The Xi chapter of Psi Upsilon is excited to announce that we will be co-educating our fraternity this semester. Beginning on February 7th, we will expand our rush process to include all Wesleyan students regardless of sex, gender, or class year. We believe the addition of women to our membership will advance our values in unprecedented ways.

This semester is not only an important transition for our student community, but also a unique opportunity for our chapter to pursue the resolution of a conflict that extends far beyond Wesleyan. The success of this transition relies on the courage of students who are prepared to demonstrate an unremitting belief in gender equity. The members our first co-ed pledge classes will be challenged to introduce a broader range of identities into an historical tradition, which has never failed to adapt under the governance of those who boast its values.

Psi Upsilon, along with other Greek organizations, has been working with the administration to hire a Coordinator of Greek Life. We hope the recipient of this new position will help facilitate further communication with the administration so that we may achieve our many shared goals.

To any and all students, we gladly invite you to rush Psi U this semester.

The Xi Chapter of Psi Upsilon


    • Jason Shatz

      Considering Wesleyan’s tuition, to what extent is the “buy your friends” argument a straw man?

  1. Regular Reader

    Psi Upsilon is co ed in a number of chapters across the country so there is ho surprise that they could step up and do this first. This is a huge change for Greek LIfe on campus. It strikes me that on a campus like Wesleyans that prides itself on acceptance and diversity that there seems to be so little acceptance of anyone who participates or shows an interest in anything with a tradition and a history.
    Greek life has had its share of problems, but it also has a history of positives as well. Perhaps it has been years since those positive contributions have been felt, but why not give this change the chance to show that they can be accountable for their actions and held to a higher standard.

  2. anon

    You still have a rapist in the Xi Chapter. Not safe for women to pledge under a known serial rapist. Guess this is what progress looks like.

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