Wesleyan Introduces Three-year Graduation Option
September 2012

The University will now offer a three-year graduation option to students in the hope that it will create a more affordable alternative for students. This will accompany the University’s 3-2 engineering program to create a more diverse array of options for students.

Students Sanctioned for Protesting Board of Trustees Meeting
October 2012

Seven to nine students were issued citations for entering a Board of Trustees meeting that was closed to students. The students entered in the hopes of voicing their concerns about need-blind policy changes to the Board. The students were sanctioned under Regulations 14 and 15 of the Code of Non-Academic Conduct.

Lawsuit Filed Against Wesleyan and Beta Theta Pi
October 2012

The survivor of a sexual assault that occurred at the Beta Theta Pi (Beta) fraternity house in October 2010 filed a federal lawsuit against the University for an amount greater than $75,000. The lawsuit claims that the University did not inform the student of the potential risks of entering the house, and that administrators did little to aid the student in the aftermath of the event. The perpetrator of the assault, a non-student named John O’Neill, is currently serving a 15-month sentence after pleading no contest to the charge of unlawful restraint.

Series of Public Safety Alerts Over One Weekend Worry Campus
October 2012

Over the course of the weekend of Saturday, Oct. 20, four Public Safety (PSafe) all-campus emails were sent out notifying the campus about incidents of assault and harassment on campus. These events prompted Director of PSafe David Meyer to supplement PSafe’s staff with additional patrols and Middletown Police officers. The incidents began on Friday night when a non-Wesleyan student approached a female student and put his arm around her. Another altercation occurred on Friday night, followed by one on Sunday morning and an incident on Sunday night.

Students Protest Amendments to Need-Blind Over Homecoming
October 2012

During Homecoming Weekend, students participated in a variety of need-blind protests, including dropping two banners that read “DON’T CUT AID” and “DON’T DISCRIMINATE.” Protesters also walked down the sideline of the Homecoming football game with signs featuring current financial aid statistics. Protesters aimed to create a dialogue between parents, alumni, students, and faculty. In addition, students questioned University President Roth’s reactions to chalking and other forms of activism. Roth reportedly attempted to physically restrain two students from chalking and walked away with a reporter’s microphone when probed about need-blind policy changes.

Film Studies and French Departments Introduce Minors
October 2012

Following the Educational Policy Committee’s spring 2012 decision to allow minors, two minors were approved in French Studies and Film Studies. Departments are able to submit minor proposals to the Academic Affairs Committee (AAC), who will then review the amount of student interest in the program. French Studies and Film Studies were chosen as the two of the first minors at the University in part because of the overwhelming student interest in these subjects.

Administration Refuses Housing for New Greek Societies
November 2012

The University denied the Greek societies Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) and Rho Epsilon Pi (Rho Ep) on-campus housing. The societies joined together and requested to occupy the former Interfaith House located at 230 Washington St. Although their request was ultimately denied, President of Rho Ep Melody Oliphant ’13 and President of AEPi Alex Pack ’14 were hoping that President Roth would agree to co-ed Greek housing.

University Hosts First Diversity University Forum
November 2012

On Nov. 12, the University hosted its first student-organized forum called “Diversity University: In Theory and In Practice.” The purpose of the discussion was to address sources of racial tension on campus, including Anonymous Confession Board comments, PSafe alerts, and racial profiling. The forum became heated at times, especially when students addressed Meyer. Roth sent an all-campus email afterward announcing that another forum would occur in the spring to discuss the University’s progress surrounding issues that were brought up at the first forum.

Winter Storm Nemo Hits Campus Hard
February 2013

The winter storm, Nemo, hit campus on Friday, Feb. 8 and continued into Saturday, Feb. 9, accumulating 36 inches of snow. The University was closed Monday, Feb. 11. Usdan University Center was the only dining facility open the entire weekend. The snow was particularly difficult to clean up, due to its heaviness, the rapid rate of snowfall, and freezing rain.

New College of Film and the Moving Image Announced
February 2013

Roth announced that the University is creating a College of Film and the Moving Image, which will begin in Fall 2013. The new College will encompass all film-related studies, allowing students to work together and attempting to foster a campus-wide film culture. New York Times film critic, A.O. Scott, will be teaching a course at the University in the fall.

Senior Events Reassessed For Future Classes
February 2013

Due to reported inappropriate behavior at a “senior cocktail” event this year at the Connecticut Science Center, the University is deliberating whether future senior classes will hold senior events. There were reports of alleged drug use, sexual activity, and a senior riding a dinosaur. The event was shut down early and jeopardized the senior week event.

WSA President and Vice President Announced for 2013-2014 School Year
April 2013

Nicole Updegrove ’14 and Andrew Trexler ’14 were elected Wesleyan Student Assembly (WSA) President and Vice President, respectively, for the 2013-2014 academic year. Updegrove is preparing for her role by meeting with leaders of various student groups on campus and hoping to talk to many students on campus, attempting to make everyone’s voices heard. Trexler is looking forward to building on work that he did as Chair of the Finance and Facilities Committee and increasing his canvassing efforts. Updegrove is the first female president since the 2004-2005 school year.

1 Comment

  1. Ed Wing

    Usdan was not the only dining option during Nemo. WesWings never closed during the storm feeding over 700 students during Saturday dinner alone.

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