Love them or hate them, we all have a tricky relationship with these pop-punkers. Your astrological sign may not be a good predictor of your personality, but your favorite Blink-182 song definitely is.

All The Small Things
This is the only Blink-182 song you know, but you claim to totally love them and do your best to mumble lyrics along with your friends at parties. You secretly think Tom DeLonge’s voice sounds whiny, and you cringed when you watched the “What’s My Age Again?” video.

Man Overboard
You’re getting really sick of everyone and everything, and you’re not taking shit from anyone anymore.

You take your problems a little too seriously and will admit to being a bit of a drama queen. Honestly, this probably isn’t “growing up.”

Feeling This
You’re pretty chill and probably not as angsty as the average Blink fan (you bastard). But you definitely have someone that immediately comes to mind when you hear “I’ll always be dreaming of you.”

What’s My Age Again?
You probably never leave the house without a backwards baseball cap and often awaken on Sunday mornings in a state of confusion on Foss Hill, likely missing at least one article of clothing. You would send out a lot of morning-after “I’m sorry” texts…if you were sorry. You’d rather just get baked with your friends and watch “Adventure Time” for eight hours.

I Miss You
You spend a lot of time thinking (read: crying) about your past and find it hard to let go. Something or someone still haunts you, and you find yourself swimming in a pool of nostalgia. You should probably come live in the present. It’s pretty nice out here.

The Rock Show
This one’s obvious: you probably act stupid and get drunk with your best friends every weekend. You sound fun. Let’s be friends.

First Date
You’re a bit of a fuck-up, but you have the best intentions, which is what really counts. You try to be tough, but deep down you’re a nervous wreck who gets weak in the knees around your crush. You’ve probably done some pretty embarrassing things, but somehow you manage to turn your awkwardness into charm and endearment, so it all works out in the end.

Roller Coaster
You’re probably in love with someone who drives you up a fucking wall, and you can’t decide if you want to kiss hir or kill hir. You’ll probably do both.

Anthem Part 2
Your face is permanently in a frown, and your middle finger is permanently raised to the world. You also use the phrase “fuck the system” daily, you angsty child.

I’m not sure I can explain this one. Sometimes a song just pulls on your heartstrings in all the right ways.

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