If you’ve walked past Olin at any point during the last few days, you’ve probably noticed a bamboo structure that has been set up on its front lawn. This unique-looking hut is a called sukkah and has been built in honor of the Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot.

This sukkah is a very special one. It was designed and built specifically for Wesleyan in 2009 by Elijah Huge, a Wesleyan professor and a group of his architecture students.

Sukkahs are designed to serve as temporary shelters, and to provide some protection to their dwellers while still allowing them to see the world outside. A sukkah must have a roof through which one can look up and see the sky, for example.

So come explore, experience, and enjoy the Wesleyan sukkah! All are welcome to come eat meals, sleep, do work, or just spend time alone or with friends in this beautiful space. The holiday of Sukkot begins on September 18 and lasts until September 26; the sukkah will remain set up on Olin for its duration. There will be a Sukkah-decorating event at 4 p.m. on Monday, September 16, and Vespers will be held in the Sukkah at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, September 18. Hope to see you there!

Stephanie Blumenstock is a member of the Class of 2016.

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