Back when I was in elementary school, Halloween was one of my favorite holidays—not because of dressing up, but because of the loads and loads of candy I would receive in one night. My personal favorites were Snickers, Rolos, and Twix. However, I’m now more aware of the intricacies of nutrition labels, and I would prefer not to put artificial chemicals, coloring, and preservatives into my body. Instead, here are two healthier, and tastier, alternatives.

Classic Peanut-Butter Cup


1 1.5-oz. bar dark or milk chocolate, melted

1 tbsp. peanut or almond


2 tbsp. honey

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract


1. Combine the peanut butter, honey, and vanilla extract.

2. Line up muffin/cupcake tins.

3. Pour melted chocolate in each tin.

4. Pour about one tablespoon, or however much you desire, of the peanut butter and honey mixture on top of chocolate layer.

5. Top off each tin with more melted chocolate.

6. Put in freezer until set, and enjoy!


“Almond Joy”


1 cup shredded coconut

2 tbsp. maple syrup

3 tbsp. coconut oil

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1 1.5-oz bar melted dark or milk chocolate

pinch of salt

whole raw almonds, as needed


1. Mix shredded coconut, maple syrup, coconut oil, vanilla extract, and salt together in a bowl.

2. Shape mixture into a rectangle (akin to a classic Almond Joy).

3. Place an almond in the center of each piece you create.

4. Place in freezer for about 45 minutes.

5. Take out pieces and dip into melted chocolate.

6. Put back in freezer until set, and enjoy!

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