I, for one, am glad that the fraternity brothers of Wesleyan are finally standing up for themselves legally. We need to see more of disadvantaged groups like Delta Kappa Epsilon using their extensive network of rich alumni and expensive lawyers to seek legal recourse against non-profit institutions like Wesleyan. Finally, someone is breaking new ground in the struggle against universities’ unfair attempts to leave behind past histories of structural violence and oppression. We dream of returning to an era when no one would bat an eye at all-male organizations dominating the primary social spaces on a campus, a time when everyone knew that rape was committed by strangers and short skirts meant “YES!”

Indeed, I applaud the fine young men of Wesleyan’s fraternity system for their tireless efforts to these ends over the last year or so, even in the face of extreme opposition in the form of anti-rape messages projected on buildings, panels on the experiences of women at Wesleyan, survivors of sexual assault telling their stories out loud, and all those pesky women who believe they have a right to enjoy social life on campus as equals to men. I’d like to highlight some of my favorite of these brave activist endeavors.

When there were Wesleyan Student Assembly meetings on proposed changes to Greek life policies triggered by the so-called “epidemic” of sexual assault at Wesleyan, the fraternity brothers of Wesleyan valiantly came to their own defense at each and every meeting. Their snickers and eye rolls as assault survivors gave their testimony really made a statement, as did their habit of getting there early enough to take all the chairs and force all of the female activists (sexual assault survivors included) to sit on the ground so that they could barely be seen or heard.

In another moving activist statement last Fall, a banner was seen flying over campus much like a bald eagle, the classic American symbol of freedom. It read, “Wes picks our bros? Fascism. Look it up.” The efficacy of this effort was no doubt proven by my sudden urge to look up what the word meant. I always thought it referred to the authoritarian governments of Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco, but turns out it just means that a university would like all of its living spaces to be inclusive of all genders.

I mean, seriously, how can we expect these men to just sit back while they are discriminated against at the very university their parents pay sixty thousand dollars a year for them to attend? We have Open House, Woman of Color House, Womanist House, Asian/Asian American House, La Casa and even Malcolm X House! What really is the difference between houses in which white men can live but choose not to and houses that women have no choice to live in at all?

DKE, godspeed in your war against the all-encompassing injustice of no longer being allowed to live in a mansion with the other guys on your sports team!


  1. problem solved

    Evidently, the other program houses you mentioned are separatist ventures (some in more than one facet). While Delta Kappa Epsilon is gender-separated, it is an organization that prides itself on diversity and is open-minded in every other possible way. Not every member is white and wealthy. Thus your sarcastic rant is simply not supported with rationality. I suggest you encourage the administration to find a way for other “mansions” around campus to be used in an equally effective and inclusive way before targeting a specific group that has cooperated with the administration’s requests at every turn.

    • Problem not solved

      “While Delta Kappa Epsilon is gender-separated, it is an organization that prides itself on diversity and is open-minded in every other possible way.” Even accepting the second clause as truthful — though, clearly, some of the members and the organization itself are wealthy enough to hire lawyers and file a lawsuit — that doesn’t make the first part any less problematic. “Delta Kappa Epsilon is gender-separated.” Period. Full stop. End of story. Anything that comes after is irrelevant.

      • k.d. lang's mangina

        That’s why I’m so pissed at biology and nature. Penises over there. Vaginas over here. Multi-gendered anatomy over there. Ugh. Biology and nature are so gender-separated. I’m done with it. Full stop.

      • Problem not solved

        And just because it’s “biology and nature”, it’s ok to make it the basis of discrimination! The amount of melanin in your skin, that’s just biology and nature at work, not society.

      • k.d. lang's mangina

        Hey now! I didn’t take it there, Herr Problem Not Solved! You did. I’m just a commenter, not the Reichsmarschall of Eugenics. When does your sterilization campaign start? How big is the portrait of Henry Ford on your wall?

      • Problem not solved

        What I’m saying is that to discriminate on the basis of “biology and nature” and claim it’s not discrimination because “it’s biology and nature” is a fallacy. Discrimination is a product of society, even if society chooses to draw those lines along things that are biologically determined. So, if you feel it’s OK to discriminate against women because “biology and nature” gave them different anatomy, how is that different from discriminating against people of other races because “biology and nature” gave them different skin tones? Hint: it’s not. Discrimination is discrimination. Period. Full stop. End of story.

  2. Black DKE Member

    I am just going to speak on my behalf of myself as a current member of DKE. Some of the statements that made above in this article are so far from the truth of who we and what is really happening on our campus. I AM AN AFRICAN AMERICAN ( yes we exist in DKE there are 15 of us) male and let you fail to even mention that fact. There are in fact 15 out 50 DKE members who are of hispanic or African American ethnicity which I am pretty sure isn’t white (I don’t know you should probably check that fact out).I don’t come from a house where my parents found me from a silver spoon. I come from the one of the most poorest neighborhoods in Brooklyn, New York where most young African American barely get out and survive. I am one of the lucky few who did it make it out and are trying to make a better life for myself. I am not the only one. I am not the only DKE member who comes from a low income background. You say that we all have extensive networks of how powered lawyers and families with pockets fill out of money but I don’t currently don’t have that. I work 3 jobs on campus to pay tuition and help my family back at home. I see kids just like me inside DKE struggling to pay for tuition and other necessities for school because our parents can’t afford $62,000 a year. Most of us are on partial or full financial aid but of course you wouldn’t know that because you didn’t care to get the facts right. The fact is, you write this article, you make up these generalizations about who DKE brothers are but you don’t have a clue of who we are. We are the same struggling college students trying to feed itself sometimes with nothing. Just cause the sign on the doors reads DKE doesn’t mean I am not a human. The fact is that yes we do feel discriminated. Try waking up every morning and having news reporters at your door screaming at you. Try walking into class and everyone looks at you and labels as “the bro” in the class. Whenever we try to have a discuss such as the WSA meetings last year, people label our presence as unwanted and useless. So, yes we do feel discriminated. Another thing, we need to stop having finger pointing argument and realize that we are all responsible for the events that are occurring on campus. It is not just members of DKE or fraternities that are responsible but all of us as human beings. This isn’t a male or female problem, this is a society and mankind problem. All men need to be taught that NO means NO. We all need to support each other, not tear each other down. The saddest reality is that when fraternities go down and take the fault of the sexual assault, what happens then? What happens when sexual assaults still occur on campus? What is the next time to fault? Sports teams? Dorms? The library? Sexual assaults have occurred everywhere on campus. Its our job, as a community to stop and prevent them from happening. Not throwing blame at someone but accepting blame. We are all to blame for the events happening on campus. It’s everyone’s job, President Roth, members of DKE, X house, Womanist house, The Butts, the administration to stand up and take action and combat sexual assault together.

    • k.d. lang's mangina

      I agree with nearly everything you said. I just really wish this was better written. It pains me to say this, but when you present your arguments in a manner such as this–with the rambling, barely coherent run-ons and ADHD-esque bouncing from one thing to the next–it does as much harm as it does good.

      Next time: Take a few deep breaths, clear your mind, and write something about one quarter this size. After you finish, have someone edit it for you. It will bolster the impact of your writing tenfold.

      • come on

        I may not agree with what the original commenter said, but please know saying something not being well written does as much harm as good is elitist. Black DKE Member isn’t writing an essay, he’s commenting online. I could understand his comment, as you could, apparently.
        If it pains you to make comments like this, maybe you shouldn’t

      • k.d. lang's mangina

        I was doing it more as a favor, to give some advice that may prove useful in the future–especially if Black DKE Member plans to continue being a mouthpiece for his cause (it may be commenting online, but he is most certainly representing a body of students–he implied so himself).

        You know as well as I do that the manner in which one makes their point is every bit as important as the content of the point. Rambling in a barely coherent manner doesn’t usually bode well.

    • k.d. lang's mangina

      I thought it was more of an A- / B+ performance. Had she performed this in staccato verse with a Javanese gamelan orchestra behind her, it really would’ve pushed it to A+ territory. I award it 4 out of 5 buckets of red paint (the 5th bucket got dumped when she tried to throw it on Clint Eastwood at the Academy Awards).

  3. Wesleyan Student

    “Non-profit institutions like Wesleyan”

    Oh, I’m sorry, do the students not pay one of the highest tuitions of any school in the country? Are the teachers not paid?

    It’s cute that the school’s hyper-liberalism has allowed the students to delude themselves of whatever narrative fits their activist mindset, but when you write an article bias can really ruin the credibility of your arguments. (Especially if you’re as uninformed and repugnant as this article’s author…)

    • Jessica

      Institutions of higher learning are nonprofit institutions. People who work at nonprofits get paid. Look it up.

      • Thank You 4 The Condescension

        As a way to avoid having to pay taxes, yes. But calling them that is misleading, Wesleyan as an organization is extremely lucrative, especially when compared to the DKE undergrads.

        The author is clearly and pathetically trying to frame the DKE undergrads as the bourgeoise of a community of philanthropists, which just couldn’t be further from the truth.

    • Not-DKE-But-Wishing-I-Was-Rn

      Haha did you seriously type that up and think “yea, this needs to be said!”

      *Suggests the people arguing against the author are being illogical/ bias*
      *Contributes absolutely nothing to progress the discussion or counter any of the people in contention*

      Here’s the problem with social “justice”, PC activists such as yourself. Skeptics and moderates are labeled as blasphemers or non-believers, and you people don’t even engage in the discussion you set out to have. Please keep your ill-informed, hateful mouth shut until you can muster an actual argument.

  4. Atlas Shrugged


    The most disturbing part of this stereotyping and discriminatory “article” is that the author appears scheduled for graduation soon, yet after a quarter million dollars worth of tuition has learned little to nothing about respect, discourse, human relations, or the other types of individuals with whom interaction may be needed in the real world that awaits. I thought the university had evolved, yet sadly it appears mired in confusion if this sad by-product of education and critical thinking has been forged.

  5. Just an idea

    Wow, if the author spent their time and passion building something useful and important instead of whining about other people maybe they might have more to show for their efforts than disagreement, derision, discord, and dissension?

    Really folks, it’s not that hard to buy some land and set up a special interest house. Go ask Mr. Roth to assist if you can’t manage it on your own, I’m sure he’d help out based on his concerns about equality. I bet if you asked nicely you might even find some gentlemen from the frats to help too.

    • Student

      I would love to help make the university a better place, just as long as my own rights are respected in the process. Meanwhile, I continue to be treated like a b!tch just because my viewpoints are in the minority.

      Sad, isn’t it, when people can’t simply agree to disagree, and live and let live? What hope does a person have of receiving respect when it is not given?

  6. Senior '15

    I recall the events which the author details slightly differently. While she remembers DKE members rudely sitting in seats, I remember WSA members actively snickering and eye rolling at fraternity members, as they tried to communicate that their fraternity experience meant something positive. I remember the university scheduling the WSA vote on the fraternity issue on Easter Sunday, when a significant portion of the representatives were not available, and claiming the result as representative of the student body. I remember the vitriol, which the piece embodies so clearly, with which so many on campus responded to any fraternity’s attempt, no matter how small, to protect their organization. As such, I’m not surprised that they opted for a route beyond the university to do so.

  7. Ayala Liel

    Hi Argus Staff –

    I’m just curious what your protocol is for deciding which Wespeaks to post? You guys are always quite adamant about people not insulting others (especially by name) in article comments, and while this post doesn’t mention anyone by name, it is clearly singling out a portion of the student body and ridiculing them. I’m honestly not shocked at all you guys posted this (give your clear biases), but really disappointed.

    Ayala Mansky, ’14

    • Unbiased Poster

      Yeah its tricky, on one hand free speech needs to be promoted, on the other hand this wouldn’t be published coming from the other side.

    • ShiraG

      AFAIK, The Argus publishes all Wespeaks, although they sometimes lightly edit them. Otherwise we wouldn’t get those weird articles from that Benjamin ’57 guy.

      • Ayala Liel

        Thanks, I’m curious as to if any staff members will confirm. I’m all for freedom of speach ~in theory~, but I’m not sure it should apply to a by-the-students, for-the-students publication when a piece is essentially just bullying some students.

    • Sofi

      Hi Ayala,

      The Argus publishes all Wespeaks that are not excessively vulgar or nonsensical. Although The Argus reserves the right to edit all submissions for length, The Argus editorial staff does not alter the content, grammar, or style of Wespeaks in any way.

      Additionally, Wespeaks reflect the opinions of their authors, not those of The Argus. You’ll find a wide variety if you look in our archives, even just in recent weeks. This section functions as an open forum for student and alumni free speech over which the editors of The Argus exert as little control as possible.


  8. Unbiased Poster

    I agree with a lot of the messages being pushed by the left part of campus but this article is downright vitriolic. I can’t believe that someone who “fights against oppression” could publish something that is so clearly bullying.

    Even (and this is a huge stretch) if your opinions were mostly correct, is this really the most productive way to foster the discussion?

  9. Newsflash

    None of the commenters attacking this article have been able to point out any actual factual inaccuracies. Nowhere does the author claim that everyone in DKE is white or privileged. And many people will testify that the WSA meetings about this were full of frat bros snickering at the testimony of sexual assault survivors.

    Everything the author says is true. A sarcastic tone does not bullying make.

    • k.d. lang's mangina

      True. But had this author been writing about something else–say, Wesleyan’s Eclectic society or Malcolm X house–with this type of sarcastic, antagonistic tone, the article would have been labeled an attack, and completely condemned and disregarded by the university’s prevailing zeitgeist.

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