On Saturday Feb. 8, two University students were arrested by Middletown Police in the Nicolson Dormitory on drug-related charges. The Resident Advisor (RA) of the dorm had contacted Public Safety (PSafe) due to a smell coming from the students’ room and the suspicion that the students were selling drugs. Once PSafe arrived, the students, under threat of having the police called, handed over drug-related material.

“Public Safety discovered two grinders with marijuana residue, a bong with hoses and residue, bags of plastic bags intended for packaging narcotics for sale, various containers with marijuana odor, packages of rolling paper, a miscellaneous piece of narcotic equipment and 2.2 ounces of marijuana in the room,” the Middletown Press reported.

Both students were charged with possession with intent to sell and possession of less than four ounces of a controlled substance. One was charged with use of drug paraphernalia and the other with possession of marijuana paraphernalia.

Director of Public Safety Tony Bostick said PSafe could not offer commentary on the case due to the ongoing investigation.

“We have given it to the Dean’s office and Middletown police officers are doing their investigation, so it’s kind of a joint investigation,” Bostick said.

Both students were released on $5,000 bonds. Bostick said it was up to University officials whether the students would be allowed back on campus after both receiving bail.

“Right now they’re working on something with the Dean’s office,” Bostick said. “They’re reviewing their case.”

The students were given a court date of Feb. 14.

Messages left with the Middletown Police Department and the Office of Student Affairs were not immediately returned.

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