2000. USA. Dir: Mary Harron. With Christian Bale, Willem Dafoe. 101 min.

Friday, Nov. 30. 8 p.m. $5

Meet Patrick Bateman: a wealthy businessman with a taste for designer clothes, fine music (“it’s hip to be square!”), cocaine, murder, and a strong dislike for associates with fancy business cards. American Psycho tells the simultaneously chilling and hilarious story of a sociopath who wants—and accepts—nothing but the best. Lovers of gratuitous violence and haters of yuppie scum are especially urged to attend.



1999. USA. Dir: The Wachowski Siblings. With Keanu Reeves. 136 min.

Saturday, Dec. 1. 8 p.m. FREE

Sure, it’s not your typical Saturday night at the Film Series, but who’s going to complain? The future is dismal, machines have overtaken the human race, and Keanu Reeves is our only hope. Luckily, he knows kung fu and can control the laws of time and space. If Keanu’s Shatner-esque levels of expressiveness aren’t enough to convince you, come to enjoy the stunning visual effects and tightly choreographed fights on the big screen. When was the last time you saw this one in a theater?

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