On Thursday, April 19, defendant John O’Neill plead guilty to charges of assault and unlawful restraint, which were pressed by a Wesleyan student after an incident at the Beta Theta Pi (Beta) fraternity house on October 31, 2010. O’Neill, a 21-year-old non-Wesleyan student from Yorktown, NY, was visiting a brother at the Beta house during that Halloween weekend.

The student, who was a stranger to O’Neill, reported the assault to the Middletown Police, who began a full police investigation. They arrested O’Neill on Jan. 4, 2011 after the investigation. O’Neill was charged in Middlesex County Superior Court in Middletown.

O’Neill first appeared in court with his attorney, Eugene J. Riccio, in February 2011, and was charged with two felony counts: sexual assault in the first degree and unlawful restraint in the first degree. O’Neill initially plead “not guilty” to both charges, and could have faced up to 30 years in prison had he been convicted.

O’Neill changed his plea after his charges were changed to sexual assault in the third degree and unlawful restraint in the first degree. The charge of unlawful restraint is still considered a felony, and sentencing for O’Neill is scheduled for late June. His bail, which was set at the maximum $250,000 by Hon. Judge Susan Handy, has been paid, and O’Neill will remain out of jail until sentencing.


  1. Anon

    Alleged Beta assaulter? Isn’t that a bit inappropriate and unnecessarily misleading for a title since the individual who allegedly perpetrated the assault, as you indicate, isn’t a beta? There’s no need for the sensationalism

  2. anon

    John O’Neill plead guilty to assault and to unlawful restraint against a first year woman at Beta fraternity house at Wesleyan. These are no longer “allegations.” They are now facts. He will be sentenced to prison for unlawful restraint (a felony) & assaulting a young Wesleyan woman, a stranger to him. This first year woman, who had been on campus for only a few weeks, had the courage to go to the police who investigated the case, arrested O’Neill and prosecuted the case. I hope our WES women take heart: this WES female student was heard by the Middletown PD. I hope our WES men understand the dire consequences they face for violence against women or each other. Has Argus asked for comments about this case and about O’Neill’s guilty plea from Roth? Whaley? the Take Back the Night folks? the members of Beta? the faculty?
    In June, O’Neill will go to jail for what he did to a member of our community.

    • Jlkajklfa

      Firstly it is still alleged until sentencing… Secondly comments from Roth, Whaley… would be completely irrelevant as the case has moved on to a federal level and no members of the Wesleyan community (except for the accuser) have been actively involved in the case.

      Lastly, although it takes courage to come forward about a sexual assault it is also important for women to remember the power they have and to not throw around accusations lightly. Many facts have not really come out about this case but it is important for all men and women to remember the power of such accusations and the impact they can have on the life of another.

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