Several experts have predicted that Hurricane Sandy could threaten Connecticut starting as early as Sunday, Oct. 28. The hurricane has already killed two people in the Caribbean, and Governor Dannel Malloy has asked that state residents be prepared.

“Just as the state is monitoring and preparing, the public should do the same,” Malloy said in a press release on Oct. 25. “Some models predict that Sandy may move onshore somewhere in New England early next week. Although we are not certain the storm will impact the state, we need to be prepared. That means everyone, especially the state’s utility companies.”

According to the press release, the Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) is currently monitoring the storm’s progress and is preparing to organize a state response.

According to The Middletown Press, forecasters have predicted a 90 percent chance that the Northeast could face winds, flooding, and heavy rain from Sunday to Wednesday, Oct. 31, or even later. Due to the potenial for he arrival to coincide with Halloween, several publications have taken to referring to the storm as “Frankenstorm.”

Public Safety (PSafe) Director Dave Meyer said that PSafe has begun preparing for the chance that the storm might affect the University.

“We are monitoring the weather forecasts,” Meyer wrote in an email to The Argus. “We have set up planning meetings starting tomorrow…[we’ll] be in contact with both University offices and outside agencies. At this point we will be checking and testing emergency equipment and reviewing plans for preparation. At this point there are a lot of variables and we will be preparing for them.”

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