As a teenager, one of my first forays into studying activist groups and their tactics was when I took an interest in People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). I researched the organization extensively, reading everything on its website, especially its FAQ section, as many articles in which it is mentioned and its press releases.
I also studied a related organization, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), and its actions. I read the articles on each of its operations, trying to get an insight into its members’ minds. This was not only my first introduction to activism, but to terrorism as well.
I don’t remember exactly why I fixated on PETA. Perhaps it was a novelty, an organization so determined to force everyone to be vegans and vegetarians, so focused on ending research that was using animals to advance science. Its moral compass was so different from my own that I had to understand why and how anyone could think like PETA’s supporters do. I even contemplated joining a PETA volunteer group to get a closer look into the mind of those who truly believed in their mission.
In an attempt to gain more insight, I emailed PETA about a question that appeared on its FAQ. To summarize, the question is about ALF, a labeled domestic terrorist group, and whether or not PETA supports the group’s actions. Without directly condoning ALF, the response stated that the work that ALF does has exposed horrific animal conditions in laboratories and then weirdly transitioned to calling for activism. You can still read the question for yourself; it is on page 8 of PETA’s FAQ at the time of this writing.
I asked PETA’s representatives how they could tacitly support an organization that, according to a threat assessment, stated that the fact that ALF hasn’t killed anyone is due to sheer luck. Their response: a whole lot of doublespeak and deflection. I came to the conclusion that PETA does in fact support ALF, and by transitive property, its destruction of scientific laboratories, its burning of property, and its overall extremist views.
Over the years, I have kept tabs on what PETA is up to, especially how it is viewed by the general public. Thankfully PETA is a joke, and is viewed as such by most. Vegans and vegetarians hang their heads in shame whenever PETA makes headlines. But why does PETA do such crazy things like yelling at presidents for swatting at flies, throwing red paint on those who wear fur, and rescuing animals only to kill them later?
The answer to that is complex. It is partially an indicator of the mindset of those who work for and support PETA, and partially a way for them to keep themselves relevant (the irony that they are getting Argus space because I’m writing this article is not lost on me). PETA operates with the same methodology as insurgent and terrorist organizations: Get into the media any way, any how, no matter how extreme it is, in order to stay relevant. I’ve studied terrorist organizations from the inside out extensively, and one of the best books I’ve ever read on the topic spelled it out plainly: Remaining relevant and gaining public support are the lifeblood of these types of organizations. Even though most people are looking at the actions of PETA and laughing, the few that agree with its message and methods are then encouraged to join up, or make a donation.
But the real danger of organizations like PETA is rarely seen. They operate under the radar, protesting and terrorizing people who work in research laboratories. I don’t see article after article about how PETA and its related groups harass those who work with animals to advance science. I don’t see counter-protests shooing them away and allowing scientists to work free from harassment.
PETA is harassing the people who are trying to learn how to make those who are paralyzed walk again. These are the researchers who are trying to find the cures for diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and more. For example, they need to find out where and how the pancreas is destroyed to cure diabetes, and unless you or anyone you love is willing to go under the knife to find out, animals must stand in for humans.
But if you talk to these workers, you will find that many, especially the veterinarians, have the welfare of the animals under their care first and foremost in their mind. I’ve listened to how a veterinarian has fought tooth and nail to make sure that a study remained ethical. Listened to how many regulations are in place to make sure that there is no suffering for animals unless it is highly justified with the knowledge that will be gained.
And day after day, they go to work, passing activists who are hell-bent on stopping their work. Activists that contact their network to blacklist veterinarians and other researchers from adopting animals, who have sympathizers in the media that intentionally twist and curve facts to misinform the public (which seems to be the norm for journalists these days, but that is another article), who have set up explosives outside the homes of veterinarians (sounds a lot like the “crazy” pro-lifers, eh?).
Animal rights organizations like PETA and ALF stand against science. They stand against progress, and they will use or support any tactic that achieves their end goal. They are disgusting, despicable organizations that should be counter-protested into a footnote in history.
We all remember the emails that were sent out a couple of months ago by the University begging us to vote for Wesleyan as the top vegan school in the country. The group that hosted this competition? PETA. I was surprised that no one seemed to mind that PETA was the one putting it on. I was very surprised that the University cared so much what PETA thinks of our vegan fare. That the University would associate with PETA when Wesleyan itself uses animals in research. Hypocrisy, thy name is you.
I am not anti-vegan or anti-vegetarian; in fact, I probably could use a more vegan-friendly diet for my health. I understand that eating more plants is better for the environment, due to the amount of resources required to sustain meat consumption.
But I am vehemently in support of advancing medical science. There are a lot of veterans, victims of accidents, and those who were born with defects who would benefit greatly if we learn how to cure paralysis. And we need to use animals to learn how to do this. I am in awe and hold the highest respect for researchers and veterinarians who can go to work every day and deal with the soul-crushing moral decision to intentionally paralyze an animal in order to try to make it walk again.
So my message to PETA is this: While I condemn your actions, I respect your right to say and believe what you want. That said, I disagree with all of it in the strongest terms possible. The day your organization folds and those who think like you are ruthlessly ridiculed by the public, is a day that I can declare that the world has intellectually progressed.
Stascavage is a member of the class of 2018.
This article is filled so much factless-based OPINIONS that it’s ridiculous!
You are so disconnected from animals and the horror of the lives they are forced to endure in animal testing labs which have been proven to be UNNECESSARY.
You are truly sick to advocate to deliberately paralyze animals when none of that is EVER necessary. Your heart is too small to comprehend the animal torture you proselytize and advocate as a way of life for innocent animals that deserve to live happy lives just as much as you do. This article is like reading a fiction book with a dastardly ending.
So my message to you is:
While I condemn your actions, I respect your right to say and believe what you want. That said, I disagree with all of it in the strongest terms possible. The day your access to write these extremists articles advocating harm to animals folds and those who think like you are ruthlessly ridiculed by the public, is a day that I can declare that the world has intellectually progressed.
Derpy Derp Derp
still no facts….
FC White
Who said anything about a “lynchin'” other than you?
Are you unable to distinguish between disagreeing with someone’s written piece and murdering them by an enraged mob?
Tobey Maguire's Spandex
Are you unable to sense hyperbole? In the last comment, you could sense people’s intentions and were using clairvoyance to unearth what journalistic techniques the writer used. Now, you can’t sense when someone is being over-the-top on purpose. Wow. Are you sure you were bitten by the radioactive spider? Is this why you got Uncle Ben killed?
al smith
now now don’t start using them big words like hyperbole LOL you don’t want to confuse them they have a script
Arnold Taylor
Yes there are a lot of people who want to be the living dogshit out of this human filth.New era freaks.Throw red paint or blood on someone’s leather jacket your going to end up in the hospital after getting your face kicked in.Threaten someones business or family and there are many of us who will god damn send you home in a body bag.
I have read the PETA articles that state animal testing is UNNECESSARY and that alternatives exist and how you don’t EVER need to test on animals. They even capitalized the same words. So, I read up on alternatives and found that most research facilities use them already in any instance where they are a viable alternative. I also found that most current animal research is done where software, tissue samples and cell culture plates will not provide any benefit to the study. I also learned that PETA’s claim that animal research is inappropriate for human applications is false. It is not a case of NEVER needing animals for research purposes, nor is it just a group of people who decided to torture animals UNNECESSARILY. The only time that applies is when the testing is for cosmetic purposes. You can boycott cosmetics that are tested on animals. And I’m sure you do. I do wonder, do you boycott medicine and surgical procedures as well? Or are you willing to utilize and fund medical facilities, procedures and medications that you will benefit from? Will you look at someone you love and degrade them for contributing to a research fund for a disease that they suffer from? If the answer to any of those was no, then perhaps you should focus your anger and outrage on animal research that has no medical benefits, such as the aforementioned cosmetic research.
Terry Vourantonis
I lost my beautiful son to sarcoma , Hondro sarcoma to be exact and I would give any rats’ ass to find a cure, too late for Olivier but I am certain many other Young humans will succumb to this form of cancer. .Those who have never had an experience with a Deadly disease should SHUT THE FRONT DOOR until they have met Dr. DOOM. In the meantime Animal Rights organizations are the stupidest people on EARTH !
al smith
you don’t get it they do NOT care about your son ..they care about the rats ass:
“To those people who say, `My father is alive because of animal experimentation,’ I say `Yeah, well, good for you. This dog died so your father could live.’ Sorry, but I am just not behind that kind of trade off. Bill Maher PETA follower
and I for one an sorry to hear of your loss. I wish a rat or any other animal could have saved his life
You have to use animals, stupid. Look up the Nuremberg Code and read up on 20th century history, especially that of 1930s and 1940s Europe, to understand why it is animals and not people have to be used. There are not real alternatives to using animals in research, the vast majority of which are rats and mice. You crackpots wouldn’t allow anybody to have dogs or cats at all, and good old PETA thinks nothing of killing animals because they think animal ownership is akin to slavery. Totally batshit, and I hope it and HSUS are shut down.
more BS and lies than spewed by an animal abuser.
FC White
Wow…you’re pretty hysterical about this. Aren’t you?
Are you a paid troll or just an ideologically obsessed, narrow minded one?
Michael Douglas's Stabwound
Hysterical? Christ, you’re the one running all over this article like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.
al smith
just a petavile and HSUS troll
Terry Vourantonis
Thank You for the sane response to all these feeble minds.
al smith
make sure you never use any drugs that were tested on animals or need any surgeries that have been first done on animals I fully expect you to refuse ANY medical situations that have ever been derived from animal testing oh and that goes for your parents and your children too if you have any.. turn it all down.. cause ya know it is bad .. and you just shouldn’t do it.. so if you need stitches NOPE break your leg no pain killers for you try biting down on a stick your child has cancer oh too bad no chemo..o radiation just suffering and loss.. think about it if you can
The writer sounds immature and not clear about the real issues…this is just an opinionated generalist condemnation. Not one well versed in animal ethics or research for that matter.
alum '88
Does the writer sound immature strictly because you do not agree with his opinion? Because frankly, whether you agree with him or not (I don’t agree with everything, personally), this did not come off as childish or immature.
If you don’t agree with someone’s opinion, it doesn’t mean you have to deride them or attempt to undermine everything they say by labeling it and deeming it inconsequential.
what is immature or even ridiculous in this article is calling peta members terrorists. DAESH is a terrorist organization. the ISIS is terror. I’m not a peta member, but claiming that being against animal experimentation is standing against science is a childish ,immature claim. I am working with scientists dedicated to find alternatives to animal testing both for ethical and scientific reasons. I doubt those researchers are standing against science ! Let’s not forget that 80 to 99% of medicines (depending the desease) identified on animal experimentation FAIL when tested on real patients (human) . I guess this article shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
Arnold Taylor
NO look up the meaning of terrorism.
al smith
the FBI disagrees with you
Animals aren’t test tubes to use and abuse as we please. They suffer and feel pain as we do, they form friendships and families, and they have a right to their lives. How sad that we’re still relying on outdated and cruel animal experiments when viable alternatives exist. Perhaps the reason we haven’t found cures or treatments for many diseases is because scientists are stuck in the old paradigm of trying to cure human diseases in animals. It’s time to embrace all of the advanced non-animal research methods that are available. And as an aside, many diseases and conditions can be avoided and/or treated by living a healthy, vegan lifestyle—as PETA recommends.
Eddie Murphy's Career
The last time you had an in depth conversation with an animal, did he or she use language and describe to you the type of pain and suffering he or she feels? Is that why you know this, Dr. Doolittle?
FC White
Sick and sickening person, you truly are.
You are absolutely out of your mind. All species are interconnected. Domesticated animals would not exist in your mentally disturbed world. Vegan is unnatural and unhealthy for humans–that is fact. People are naturally omnivores.
FC White
What “facts” are you referencing? Maybe you don’t know the definition of “fact”?
Jim Lahey's a Drunk Bastard
You’re just a one note pony, aren’t ya? Shit hawks.
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
PETA is hypocritical considering how many animals they kill. At least in slaughter houses the animals bodies are used. PETA just dumps them into the trash like their lives meant nothing. That explains PETA in a nutshell.
FC White
Huh? When and where does PETA “dump” animals “into the trash”?
Haley Joel Osment's Necromancy
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
Are you educated about PETA at all? Why are you commenting on AR groups as if you understand them if you do not bother to research them!? You are nothing but a dam troll. Look it up! There are plenty of articles and information about PETA.
Terry Vourantonis
The Virginia Legislature has found PETA guilty of dumping dead animals and recently of murdering the MAJORITY of pets they pick up. GEEZ are you pretending to be ignorant ? or are you a big ignoramous ??
al smith
LOL idiots abound now crawl off to your corner and eat some kale
Terry Vourantonis
Yeah is that not why they planned the freezer before they purchased a crate to hold the pets?
Terry Vourantonis
I hope your turn never comes, but…if it does come remember Lucy, you were once an idiot. My son asked IS IT NUTRICIOUS many many times ,he lived a very healthy diet and was diagnosed with a malignant tumor at age 14 and again when you (if)lose a child you will hope there had been a cure ! In the meantime shut your face and live in la la land.
Arnold Taylor
Grow up stupid.
Does the Argus not maintain ANY kind of journalistic standards for publishing? This is a whole lot of conjecture, assumption, and grandstanding. The author clearly has an agenda and also obviously doesn’t know the meaning of journalistic research – let alone anything about testing on animals or the difference between the groups he so righteously condemns. There is nothing original or interesting about this piece – it reads like a vitriolic blog written by a teenager who has never heard of the words “libel” or “fact checking”…not a journalism student. Hopefully instructor/s will point this out, and the author won’t be so careless in future writing.
hello and welcome to the opinion section!
For a second there, I could have sworn you were talking about
For a second there I thought you were talking about PETA. Your description is spot on for their activities.
Arnold Taylor
Oh grow up stupid.Boo hoo.this guy is spot on about urban extremist animal rights stupidity.Obviously you are another URBAN entitled radical animal rights retard.The way these dirtbags think “let’s decriminalize arson because we never hurt anyone”.Idiot
SPECIESISM! Shame on you and your exploitative views. Who’s the real terrorist?
Billions of tortured animals and counting.
Whack job.
Arnold Taylor
Stupid nutjob.
Arnold Taylor
Bryan Stascavage
Sources for the article:
3. Several confidential sources (veterinarians and researchers who work in the New England area).
4. My own personal expertise in intelligence and the study of extremist organizations.
– Bryan
Great article dude! Ballsy too considering the news outlet. Keep it up.
FC White
Hmmm…I sense that there was a very, very heavy reliance on #4. Quite thorough and absolutely reliable, I’m sure.
Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin
You “sense,” huh? Did it hurt when you were bitten by that radioactive spider, Peter Parker?
Ed Cummings
Instead of supporting extremist/terrorist groups PETA should by supporting research in to alternatives to animal research which their are but to say at the moment that all animal research can’t be phased out as quickly as the extremist want is foolish.
Joel Bartlett
I started working at PETA two weeks after graduating from Wesleyan in 2003. I still work there. PETA is a wonderful organization and I’m proud to have had a part in so many victories for animals.
I’m not sure how you can equate mass euthnizations of healthy animals “victories.”
Joel Bartlett
That’s great that you’re taking an interest in the issue of overpopulation. I highly recommend you read this page to read about the work, including euthanasia, that PETA does:
Lol, yes, I’ll just read this PETA link you sent me, which I am sure is a reliable source of non-biased information.
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
Maybe you should tell PETA to use their donations for something useful. Such as spay and neuter clinics in low income areas with high unwanted animals populations. Imagine all the cat and dog abortions they could do! A bit different from their usual pets they kill… But pre birth should still be fine for Ingrid. It would certainly beat the to skinny models pretending to screw veggies and paying people to abuse animals for their disguisting videos.
Joel Bartlett
In 2014, PETA’s fleet of mobile spay-and-neuter clinics sterilized 10,950 dogs and cats. PETA transported more than 600 dogs and cats to and from our clinics, free of charge, for people who have no transportation.
In 2014, PETA delivered more than 285 doghouses and more than 1,100 bales of straw bedding to needy “backyard dogs.” PETA’s program has given away more than 6,000 doghouses since its inception.
PETA assisted more than 1,500 indigent families in keeping animals they were about to give up, by providing free medical services, including repairing prolapsed organs, removing tumors and ruptured growths, removing injured eyes, amputating legs, performing drainage surgery for hematomas, and treating ear, skin, and upper respiratory infections.
PETA counseled more than 2,500 people and helped them keep their animals by showing them how to cope with behavioral quirks, housetraining woes, and more.
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
50 million a year, they should be doing a hell of a lot more spay and neuters. They should have livestock sanctuaries, spay and neuter clinics in low income areas with high populations of unwanted animals. They should set up mobile units to help low income/homeless get medical care for their pets. All the outrageous things need to stop and a ground roots of actually helping and not just having one death shelter. Since HSUS is interchangeable, they should join forces and actually keep the promises on HSUS commercials.
Arnold Taylor
PETA wackjobs should be in prison.
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
How much PETA donations PETA generates it should have animal sanctuaries of the farm animals they say they love and spay and neuter clinics all over this country in poor neighborhoods. They should have joined forces with HSUS and education on the need for spay and neuter to populations that culturally do not think it is important, and apply mobile spay and neuter programs. This could help the poor, disabled, elderly, or people without transportation. That is where their money should be going not to overly skinny models screwing veggies.
al smith
and pigs will fly over PETA headquarters when they should release the bowels
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
Why are some of the PETA followers so demented? I was once on PETA site chatting with this guy about my Bengals, and my other cats. He was thinking of getting a bengal and asking me questions. He was upset I had gotten two from a breeder so I shared a pictures of the other four I saved. I also gave him information on how to rescue a Bengal. He was vegan, and I did not eat meat, but occasionally ate cheese and yogurt. I tried vegan and ended in the hospital. The conversation turned to our shared opinion of TNR for cats. A girl came into our chat and started aggressively stating why PETA did not support it. I gave my reasons why I did. I took care of feral cats at a shelter and they are terrified. I think it is cruel to take them from their known territory. It got heated. When I had shown my cats, one was a calico and one of my favorites. The bitch found a bitch of a cat hung on a tree by her neck dead. It was upsetting. Then this guy starts up about how it was awful I eat cheese and yogurt. That my mom should have aborted me.
I used to go on the site for soups, salads, ect. They have some yummy dishes. But some of the people are just crazy.
Terry Vourantonis
So here we have it A PAID SHILL ,should we say YIPPEE?
al smith
is part of that “victory ” death to thousands of animals.. when you get your paycheck does it say “blood money” on it?
They are all about the abolition of animal domestication because these whack jobs think it is slavery. BTW, plant-only diets aren’t better for the environment. That is just junk science.
FC White
“Junk science?” Most people who use that term are the REAL ones pushing actual garbage research that they try to position as “science” while calling real, respected, peer-accepted work as “junk science”.
So, are you being paid DIRECTLY by Richard Berman, or indirectly, through one of his many shadow, sleazy, “untraceable back to his clients” Astroturf Organizations?
If not, you’re missing quite an “income opportunity” as I understand he cycles through his shills and trolls pretty rapidly, and consequently there’s always “an opening” for people like you to be paid to spew ignorance, denial, and vile propaganda, designed to confuse, obfuscate and mislead a public they assume is just a bunch of gullible, easily fooled saps.
Arnold Taylor
Oh fuck of you stupid limp wristed piece of shit.You are just another urban radical animal rights retard that needs their ass kicked,Weirdo.
al smith
oh please even red herring starts to stink after a couple posts junk science.. what PETA uses as “science”
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
Linda, you sound like a PETA follower, so you are animal rights and lack common sense and any reasoning skills. What about the thousands of animals PETA kills? Millions of donations and not one sanctuary for all the farm animals they claim to love? Whatever. PETA does not care about animals! Killing them and they lack of actually helping any of the animals they claim to love! I think when the employees killed them and stuffed them in a garbage bin lying to shelters, vets, and owners to get their hands on innocent pets just to throw them away like trash, is a good analogy of how PETA feels about animals.
FC White
“Linda, you sound like a PETA follower, so you are animal rights (SIC) and lack common sense (SIC) and any reasoning skills. (SIC)”
Huh? I’m sorry. Can you perhaps get someone you know—with a 4th grade understanding of English grammar—to rewrite your attempt at a sentence? Then we might take you more seriously. You know, after you, with adult assistance, can take your nonsensical blather and transform that into something that is at least semi-coherent?
Then we can focus on the truly obtuse part of your post: the mendacious and confused content.
Mark Twain's Aphorisms
It’s always classy when–after berating someone for their spelling, grammar, syntax, and diction–you throw out a ten-dollar word. Perfect. If the person has the limited grasp of English grammar that you so gracefully pointed out, do you really think they are going to know what mendacious means?
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
You wonder why I hate you PETA people. Pretentious asstwats. Maybe you should eat something more substantial than rabbit food, you would not be such a crappy douche. I pegged you right! You enjoy throwing blood on fur coats, helping make deceitful video of the many abuses any animal industry inflicts on innocent animals. Yes that is sarcasm.
I love my three hybrid cats I bought from a breeder. I also have many breeder friends. PETA sucks!
FC White
You’re assuming I’m a PETA member. I’m not. I’m just offended by assholes who parrot whatever Fox “News” teaches them to obediently memorize and recite, and increasingly disgusted by cheap little dirtbags who apparently can’t understand the concept of treating other species ethically and morally.
I’m a meat eater myself. I’m just not a unconscious, uncaring scumbag who thinks it’s fun to make fun of those who want to see a better and more conscientious treatment of animals.
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
I, unlike you, research PETA, HSUS, ALDF, and other extremist animal rights organizations. In reality they do more harm than good. PETA lies about most animal industries, and actually pays people to torture animals for their sadistic videos. I also do not believe in poisoning or letting animals out of their pens just because they do not agree with the ethics of performing or showing animals. At this point dog sledding is considered abuse. If you own a dog that is outside and a animal rights organization finds out there is a good chance you will be threatened and harassed until you surrendered your dog to their care.
Worse, as far as I see many groups see how profitable AR is. Whatever AR issue is popular, is what the big group promote. Right now it is carriage horses, rescuing dogs from the meat markets in China, saving exotic animals from private ownership and breeding of any kind for dogs and cats must be stopped.
It is all a sham to make money. While animals really in need, such as shelter animals being mistreated, it is not what is hot so who cares Right!? I guess our own strays do not matter, but we have to import Chinese dogs so they can kill off our pets.
This is what you asstwat AR jerks do not understand. My pets you do not take care of. You do not take care of their vet bills, their food, or provide any of their needs. It is none of your business how I obtain them. The only business my animals are to the state is they are cares for and not a threat to the state. That is what you do not understand. You AR nut jobs have no right to force people to savea animals if they do not want too.
I do rescue, and I worked at a shelter. I worked with many types of animals. I have a house full. So, I am quite aware who drops off puppies and kittens. It is irresponsible owners. Your AR morons just want to breeders as a scape goat for everything. So do not tell me I watch Fox, or what my political agenda is.
I am all for treating animals right. AR groups that you worship do not care about how animals are treated. I let ALDF, PETA, HSUS and another AR group know a shelter director was hired in a LA shelter that has previously been fired twice for abusing animals and staff. Since it is not a popular issue, they did not care. So much for your AR organizations giving a crap.
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
I so wish I could post a picture of my Savannah. She is a F3, and since mama had a higher Serval content, and daddy was a F4. She is closer to a F2. I so love the breeder I got her from. It was a pleasure watching her grow up. You are the type of person I would love to publish those pics. I am sure you think breeders are evil. Um…. No, not even close to the ones I know. They are very nice people. Anyway, I am sure being a AR extremist it is ethically wrong to hybridize a small leopards with a domestic cat. I have to lovely Bengals too! A silver girl, and a traditional one… I got those two beauties from a different breeder. ; )
I appreciate your comment. I’m not a PETA member as well and I don’t support anything they do. But one thing is sure the idea of reducing our animal use, the idea of being compassionate to animals is a great concept. A society that considers those concepts as “extremist” and labels the activist as “terrorists” is a deeply sick society. On the other hand those ideas of compassion towards animals is a major rule of life for hundreds of millions of people in the world. The buddhist, the hinduits, the jains. do we have to consider them as terrorist ? I see the hand of a company or an industrial behind this ridiculous article.
Arnold Taylor
Somebody needs to beat the living dogshit out of you freak
al smith
yes you are a PETAvile
Terry Vourantonis
I guess that makes you a hypocrit, or are you just defending the murder of perfectly adoptable animal companions?
Steffanie Goltra Byrnes
If that was directed at me. I have four rescue animals, besides my Bengals and Savannah. That is a hell of a lot more than most AR twits have. They rescue a dog and think they are Jesus Christ. What is truly tragic is most of AR refuse to adopt from high kill shelters. Excuse me, but how is it the animals fault it ended up at a high kill shelter!? I see moronic AR douches writing how they will only adopt at no kill shelters. Here is a idea, go to a ghetto shelter and actually save a animal from death row. Most AR are well off and refuse to go slumming.
John Smith
Oh grow up stupid.
Terry Vourantonis
Stupid? At 65 years of age my wisdom trumps your assanine reflections. How old are you Genius? What nerve, is this your only answer to a serious question? I propose animal welfare across the board be improved. What is your proposal Genius?
Arnold Taylor
Oh bull.It means you have learned nothing in you 65 years but to be a dimwit animal rights extrtemist.
Arnold Taylor
scumbag? could have fooled me
al smith
that is because you are easily fooled as can be seen by your PETAvile stance
al smith
you are and you are not and you are
“Linda, you sound like a PETA follower” Steffanie sounds like a complete idiot.
Arnold Taylor
Arnold Taylor
Oh shut the fuck up you stupid radical animal rights retard.
al smith
mendacious wow aren’t you just something rare ( thank goodness)
Terry Vourantonis
So true , well answered Steffanie
Great article!
Arson, property destruction, burglary and theft are “acceptable crimes” when used for the animals’ cause.
-Alex Pacheco (PETA)
. Even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, “We’d be against it.”
-Ingrid Newkirk, PETA
I would rather that these buildings weren’t standing, so on some level I
understand. I just don’t like the idea of that. Maybe that is
wishy-washy of me, because I don’t want those buildings standing if they
are going to hurt anyone. And the ALF has never hurt mice nor mare.
Ingrid Newkirk
Newkirk has said of the ALF: “Thinkers may prepare revolutions, but bandits must carry them out.”[7]
On PETA’s press strategy
“PETA’s publicity formula — eighty percent outrage, ten percent each of celebrity and truth.”
Ingrid Newkirk
“We are complete press slts”
Ingrid newkirk
so thanks.. the author has nailed it
FC White
the author has nailed it…deep up his rectum…
Jeremy Piven's Sushi Addiction
Maybe he likes it deep up his rectum? You got a problem with that, oppressor?
Arnold Taylor
Whats the matter freakjob? Don’t like the truth?
al smith
you probably have knowledge of all sorts of rectums
And yet Ingrid, who is diabetic takes insulin that was discovered, created and manufactured through the use of animals. She is such a hypocrite.
al smith
pretty easy withhold any medications from all PETA cultists that were derived from animal testing no surgeries that have been proved by animal testing either.. problem solved..too bad those of use who actually have compassion for humans have that devilish thing called the Hippocratic Oath
Terry Vourantonis
Thank you Bryan Stascavage for this insightful article, we need some sane people to help expose the hypocrisy and the mispent tax free donations. Again thank you for educating the bleeding heart and waking the sleeping minds.
Bryan, I can’t believe that you spent all this time researching, obsessing and trolling these organizations that you still don’t understand the basic morality of animal rights activism. We view animals as innocents, just like we would a baby. If you have a newborn, would you let someone cook it and eat it?
Where do you draw the line? Where does the hypocrisy end? Would you eat a horse, a cat or a dog? What about a manatee or dolphin? Why are the lives of these animals protected but not cows or pigs? You people are such hypocrites.
You think vegans trying to force a diet on you, but we really just want you to stop murdering. In reality, we could care less if you eat nails, just not our friends.
Animals are not food.
Eating them is murder.
Call me an “Animal Rights Extremists”, I will proudly wear that title. Ironically, eating animals is an EXTREME abuse of animals rights.
(DISCLAIMER: I don’t don’t endorse or condemn PETA, I do my own thing.)
Ed Cummings
Do you believe animals should be given the same rights as humans? If so then under Article 11 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights all animals have the right to a far trial for human crimes such as rape, murder, theft, etc even if they lack the understanding that they have committed a crime in the first place Nature is not kind the majority animals will do what they have to do to survive and to pass on their genes (DNA) thus they are not innocent. If you really believe that they are you are living in Disney based dream world. Roger Scruton, the British philosopher, argues that rights imply obligations. Every legal privilege, he writes, imposes a burden on the one who does not possess that privilege: that is, “your right may be my duty.” Scruton therefore regards the emergence of the animal rights movement as “the strangest cultural shift within the liberal worldview”, because the idea of rights and responsibilities is, he argues, distinctive to the human condition, and it makes no sense to spread them beyond our own species. He accuses animal rights advocates of “pre-scientific” anthropomorphism, attributing traits to animals that are, he says, Beatrix Potter-like, where “only man is vile.” It is within this fiction that the appeal of animal rights lies, he argues. The world of animals is non-judgemental, filled with dogs who return our affection almost no matter what we do to them, and cats who pretend to be affectionate when, in fact, they care only about themselves. It is, he argues, a fantasy, a world of escape.
Article 11.
(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed
al smith
(DISCLAIMER: I don’t don’t endorse or condemn PETA, I do my own thing.) LOL PETAvile
You people are so spiritually dead inside. You bring hell to animals and then attack people for trying to defend them? Label them PETA followers?
Arnold Taylor
Grow up stupid.No one buys your radical animal rights stupidity.
al smith
yup because PETAviles kill animals every day without any remorse what so ever..
“Let the Fur Fly”?
Bryan, that’s the most IGNORANT thing I’ve read all day. So you don’t want to be a vegetarian or vegan. OK, fine. But you openly endorse fur farms? Animals being killed for nothing more than their skin?
Arnold Taylor
Screw you moron.Stupid animal rights extremist nutjob.
al smith
oh I love fur but meanwhile every bit of that animal is used for food as well as the fur
John Smith
PETA,ALF,HSUS = radical animal rights wackjobs.
Donwanna Behere
I’ve been following the NYC carriage horse issue pretty closely ever since the current mayor was elected. PETA and partner NYCLASS (bought and paid for by some of Mayor de Blasio’s deep pocketed real estate buddies) have been front and center in the unsuccessful fight to ban a well run, humane, highly regulated and very safe carriage industry. PETA and other animal “rights” organizations don’t give a flying F about facts, or truth, or even common sense.
I guess I understand that some people might not like to see horses in the city, because that’s not where most people expect to see them, despite the fact that horses have worked in cities since cities were invented. But what I don’t understand is why that dislike should somehow make them instant experts on horse welfare, over and above the owners, drivers, veterinarians and equine experts who work with them every day, or have actually been to the stables and examined the horses for themselves.
Beyond this, PETA and their cronies happily misrepresent and flat out lie whenever they think it will serve the cause. And they will repeat these lies again and again, deaf to all corrections and proof of falsity. They just don’t care whether people think they’re honest or moral. They must thing that if say the lies long enough and often enough, maybe enough people will believe them to keep the coffers full. SMH. PETA is disgusting.
Arnold Taylor
This human scum needs eradicated off this planet.Never met an animal rights dirtbag who could find their way out of a city park or fight their way out of a wet paper sack.
You have a firm grasp on PeTA – now do some research on their brothers-in-arms: HSUS is PeTA in a business suit. 10 Things You Should Know About HSUS
1. HSUS raises millions of dollars from American animal lovers through manipulative advertising. An analysis of HSUS’s TV fundraising determined that more than 85 percent of the animals shown were cats and dogs. However, HSUS doesn’t run a single pet shelter and only gives 1 percent of the money it raises to pet shelters while sucking money out of local communities.
2. HSUS’s own donors and local shelters feel wronged. A poll of self-identified HSUS donors found 80 percent thought HSUS “misleads people” about their connections to pet shelters and 75 percent were less likely to support the group when they found out the truth. And according to a poll of animal shelters most agree that “HSUS misleads people into thinking it is associated with local animal shelters.”
3. HSUS puts more into its pension plan and Caribbean hedge funds than it gives to pet shelters. Between 2012 and 2014, HSUS put over $100 million in Caribbean investments while also putting nearly $10 million into its pension plan.
4. While it raises money with pictures of cats and dogs, HSUS has an anti-meat vegan agenda. Speaking to an animal rights conference in 2006, HSUS’s then-vice president for farm animal issues stated that HSUS’s goal is to “get rid of the entire [animal agriculture] industry” and that “we don’t want any of these animals to be raised and killed.”
5. In May 2014, HSUS was part of a $15.75 million settlement of a federal racketeering lawsuit. Feld Entertainment sued HSUS, two of its in-house lawyers, and others under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act for bribery, obstruction of justice, fraud, and other torts. Court documents indicate that HSUS sent several checks as part of an alleged witness-payment scheme.
6. HSUS’s senior management includes others who have voiced support for terroristic acts. HSUS chief policy officer Mike Markarian has written that “A perfect example of effective rebellion is an Animal Liberation Front raid on a laboratory.” HSUS food policy director Matt Prescott, meanwhile, has written that “I also believe in the actions of the ALF and other such groups.” (Prescott is a former PETA activist.)
7. HSUS’s senior management includes a former spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), a criminal group designated as “terrorists” by the FBI. HSUS president Wayne Pacelle hired John “J.P.” Goodwin in 1997, the same year Goodwin described himself as “spokesperson for the ALF” while he fielded media calls in the wake of an ALF arson attack at a California meat processing plant. In 1997, when asked by reporters for a reaction to an ALF arson fire at a farmer’s feed co-op in Utah (which nearly killed a family sleeping on the premises), Goodwin replied, “We’re ecstatic.”
8. HSUS receives poor charity-evaluation marks. CharityWatch (formerly the American Institute of Philanthropy) has issued several “D” ratings for HSUS in recent years over the group’s wasteful spending practices. Additionally, the 2013 Animal People News Watchdog Report discovered that HSUS spends 55 percent of its budget on overhead costs.
9. HSUS’s CEO endorsed convicted dogfighting kingpin Michael Vick getting another pet. After Vick got out of prison, HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle told the press that he thought Vick “would do a good job as a pet owner.” This startling comment came after Vick’s new employer, the Philadelphia Eagle, made a $50,000 “grant” to HSUS.
10. Given the massive size of its budget, HSUS does relatively little hands-on care for animals. While HSUS claims it “saves” more animals than any other animal protection group in the US, much of the “care” HSUS provides is in the form of spay-neuter assistance. In fact, local groups that operate on considerably slimmer budgets, such as the Houston SPCA, provide direct care to more animals than HSUS does.
And all of it is based on the Agenda of the animal “rights” cults The 12 Steps of the Animal Rights Agenda
The animal rights platform sets the goals for ending the use of animals: The animal rights agenda was published in Animals’ Agenda magazine in November 1987 and reprinted in The Hijacking of the Humane Movement by Rod and Patti Strand.
1. We are firmly committed to the eventual abolition by law of animal research, and call for an immediate prohibition of painful experiments and tests. The billions of dollars disbursed annually by the National Institutes of Health for animal experiments should be rechanneled into direct health care, preventive medicine, and biomedical research using non-animal tests and procedures. In addition, the government should fund projects to develop and promote non-animal technologies where they do not yet exist so that animal experiments may be rapidly phased out. In the meantime, procedural mechanisms must be established to allow for greater public scrutiny of all research using animals.
2. The use of animals for cosmetics and household product testing, tobacco and alcohol testing, psychological testing, classroom demonstrations and dissection, and in weapons development or other warfare programs must be outlawed immediately.
3. We encourage vegetarianism for ethical, ecological, and health reasons. As conversion of plant protein to animal flesh for human consumption is an energetically inefficient means of food production, a vegetarian diet allows for wiser use of the world’s limited food resources. Livestock production is a major source of environmental degradation. Furthermore, a shift in human diet from animal foods to plant food would result in a lower incidence of heart diseases and cancer and better health generally. Vegetarian meals should be made available to all public institutions including primary and secondary schools. Nutritional education programs currently administered by the Department of Agriculture should be handled by an agency charged with promoting public health rather than promoting the interest of agribusiness
4. Steps should be taken to begin phasing out intensive confinement systems of livestock production, also called factory farming, which causes severe physical and psychological suffering for the animals kept in overcrowded and unnatural conditions. As animal agriculture depletes and pollutes water and soil resources, and destroys forests and other ecosystems, we call for the eventual elimination of animal agriculture. In the meantime, the exportation of live farm animals for overseas slaughter must be regulated to ensure humane treatment. Livestock grazing on US public lands should be immediately prohibited. Internationally, the US should assist poorer countries in the development of locally-based, self-reliant agricultural systems.
5. The use of herbicides, pesticides, and other toxic agricultural chemicals should be phased out. Predator control on public lands should be immediately outlawed and steps should be taken to introduce native predators to areas from which they have been eradicated in order to restore the balance of nature.
6. Responsibility for enforcement of animal welfare legislation must be transferred from the Department of Agriculture to an agency created for the purpose of protecting animals and the environment.
7. Commercial trapping and fur ranching should be eliminated. We call for an end to the use of furs while recognizing Western society’s responsibility to support alternative livelihood for native peoples who now rely on trapping because of the colonial European and North American fur industries.
8. Hunting, trapping, and fishing for sport should be prohibited. State and federal agencies should focus on preserving and re-establishing habitat for wild animals instead of practicing game species management for maximum sustainable yield. Where possible, native species, including predators, should be reintroduced to areas from which they have been eradicated. Protection of native animals and plants in their natural surroundings must be given priority over
economic development plans. Further, drainage of wetlands and development of shore areas must be stopped immediately.
9. Internationally, steps should be taken by the US government to prevent further destruction of rain forests. Additionally, we call on the US government to act aggressively to end international trade in wildlife and goods produced from exotic an/or endangered fauna or flora.
10. We strongly discourage any further breeding of companion animals, including pedigreed or purebred dogs and cats. Spay and neuter clinics should be subsidized by state and municipal governments. Commerce in domestic and exotic animals for the pet trade should be abolished.
11. We call for an end to the use of animals in entertainment and sports such as dog racing, dog and cock fighting, fox hunting, hare coursing, rodeos, circuses, and other spectacles and a critical reappraisal of the use of animals in quasi-educational institutions such as zoos and aquariums. These institutions, guided not by humane concerns but by market imperatives, often
cruelly treat animals and act as agents of destruction for wild animals. In general, we believe that animals should be left in their appropriate environments in the wild, not showcased for entertainment purposes. Any animals held captive must have their psychological, behavioral, and social needs satisfied.
12. Advances in biotechnology are posing a threat to the integrity of species, which may ultimately reduce all living beings to the level of patentable commodities. Genetic manipulation of species to produce transgenic animals must be prohibited.