My best friend was about to turn 23. And he wasn’t particularly happy about it. Besides blasting “What’s My Age Again?” by Blink-182, I couldn’t think of many ways to help.

Perhaps I could host a party, but it couldn’t be just any old party; he’d had 22 of those already, though I am sure some included trips to the zoo and creepy clowns blowing up balloon animals. It was time for a surprise party and threatening Facebook messages promising death if someone told him.

The occasion also called for a one-of-a-kind cake to make this birthday more than a reminder that “nobody likes you when you’re 23.”

Shannon’s…Mom’s Famous Ice Cream Cake

(Feel free to add your preferred ice cream flavors and brownie favorites)


2 1.5-quart containers of ice cream (I used Edy’s: one coffee, one cookies-n-cream)

1 family-size box brownie mix (My box also called for 1 egg, 1/2 cup oil, and 1/3 cup water)

1 package oreos

1 pint heavy whipping cream

3 tablespoons cocoa powder

1 teaspoon vanilla exract

1 tablespoon powdered sugar



1. For the brownie base, mix oil, water, egg, and brownie mix as stated in the instructions on the box. Pour into 13 x 9-inch baking sheet. Top with one sleeve of Oreos, crushed. Bake as directed.

2. When brownies have cooled, slice into 15 pieces (or fewer if you want bigger slices). Place brownies in freezer for about two hours. You want them to be fully cool and firm, but not frozen solid.

3. Remove ice cream from freezer and place on counter to soften a bit. Remove each brownie from the pan—this should be easy by now—and remember the order they came out in! Now take each brownie and halve it into two thin slices using a sharp knife (there will be two brownie layers in the cake).

4. Place aluminum foil in the bottom of the now empty brownie pan, making sure to cover all sides. Empty the 1.5 quart container of coffee ice cream into the bottom of the covered pan. Use a spatula to spread evenly.

5. Place the top layer of brownie on top of the ice cream. Make sure not to press too hard, and don’t worry about gaps!

6. Repeat with the cookies-n-cream ice cream, and finish off with the bottoms of the brownies, with the side that previously touched the bottom of the pan facing out.

7. Place back in the freezer overnight. Voilà! Ice cream cake! Well, not quite…just two more steps!

8. Whip the cream, cocoa powder, and sugar until stiff peaks form. Coat ice cream cake with this delicious concoction. A lot of it. Top with sprinkles and as many crushed Oreos as will fit.

9. Freeze for another hour or two. Serve cold to an anxiously aging friend.

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