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After a weekend full of reuniting with dearly missed friends and celebrating these reunions with a little campus rumpus, it’s time to start classes again. We’re totally on board with the whole “higher education” thing (Is that why we’re here?), but getting back into a civilized routine is always difficult after a relaxing summer. It’s a weird mixture between being happy to be back and wishing it could be Saturday forever. The Arts section is here to provide you with the perfect playlist to both get you pumped for a new semester and sympathize with your impending exhaustion. Let’s get back to school—Wesleyan style.

Vampire Weekend, “Campus”: You may not be feeling the whole going-to-class thing yet, especially if the walk over requires you to run into a few faces you hoped to never see in the daylight. Keep this track buzzing through your headphones while you’re avoiding eye contact.

Regina Spektor, “The Calculation”: Calculus involves something having to do with macaroni, right? Regina Spektor sure thinks so. Listen to this song about a much happier equation while you cry trying to remember what a derivative is.

Ra Ra Riot, “Do You Remember”: Do you remember what happened in physics last semester, or the name of the person you were talking to last night? Probably not. Good luck with all that.

Of Monsters and Men, “Six Weeks”: Mark your calendars! Fall Break starts six weeks from Friday. It’s never too early to start the countdown for the next time you’ll get a full eight hours of sleep.

Beyoncé, “Start Over”: Whether last semester’s finals totally killed you or pushed you to social suicide, the new semester is a chance to forget all of that and move on. And while those old, horrible memories will hopefully fade away, Beyoncé is eternal.

Paul Simon, “Rewrite”: No doubt you’ll be spending the next few weeks (and the entire semeshttp://wesleyanargus.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=50482&action=editter) furiously rewriting papers, whether you’re just starting out in “Ways of Reading” or you’re preparing your honors thesis. You’re in good company, though: Paul Simon himself is no stranger to revision.

Hospitality, “Friends of Friends”: Hopefully, now that you’re back on campus, you’re reuniting with old friends, even if you’re pining for friends back home. If you’re moving into a new place, you’re bound to spot some new faces, too.

Elvis Costello & The Attractions, “Chemistry Class”: That 8:30 a.m. chemistry lecture’s got you down? Maybe Elvis Costello’s anger towards his own kind of chemistry class can help calm your nerves.

The Walkmen, “No One Ever Sleeps”: Try to tolerate loud roommates and neighbors with this sleepy tune by the Walkmen. Even if they’re keeping you up until the wee hours of the morning, this track might just keep you sane.

Asher Roth, “I Love College”: “Do I really have to graduate or can I just stay here for the rest of my life?”

To hear the playlist in full, check out the Argus’ brand new Spotify page!

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