You may have heard of WesType Club; but then again, how does one publicize a club whose focus is on publicizing? WesType Club is a coalition of students who are dedicated to advertising and marketing. Founded by Carlos Sanchez ’14 and Lisa Sy ’13, the club aims to be a resource that other groups on campus can use to promote their own events.

“When people are planning events, we want them to look to us,” Sy said.

The goal of the Type Club is to become a fixture on campus, the go-to people when something needs to be advertised.

“Like how people go to Wesleying to submit news,” Sy explained. “I want them to come to Type Club to reach out.”

The two decided to start the club because they felt there was a need on campus for a resource like this. They also felt that there were a lot of students who were interested in graphic design and marketing that had no place to go.

“There weren’t a lot of places for designers besides doing ads for individual clubs,” Sanchez said. “We wanted a place to collaborate.”

Since this semester marks the first few months of Type Club’s existence, the club is working on building its reputation and relationship with other organizations on campus, not to mention setting up the club itself. Its goal is to work like an actual design agency.

“It’s supposed to be a cooperative space for designers to get together and talk about different aspects of design, and it’s also supposed to function as an alternative learning model for people who want real experience,” Sanchez said.

In order to accomplish this, they’ve set up two divisions: marketing and design. Sy heads the design portion (Sanchez bears the title of “Creative Director” and oversees the entire club), while Sewon Kang ’14 is in charge of marketing. Those in the marketing division handle the business side of things—finding projects, working with clients, and using clients’ ideas to help the design team produce campaigns. The design portion of the club are the graphic designers making sure the visuals match the client’s vision. When the club is fully on its feet, its members hope to establish a ten-day production cycle, with the club creating designs regularly. Sy even compares their ideal state of-operations to The Argus’s production weeks (to pat ourselves on the back a little bit).

Of course, Type Club is a work-in-progress as of now. But the members have got a lot of exciting things planned. First, to be more accessible to groups on campus, they are in the process of launching a website, which will showcase their work and provide an online application for individuals and groups that want to commission the club for design. In terms of projects, they are meeting with the SAGE Interns to launch a campaign to ban bottled water on campus.

According to Sy, Weshop has agreed to stop selling bottled water, but WesWings and Red and Black will only stop carrying bottles if the students stop buying them.

“We’re creating sort of an ideological campaign to inform students  of the hazards of plastic bottled water, both for your health and for your wallet and points account,” Sy said.

The group will also embark on a special project for the WesFest Student Activities Fair: creating posters for any student group that wants them. This is one step towards the group’s eventual vision for the Type Club.

“Our goal for the semester is just to be come a solidified campus resource and make our presence known,” Sanchez said. “I feel like it’s going to be an ongoing process that will take the next month and a half of the semester. We have a couple of bigger projects we’re working on that we can’t really talk about right now.”

Looks like WesType Club has a few surprises in store for us. Keep your eye out for their work this semester, and when you need to convince people to come to your event, just know that they’ll be sure to help you out.

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