It’s the beginning of the new year, and perhaps you haven’t quite gotten started on all of your resolutions. I know healthy food supposedly doesn’t match up to the taste of unhealthy food, but it can be just as gratifying and possibly more delicious with the right recipe. The Sprouted Kitchen and 101 Cookbooks are two food blogs that have some of the most delicious and sophisticated recipes on the web.

The Sprouted Kitchen, “a tastier take on whole foods” is a beautiful creation of husband-wife team Hugh and Sara Forte. Sara prepares the food and her photographer husband Hugh documents the process. The couple specializes in healthy foods that are in season, so their creations not only are better for you but are also better for the world! They recently released a cookbook, but you can get all their delicious recipes on their blog. They have taken delicious, sometimes unhealthy foods like lemon loaves and empanadas and put a healthy, yet tasty spin on them! The lemon loaf does not use typical all-purpose flour, but rather a blend of almond, rice, and oat flour. Their empanadas use whole-wheat flour with a squash and goat cheese filling, and are baked rather than fried. And they look delicious!

101 Cookbooks is by Heidi Swanson, who created the blog after realizing that she owned 101 cookbooks and hadn’t used all of them. Swanson uses natural ingredients in all of her recipes, and has blog entries on how to revamp your pantry to be more health-conscious. She makes everything from salads to decadent chocolate desserts. The website allows you to search by ingredient, which helped me indulge my love of avocados (Swanson has over twenty recipes that use avocados). Highlights include a deconstructed sushi bowl and an avocado asaparagus tartine recipe. Like the Fortes over at the Sprouted Kitchen, Heidi also puts a healthy spin on typically unhealthy foods. My favorite is her Broccoli-Basil Mac and Cheese. Her special healthy ingredients: butternut squash and broccoli.

These blogs are definitely worth checking out if you’re looking to make a healthful change. Eating healthfully doesn’t have to be about eating plain salads and low fat string cheese. It’s about eating Mac and Cheese and Empanadas!

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