c/o auralwes.org

The band just released its first EP, Pain Hurts, which consists of nine minutes of aggressive noise, interchanging tempos, and random screaming vocals, along with three minutes of unhurried guitar riffs backing up a recording of an unknown man’s voice. During the making of this EP, the band recorded one instrument at a time in different rooms of the Beta Theta Pi house over the summer. They all agreed that the summer at Beta was an artistic haven for musicians to create new music.

“Beta was a crazy summer environment because it was all of our friends,” Repasz said. “It was such a good place to live.”

In those summer months, the band wrote most of its current set that it will be playing this Friday at BuHo.

The band also just released its first ever music video for the song “Get a Real Job.” The video consists of Winnik, Repasz, and Johnson sitting on a couch, in the middle of an open field, and finishing a full bottle of Jack Daniels in under three minutes.

As a wide-eyed freshman easing into the Wesleyan music scene, I have already heard a plethora of outrageous stories about the band’s shows. When talking to the members about the environment of the band’s concerts, members agreed with the sentiment that if you don’t give up after hearing the first minute of their music, you can make it through the whole thing.

“It’s tough music to come around to, but we have some quiet sections that don’t resemble hardcore music at all, really,” Johnson said.

Their music is often outrageous, loud, and bordering on uncomfortable, but it’s also one of the most exciting concert experiences at Wesleyan. They push the boundaries of normalcy and give their audience a show that won’t be forgotten, especially with a name like Let’s Party Hats! Hats! Hats!

“On Telegraph Avenue, in Berkeley, right near my house, there were some stores,” Johnson said. “One of them was a party supply store and the other was a hats store. The party supply store was called Let’s Party and the hats store was called Hats! Hats! Hats!, and the two shared a sign. And I thought that would be a great name for a band.”

And he was right. Let’s Party Hats! Hats! Hats! is distinctive in every aspect, from the members’ personalities to their music and band-naming abilities. Don’t miss their show at BuHo this Friday at 10 p.m.

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