Are you just an average Wesleyan student who wants to play some sports? Are you a freshman recruit who wants to keep competing outside your own team? Do you reject varsity athletics as a social construct?

If you’ve answered yes to any of those questions, stop talking to your newspaper. I know you’re overloaded by orientation events and the upcoming Beckham Bend Its with all your fellow zes and hirs, but don’t go stir-crazy here. I’m no doctor, but some physical activity could do you some good.

So how can you get in on the action and get your fill of those sweet, sweet athletic facilities? Join an intramural sports team. It’s more low-key than varsity or club sports, and it’s a fantastic way to work up a sweat, get some adrenaline pumping, and meet new people—all while having fun. Just one of the perks of a liberal arts education.

The biggest intramural leagues are broken down into skill levels to accommodate all students who are interested. If you’re a regular-sized person looking to exert yourself a little and have a good time, you won’t have to go up against some muscle-bound olympian prepping for wrestling season. No embarrassment, no judgment; only pure, wonderful sports.

During the fall, soccer is the main intramural game in town. In order to satisfy every lover of the Beautiful Game, there are three tiers of play available. For those that fancy themselves the second coming of Lionel Messi, “A” League is the place for you. “B” League is the best fit for the scrappy underdogs that just aren’t quite ready for primetime, and the rest of the footie enthusiasts can take to the pitch in “C” League. And if soccer’s not your speed, you can always pick up a racquet and play some intramural squash.

Winter brings three leagues of basketball, along with dodgeball and broomball, and the spring features three leagues for softball, a couple for indoor soccer, and another chance for squash. If there isn’t already something you love on this list jumping out at you, the possibilities are sure to intrigue. What is broomball? I’m not telling—try it and find out for yourself!

Get some friends together and form a team, or go to to find out how to be matched with an existing team. Fall play starts up in just a couple of weeks, so get ready to run!

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