! Of course they care about the lives of police officers, and of course the chanting about pigs frying like bacon is only cleverly worded satire aimed at dehumanizing cops, rather than being a call for actual violence. But of course we, as fair-minded, fair-thinking, justice-oriented people, should also recognize the truth that a police officer’s life, like the life of any white supremacist (even if he’s black), certainly matters, but it just doesn’t matter as much as the life of a POC. Although BLM would never endorse the murder of a police officer while pumping gas, all fair-minded, right-thinking, supremely righteous people can also recognize the overarching value when the earth is cleansed of a fat white supremacist pig. Of course police lives matter, dummy!

    4. Brian Miscarriage is right on one thing: the BLM movement needs to change it’s tactics. Here’s what I recommend if they want to be taken seriously and see significant change in American society: set up a board or a committee to identify a list of non-negotiable truths that all right-thinking, equality-oriented, justice-approving people agree with, and then set forth some policy proposals for what should happen to people who publicly issue heresies based on this committee-approved orthodoxy. Public lashing? The firing squad? Asset seizures? Work camps? Although the prospect of treating such social miscreants is pregnant with the temptation of treating it like vengeance against these devils, themselves the children of devils who enslaved African-Americans and therefore directly legally responsible for their crimes, the BLM movement is nothing if not peaceful and compassionate, and should limit the punishment of these ideological terrorists to those specifically prescribed in the policy proposals.

    5. Racism, as all fair-minded, right-thinking, justice-oriented, MSNBC-watching people know, only works one way. Black people can’t be racist because they don’t have power! Not only is this true, but I propose that we use this truth to the advantage of disadvantaged minorities. The cool thing about this view is that it allows POC to engage in nasty, cruel, malicous, dishonest, inequitable, and downright uncivilized behavior toward and about white people, because it’s not racism! This is so cool I can barely hide my excitement. The human tendency to demonize, marginalize, and hate ‘the other’ may have been rolled back a ways by 20th century equality movements, but now we can toss all that and jump right back in to demonizing the white other because, hey, our academic prophets have spoken from on high and told us it isn’t racist. Hatred of the other is a humane endeavor when it gets approval from an appropriately selected priest class.

    6. As far as this particular situation involving Brian Miscarriage’s op-ed, I think it’s pretty clear what should happen: the paper should be shut down, all copies burned in front of the library, all servers melted with phosphorus bombs, the University should issue an apology, and, starting with Brian Miscarriage and the editors of ‘The Argus’, all white students should kill themselves.

    • Anonymous

      Hilarious, bravo!

  • M.Q

    Support free speech.

  • John

    When asked which statement is closest to their own views, 78% of Likely U.S. Voters say all lives matter. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 11% say black lives matter. Nine percent (9%) say neither statement reflects their point of view.

    Thirty-one percent (31%) of black voters say black lives matter is closest to their own views, but just nine percent (9%) of whites and 10% of other minority voters agree. Eighty-one percent (81%) of whites and 76% of other minority voters opt instead for all lives matter, and 64% of blacks agree.

    • Pascal

      B-b-but, how can I assuage my crushing white guilt by listening to MINORITY VOICES, when those minority voices don’t agree on the BLM movement itself?

      • John

        Obvious: we need “emotional trauma centers” inside every “safe space.” Look, we don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Other groups, like Scientology, faced similar obstacles and yet they managed to survive. We can learn from them.


  • Anonymous

    I expected a lot more fire and brimstone. I have heard more decisive language on NPR. How many of the signators on the petition to de-fund the Argus actually read this? All Mr. Stascavage is saying #BLM has an image problem, and it needs to police itself if it wants to become relevant in the mainstream. It is something we learned at The Gay Mens Health Crisis. Be angry not violent.

  • John

    People who are scared or offended by this article are nothing but whining babies. You are victims of your own movement. Someone asks some serious, honest questions and the second it doesn’t fit in with your liberal PC narrative, you start whining.

    Shame on you. You’re parents (or you yourself) are wasting your college education dollars.

  • NoNonsense

    What an excellent, articulate, well-thought-out op-ed. Bravo to Mr. Stascavage. And to all those who have signed the petition demanding that funding for the newspaper be cut in retaliation for this op-ed? Grow up! Do you think only those who agree with you are entitled to their opinion? Is THIS what our colleges and universities are instilling in today’s young people? For shame!

    • Anonymous

      Only at Wesleyan Community College and other liberal indoctrination gulags.

  • Anonymous

    I would like to see a video, “10 hours walking at Wesleyan University as a
    white male”. End SJW catcalling college campus Harassment. Like the
    video of the woman in NYC. All you need is a friend with a GoPro camera.

  • Andrei

    Kim Davis is not “misguided”. Saying Kim Davis was misguided is like saying the people who continued to fight for gay marriage was misguided. She stood up for what she felt was right and I respect her for that. No one should kowtow to laws/authority if they think it’s wrong. If gays rolled over they would have never gotten their unconstitutional win.

    Fact is the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage was unconstitutional. There is nothing in the Constitution about marriage hence it left for the States to decide and if you knew any facts Gays Marriage has NEVER won by referendum and a recent poll had 61% opposing the Supreme Court imposing Gay Marriage on the States, but we don’t live in country that follows the Constitution or the rule of law. The fact is gay marriage “won” because Obama was able to get two nominees who would vote for the issues he supports. Lets not forgert the ruling was 5-4 with 2 votes coming from the two nominees. I have no doubt if gay marriage was broght to the courts lets say in the 90s, it would have lost.

    She may have had a small crowd, but so did the gay response to Chick-Fil-A day some years back when Chick-Fil-A got HUGE support for supporting traditional marriage while the counter gay protest where gays kissed at Chick-Fil-A stores had a small crowd.

  • Andrei

    Another issue I have with your article is about the hero worship of the police. Sure it’s wrong for the BLM to call for violence against the police, but the police are not saints or heroes. They are government enforcers nothing more, nothing less.

    An officer I talked to put it succinctly: “If they want to come after
    me, fine. Just come at me head on. Don’t shoot me in the back of my
    head. I’d rather go down with a fighting chance.”

    I find that quote funny and offensive considering the police don’t give citizens a “fighting chance”. A citizen is at the mercy of bad cops because even if the cop is acting unlawfully, to defend oneself is a death sentence.

    Bryan needs to understand that cops exist to serve and protect the government, enforce it’s laws and maintain order. That’s it. Courts have ruled multiple times that cops have no duty to protect individuals. cops are not our personal bodyguards. Cops are for the most part after the fact. Cops rarely prevent crimes from happening. The national average unsolved murders is 33% , but in several states it’s near and around 50%. When it comes to Robbery,Larceny and Burglary the national average of unsolved crimes is around 80%..that is pathetic by any definition..for Forcible S-exaull Assault the unsolved rate is about 60%. Point is cops aren’t superheros who swoop in a save the day. Typically they show up AFTER the crime has happened.

    • CissyScum

      They’re a clean-up crew with guns and squad cars.

      Remember, when seconds count, the cops are only minutes away.

    • Buck

      Police, as a group, are saints. And to a man they’re heroes. Walk a minute in their shoes.
      As trite as it is, they go to work each day knowing that there are people out there wanting them dead. Their job is to make it safer for me by confronting the people that want to take my iPhone.
      Now, you want them to be superheroes and solve every crime that they can’t prevent in the first place. Why is the unsolved rate so high? NPR claims that 1) standards are so much higher to charge (clear) a murder. Everyone might _know_ who did it, but the jury expects CSI conclusive proof and 2) witnesses don’t come forward.
      And Cops do prevent crimes from happening – whenever they arrest a murderer they stop him from murdering again. And frankly, in Michael Brown’s case, they’ve stopped all of the other strong armed robberies he would have committed.
      I’ll take a cop as a hero over any other career. Ok maybe cops and the drive thru lady who gets my order right.

    • barnburner

      Ah yes, the same old communist playbook invented a century ago: the police are the protectors of the evil capitalist system and, therefore, are the enemy. Same stuff, different century. Ideologically lazy then, same now.

  • Anonymous

    This piece is sloppy, unfair, and wholly reliant upon the errant assumptions and biases of its author. Stascavage decries the tarring and feathering of whole groups of people – and then does exactly that with the Black Lives Matter movement. Citing a single verifiable incident, he extrapolates that the movement is responsible for increased violence against police. However, empirical evidence is at odds with Stascavage’s perception as violence against police is actually DOWN some 25%. No mention is made of this. Absent any evidence to support his thesis, Stascavage indulges his fears, fantasies, and peddles in perceptions of reflections of shadows of rumors that somehow BLM is to blame for all of these nebulous fears. An opinion piece written by a staff writer should not be absolved of the journalist’s basic obligation to be factual simply because it is opinion. Stascavage’s meandering screed sheds absolutely no new light on the BLM movement or the degree to which it is – or is not – problematic, but Stascavage does give way to his ill informed opinions about the movement and his broad assumptions as to it effects and consequences. At best, this is sloppy and unrepresentative of professional journalistic standards. At its worst it is fear driven and grossly prejudicial.

    • NoNonsense

      Did you read the same piece I did?

      • Anonymous

        I read Strascavage’s op ed above. I don’t know what you read.

      • NoNonsense

        Well, that’s the one I read. I guess we just read it differently. Your description makes no sense to me.

      • Anonymous

        I can live with that.

    • Buck

      Almost like it’s an opinion piece at a college. Or a reply in a forum. Violence against police is not down some 25%. There were more police deaths last year than the year before BLM. If someone chanted “kill the cops” then, in my opinion, they are responsible for EVERY cop killed.
      Do us all a favor and outline what BLM wants and what help do they want to get it. Stop whining about how horrible everything is an do something about it. Critiquing an op/ed saying Mr. Stascavage is wrong about what BLM is, without offering your enlightened view of what it is, is a complete waste of time.

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “Do us all a favor and outline what BLM wants”

        “what help do they want to get it.”

        You can help in many ways from protesting to speaking to writing on the link I posted to give them feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

        ” Stop whining about how horrible everything is an do something about it.”

        That’s what BLM is trying to do but to be honest some ppl don’t want things to change. They want to go back to a time when these shootings would happen. There would be outrage for a couple of weeks and then no one cares.

  • Scott Diamond

    I can’t believe the “media” is calling this HERO’S article “controversial”! They must have read something else….

    • NoNonsense

      Reading comprehension and critical thinking are in such short supply. In colleges and in the media.

  • BuckOfama

    The writer of the article is too kind to BLM. I think they are a venal, opportunistic bunch of race hustlers and agitators. Some are in it for the $$$, some for the “glory” and some both. They are a bunch of junior Al Sharptons, always on the hustle, and BlackLivesMatter only when they are politically exploitable.

  • Kizmet Paradigm

    BlM is directlly responsible for the nationwide and growing epidemic of black on black murder as criminals are emboldened and police are scared. Baltimore proves this fact as they pull ahead of detroit in homicides! Thanks BLM! No cop wants their lives destroyed for doing their job and no city wants to be burned down over some career criminal attacking a cop forcing him to defend himself.BLM is directly responsible for the deaths of humdreds of blacks right now. How much black blood do you need to see running down the streets due to your terrorist assault on law and order to realize your only making things exponentially worse for black people?

    • Kizmet Paradigm

      So your telling me that when police cant do their jobs more black people die? Its almost as if your saying there is no greater group of people in the entire country that existentially NEEDS the police than the black community? So when police lock up violent black criminals it keeps them from killing more black people? Hmm…so the problem is the hundreds of hyper violent black dominated inner city war zones that kill blacks 94% of the time and not the cops tasked with maintaining law and order in these inner city black warzones that kill blacks less then one percent of the time thats the problem? Hmm something to think,about…so 94% is MORE than less then one percent? So why are they only focusing on the less then one percent and totally ignoring the 94%? Sounds like a recipe for never ending bloodshed. Hmmm

    • The Big City of Dreams

      “BlM is directlly responsible for the nationwide and growing epidemic of black on black murder as criminals are emboldened and police are scared.”

      No that’s based on police taking a hands off approach when it comes to policing.

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        No its called black mob rule where every arrest of a black on the streets get a hundred screaming blacks aurrounding and theeatening them. So they need at least 3 backups for any arrest. Lawlessness and anarchy nationwide….which leads to….wait for it…….more dead black people killed by other blacks. Thats the epidemic! Congrats! Success! Cops killing blacks is less then 1%…black on black 93% …is one percent greater the 93%?

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “No its called black mob rule where every arrest of a black on the streets get a hundred screaming blacks aurrounding and theeatening them.”

        That’s not true. If it was every black person that was arressted there would be 24/7 coverage daily.

        “Lawlessness and anarchy nationwide.”

        Is that what you believe or is that a fact?

        “more dead black people killed by other blacks.”

        Those killers end up in jail do they not. Does the same happen when an officer an unjustified shooting takes place?

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        How many videos of black mobs attacking cops do you need? Violent black crime that was.already 500% greater then anyone else is skyrocketing even higher..what dont you understand?

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “How many videos of black mobs attacking cops do you need?”

        You say that as if it’s a common occurrence? A number of the acts committed against police have been done by individuals not necessarily a group of ppl. Now you may point to the riots that occurred in the past yr but even them how many police specifically were injured and hurt in those riots. I’m looking for a specific number.

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        4% commit more violent crimes then 96%….look it up. Since 1980 a study found exactly that ugly truth. Black violent crime is astronomically higher then any other group. But in your world there is no greater victim in the entire world then the black criminal. You dont even think black criminals should go to jail! They are the real victims to you! You represent the forces of lawlessness and Im here to tell you we are sick of it.

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “4% commit more violent crimes then 96%….look it up.”

        You provided the stats shouldn’t you provide the evidence as well.

        “Black violent crime is astronomically higher then any other group.”

        You realize black crime has been trending downward for the last several yrs right?

        “But in your world there is no greater victim in the entire world then the black criminal.”

        Do you have the quote where I said this?

        “You dont even think black criminals should go to jail!”

        The point is black criminals end up in jail. There is a difference in my mind with someone who is a killer and dies by police vs someone like Crawford, Boyd, and others.

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        The reason black crime has been declining is because they are locking up violent criminals. But you view black people in jail as the problem…a racist problem. Cops arent the enemy..violent criminals are.

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “The reason black crime has been declining is because they are locking up violent criminals.”

        That’s not the only reason.

        “But you view black people in jail as the problem…a racist problem.”

        If ppl are unfairly targeted because of their race then yes it is a racist problem.

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        Google black mob riot

      • The Big City of Dreams

        Give me a number. You have obviously researched this extensively.

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        Local news has to report on black mob violence but if national news doest pick it up its invisible. Youtube has hundreds of local news reports on it…

      • The Big City of Dreams

        How could it be invisible we live in the age of social media. Do you realize how many stories blew up after ppl online made it an issue. If you feel it’s overlooked use the power you have to bring light to the situation.

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        Black mobs in the hundreds are rampaging nationwide…100% FACT

      • The Big City of Dreams

        Why isn’t there daily coverage of this occurring? If this is indeed happening nationwide wouldn’t there be daily riots?

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        Its an every day occurance accross the entire country. Black mob riots have shut down dozens of malls and state fairs and festivals and on and on and on….all the time!

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “Its an every day occurance accross the entire country.”

        Where is the coverage?

        “Black mob riots have shut down dozens of malls and state fairs and festivals and on and on and on….all the time!”

        That’s not a riot that is a protest. I understand your need to group it under one category but they are not the same.

      • Kizmet Paradigm


      • The Big City of Dreams

        Again that is an unfortunate and hideous act. Still don’t understand it being connected to a protest or march.

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        Just the other day …Wilmington deleware black guy shoots and kills another black guy cops show up and mob of 400-500 blacks attack cops.. Why do they do that?

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “mob of 400-500 blacks attack cops”

        Can you provide the links to the story? I want to read what happened

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        Black mobs in the hundreds are rampaging nationwide…100% FACT

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        DONT SNITCH! The black on black killer does not go to jail becausr he is the most cherished, respected and protected member of the black community. This is number 1 in the list of 100 ways that the black community is the most pathologically messed up…

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “The black on black killer does not go to jail”

        So where does he go exactly? A person who is black has a better chance of ending up in jail than a cop who kills a black person.

        “This is number 1 in the list of 100 ways that the black community is the most pathologically messed up…”

        What are you doing to correct the problems within the black community?

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        Thats because the vast majority of the time the police was defending himself from a violent black attacker. 4% commit more violent crimes then the other 96%. Who is that 4%? You see black as automatically the innocent victim and reality says “ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?” He has a better chance of ending up in jail because of what he chooses to do not because hes black! You live in the simple minded world of a child.

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “You see black as automatically the innocent victim”

        When did I say that?

        “He has a better chance of ending up in jail because of what he chooses to do not because hes black!”

        You’re not aware of how this whole thing works huh.

        “You live in the simple minded world of a child.”

        And we end it off with an insult. So much anger in this replies. Breathe man it’s not life or death. I see you avoided my question so I’ll ask again: What are you doing to correct the problems within the black community?

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        You have zero facts and you automatically defend (insert black here) and assume the absolute worst of the police with zero facts. Judge jury and executioner.

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “You have zero facts ”

        I’m still waiting for the facts you dished out in various replies.

        “assume the absolute worst of the police with zero facts.”

        It depends on the situation. There have been shootings I felt were held properly.

        One more thing since you didn’t answer again: What are you doing to correct the problems within the black community?

      • Kizmet Paradigm

        You think brown was the innocent vixtim and 6 black senior citizens disagree. Black president obama sent black attorney eric holder to ferguson and a federal investigation did not indict and you refuse to accept that truth. Your a cop hater and believe the false narative that blacks are constant victims of white cop harassment when its usually “Police receive a call.” And shit goes down when they show up. Not innocent black people skipping down thestreet and cops just attacking them but “Hey we need help! Cops save black lives every day.

      • The Big City of Dreams

        “You think brown was the innocent vixtim and 6 black senior citizens disagree.”

        What about the black ppl that didn’t agree? Do their voices count or not?

        “Your a cop hater”

        If I was a cop hater that would reflect my posts. Find where I say I hate cops.

        “believe the false narative that blacks are constant victims of white cop harassment when its usually ”

        It depends on the situation there are instances where officers not so much look for trouble but engage in situations where things can escalate. But there are instances where they engage dangerous situations and have to handle them accordingly.

        “Cops save black lives every day.”

        And what are you doing to save black lives?

  • Anonymous


  • Grasshopper

    Truth hurts, I guess. Bryan hits the nail on the head with this article and all the naysayers can do is ask for pictures to make sure supporters who identify as black – are black?

    You do realize that when you can’t make substantive arguments against the article but instead move to insult or discredit people who agree with it – that you’ve lost the argument?

  • MJ

    The only mistake he made was being a white American and criticizing anything supported by black Americans. Otherwise, spot on.

  • D Hetrick

    A decentralized, disorganized movement that uses violence and death to make its point and work its agenda? Sure sounds like a terrorist organization to me

  • Hari Thiagarajan

    This is such a fine article. Kudos to this kid.

  • James Mariani

    Bryan this was a well written article that deserves to be told despite many people having a hard time with it. Some people are just so mentally isolated and narrow minded that they are unable to comprehend certain facts. This article demonstrates that. There is no need for you or the staff to apologize for publishing this article.

    • Abdul Keddou

      Agreed…if anything, he was too easy on the cop-hating racist thugs of BLM and the cowardly, guilt-ridden white liberals who support them.

  • chop chop

    to all the activist trying to shut the paper down:

    extra pickles hold the onions.

    which is what i will be saying to you at mcdonald’s after you can’t get a good job because you have a problem working with those who have differences from you.

  • Marcus Anthony

    Black lies matter is a George Soros communist funded hate group. If black lives really matter they would target the real enemy to black lives, planned preditors. They have killed more black babies then any confederate flag, policeman or white person. It’s the truth. But people don’t want the truth. Lies, lies, lies. Keep telling us lies. That’s what the race baiters do. Keep telling lies. The lame stream media too. If black lies matter can exercise their freedom to spew hate, this United States Veteran who is a college student reporter, can also. Defund the paper? Diversity training? Lol. I think black lies matter needs diversity training. I read this courageous veteran’s article and it’s not even close to the communist liberal lies and hate black lies spews. There only around because George Soros pays them to cause civil arrest. That group needs to be rounded up and arrested and charged with hate crimes. Rico statues. Hello, so we have a Attorney general in the house with courage like this veteran has? Great article and thank you for serving our country and thank you for being truthfull. Amen.

    • Abdul Keddou

      Great point. The man-hating lesbian butchers at Planned Murderhood kill a MUCH higher % of black infants than they do white or other race infants.

  • Allan

    There is but one inaccuracy in this piece. Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk is not a Conservative, she is in fact a democrat. The MSM seems to have worked very hard, and ultimately very effectively, at burying this fact. The Editors in Chief are cowards and do not deserve to fill the role they have. They caved to the pressure of an uncomfortable situation.

  • Hawg Jaw

    I do beleeve its time for Amos N Andy show…hmm der Kingfish u b rite

  • Michael

    BLM will be destroyed if they keep their crap up. They best stay in the inner cities. They’ll be put down quickly out here in the country.

    • The Big City of Dreams

      So you’re advocating for more violence.

  • Anonymous

    When my (4-greats) grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War, there were no Irish/Italian Catholics, no Jews, no Asians, no Hispanics but there were African Americans. African Americans fought, sacrificed and died for our Democracy for which many people immigrated to their country to enjoy. Those too fragile for our Democracy, should return to the country from which their people emigrated. Bon Voyage!

    Do racists, cowards, murderers and liars become policemen or do policemen become racists, cowards, murderers and liars?

    A disproportionate number of citizens murdered by policemen are African Americans. A disproportionate number of policemen murdering African Americans are Irish/Italian Catholics. Darren Wilson, an Irish Catholic from a dysfunctional home, and NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo, an Italian Catholic and now another Irish Catholic, Mary O’Callaghan are cowards, racists and murderers and the DAs Daniel Donovan and Robert McCulloch protectors of cowards, racists and murders. Judge John O’Donnell’s egregious acquittal is racists. These Catholics are inimical to our Democracy, our values and our credibility.

    No African American should be compelled to instruct their children on how to avoid being killed by those insidious ingrates who are in their country enjoying our Democracy for which they have sacrificed so much.

    During the Civil War, Irish Catholics instigated the New York City Draft Riots of 1863 because they did not want to fight in the Civil War, during which time many African Americans were killed.

    Racism and ignorance are synonymous. There is not shortage of either in America

    • Abdul Keddou

      You are an anti-Catholic bigot (I’m NOT Catholic) and ignore the fact that the reason a disproportionate number of black folks get killed by cops is because a disproportionate number commit violet crimes that get them shot by cops. More often that not, an “unarmed” black man like Michael Brown tries to take a cop’s gun and thereby forfeits their “unarmed” status. That thug brought his own death upon himself and the world is a better place without him and other thugs justifiably shot by cops (that does NOT include the black motorist in SC that was shot n the back while running from a racist cop).

    • Buck

      Dillon’s regiment of more than 500 Irish fought to gain control of Savannah, and nine of Washington’s generals were born in Ireland. Irish and Italian Catholics made up a disproportionate share of the Continental army itself, and there certainly were Jewish soldiers and officers. And of course Spain was important in our victory.
      You must have forgotten that Darren Wilson, however he grew up, was attacked by Michael Brown and shot him as Mr. Brown attacked him three times.
      On the positive side, I’m glad you’re taking some credit for this country. Maybe then you won’t want it burned down.

  • Norman

    Great article, but the part about Kim Davis being a conservative is incorrect. According to the Washington Post she is a registered Democrat.

    • Abdul Keddou

      Glad to know that even some liberals don’t recognize the twisted concept of homosexual marriage. The anal cavity is NOT a sexual organ and most homosexuals were not “born” that way, but were molested as children.

  • Steve Mojiro

    This is the best article I have ever read on this matter. I only hope more people read this and really read the meaning not just jump on the offended side because of it bringing into question the heart of the story. Good luck to you, The author.

  • Anonymous

    The only error in this article that I see are the references to Kim Davis as a “conservative” – she is actually an elected Democrat…

  • Eric Johnson

    The, so-called “Black Lives Movement” is nothing but another sad attempt to reshape, conceal, and deny the continuing failures of the Black community, and continue to still place the blame at the feet of White America…yet again! We’ve, seen this “B Movie” before, and we already know how it ends. Blacks, will as per usual “protest, burn, and loot…oh and of course March, and March, and March!”…until they get more “undeserving federal handouts”. And, then go right back to sleep, as usual yet again content, happy, and taken care of! They, attempt to play the very same pathetic game by as per usual “playing the role of the victim”, with the hope of making White American feeling guilty once more. But, this time the game is all too well known, and naturally the strategies being employed aren’t new, nor even original! But, what Black people fail to realize is that they continue to be the “root cause” of their own problems/issues, but remain in their pathetic world of complete, and utter “SELF DENIAL”! That, only continues to show how Black people “my people” haven’t yet grown collectively, nor individuality as a people as it relates to “growth and development” or being able to develop a viable strategy that makes sense. Very, sad, pathetic…but unfortunately true! If, Black Lives really wants to change the system…as they claim, then “STOP KILLING YOURSELVES” in such “alarming numbers”! Just, last week in Chicago…just to name one all too well know locations. There was “33” shootings, “49” victims, and “8” murders! All at the hands of “you got it” Black people! Where’s, the outrage? Who are the victims? Is, the so-called “Black Lives Movement” marching to remember those slain black people? Why hasn’t this fake, racist movement spoken a “single word” about this ongoing, out-of -control
    Black on Black crime…that never stops! But, I can assure you that if these Black people were killed by white cops, then the social media would be literally on FIRE! But, when we as a people kill each other…well it just “business as usual”! Black Lives Matter? Get real! In this continuing saga only, “Black Lies Matter”!

    • Abdul Keddou

      Great post amigo.

    • The Big City of Dreams

      “Where’s, the outrage? ”

      The outrage is right there with the various groups and orgs. fighting to end the violence in Chicago.

      ” Is, the so-called “Black Lives Movement” marching to remember those slain black people?”

      I wouldn’t be surprised if the activists in Chicago have marched or are marching.

  • Abdul Keddou

    “Black Lives Matter” is a group of cop-hating racist thugs and the way they intimidated leftist US Senator Bernie Sanders to cravenly give up the stage when they thuggishly took it over shows they have NO respect for limp-wristed, guilt-driven liberals like Weenie Sanders. These anarchist thugs ignore black-on-black murder and only get upset when a black thug/criminal like Michael Brown gets justifiably shot by a cop.

    Here’s a great video soundbite from black NFL superstar RIchard Sherman calling out the BLM clowns for ignoring black-on-black crime:

  • Anonymous

    I always love the groups who demand freedom of speech…until someone uses it in a manner they don’t like. Then out come the petitions, the race cards, and the demands that those freedoms of speech be taken away from those they don’t agree with.

    I really hate hypocrites.

  • Abdul Keddou

    “Black Lives Matter” is merely the inevitable product of the climate of racial division established since January 2009, when Obama became Divider-in-Chief. Obama, with the help of his racist buddies Eric Holder and Al Sharpton has created a climate of racial hostility worse than anything this country has seen since the pre-Civil Rights days in the early 1960s. Hopefully the racial climate will improve once the Racebaiter-in-Chief leaves the White House.

    • The Big City of Dreams

      You’re someone who believes racial tension coincides with Obama being in office yet not realizing it’s always a division but many ppl never cared to pay attention to it.

  • Anonymous

    This is the type of conversation that needs to be taking place on college campuses. I disagree with some of this but it appears to be a well thought out, well written piece. We need to talk about these issues! How can we figure these problems out if we don’t honestly share our opinions?

  • Anonymous

    “Black lives matter” thugs don’t like having their own racism and violent behavior questioned. Good for SGT. Stascavage. People need to speak out against these malfeasants.

  • dustoffdax

    Great article about a tough topic. If it gets people talking instead of accusing, mission accomplished.

  • Bearman

    Thank you Bryan for the service you committed to this great country for the protection of our freedom and liberty. Thank you for your level and clear thinking article on this “Black Live Matter subject”.

  • Joe
