A few days ago, I posted on Wesleying that I was accepting questions for my last column of the year. My favorite question was the one that got me thinking about, of all things, pubic hair.  My anonymous friend sent me this email:

“When and how do you think it got popular for women to shave their pubic hair? Society portrays women in every movie, TV show, pornography etc., with a shaved vagina. Now, as a heterosexual male, I am only attracted to vaginas that are in fact shaved. I feel like the media pushed the belief on me. I wanted to hear some of your opinions.”

First, one clarification. A vagina is only the “inside part,” or the pathway to the cervix and uterus. Razors should never go anywhere on (or really, in) the vagina—I mean, ouch. When someone shaves their pubic hair, they shave their vulva, which is the word for the entire area. But our culture too often misnames it, so I understand the confusion.

Anyway, here’s the thing: When I started researching I didn’t have any opinions on shaving pubic hair (other than that I like my Schick Quattro razor very much, thank you.) But I was fascinated by the question. I mean, I’d heard of merkins (pubic hair wigs that prostitutes used around the 18th century to cover up pubic lice… ew) and I’d talked to my friends about their habits and preferences (almost all of them shave everything). But I’d never given much serious thought to the matter.

It turns out that the removal of pubic hair in one form or another, and especially the portrayal of its absence, is not a new thing at all. Ancient India’s Kama Sutra suggests that lovers shave each other as foreplay, while for women in Turkey, Iran, Italy, and parts of Africa, hair removal has been de rigueur for centuries. Take any class on ancient Greece and you’ll note that, though some of the male figures are portrayed with little curls of down-there-hair, the female figures are not (many, indeed, have a completely undefined mons pubis—the part with most of the hair—that includes no cleft nor any other detail). Throughout the centuries, fine art has gone in and out of favoring portrayal of the feminine bush. In the sixties and seventies, hair removal of all kinds went out with the bras – even Playboy models were photographed in all their natural glory.

But things started to change after that, and I’d attribute this to two factors. First, swimsuit bikini lines inched further away from the demure one-pieces of yesteryear and finally transformed into the teeny string bikinis now ubiquitous on beaches and at pools. Nancy Etcoff notes in her book, “Survival of the Prettiest,” that every time a new female body part is unveiled, hair is shed along with the cloth. If I’m going to be candid here, I’ll admit that the first time I thought to shave my bikini line was when I noticed, laying on a towel one day at the community pool, that my bikini bottom just would not cover the outer edges of my hair. At that same time, I had a friend tell me that she wore boy shorts at the pool for just that reason. At fourteen years old, it was time to shave or shield.

The other catalyst was, of course, porn. Jennifer Aniston’s latest hairdo may guide your stylist’s hand, but Jenna Jameson’s is more likely to guide your bikini waxer’s. The majority of pornography today features women with either completely bare or very trimmed vulvas. This might not be a big deal were it not for the Internet. Porn no longer stays tucked between the pages of Playboys and stuffed underneath your older brother’s bed. It’s a click away, whatever your orientation. And as my anonymous friend so aptly noticed, all of these virtual va-jay-jays are taking effect.

A recent study by researchers at Indiana University found that, though there is generally no preferred style among American women, younger women, especially those who have partners but are not married to them, are much more likely to go bare than older, single, or married women. Bisexuals, women who have recently received cunnilingus, and women who are more comfortable with the appearance of their vulva are also more likely to go bare.

What does this say about pubic hair removal? Frankly, I have no idea. You could argue that it’s an insecure young woman’s attempt to satisfy an uncommitted male lovers’ desire for the porn star experience. But you could also say that it’s a young woman’s way of being sexually liberated and confident in bed—especially if it goes hand-in-hand with being open about sexuality and happy with her genitals. If I had to guess, I’d say that it’s probably some combination of the two.

As for my new opinion on going bare? For one thing, I do think that the media encourages bare pudendums. But the media also encourages a lot of other stuff, both good and bad. What we must remember is that what the media encourages is what’s in fashion—in the fifties, curves were in—now, Kate Moss’s lack of body mass is. In the sixties, hair was in—now, shaving it all is. I’d like to think that curves will have a resurgence and that we’ll covet the carpet once more—but who’s to say?

What I can tell you is that you’re allowed to like whatever you want to like—just don’t let it prevent you from having new experiences. And, most importantly, don’t tell a girl what to do with her crotch. You may find that, in real life, you really don’t mind a little extra hair, After all, it’s there to hold in pheromones that are supposed to encourage those sexy feelings.

Francis is a member of the class of 2014.

  • Simon Davis-Millis ’12

    Your articles are a Google search, liberalized and manifested.

  • John

    Your article was great but you failed to give your own preference, which I think is very relevant to this discussion. Are you yourself fully shaved or not?

  • Jack

    Ugh I hate shaved women. I would never date a woman with a bare area down there. I am always able to talk to my partners and they almost always let some of their pubes grow out. It’s always funny to witness how much of a relief it is for them. SO SEXY! I prefer my women to look like women, not 12 year old girls. Women are no longer sexy and mature in our culture. They are just trashy and wanton. Not hot. They act like pornstars in training. Bring back the 70s and the 80s please, when women were real, dignified, and sophisticated.

    I’m 25, so this isn’t a rose colored glasses thing. It’s just the superiority of the natural look against the modern airbrushed, artificial culture that pollutes our lives.

  • Thomas Johansen

    Miss. Francis, your articles are always well reasearched and written. I tend to agree with the above commentor John though. You were very thorough to document what most women in society do with their pubic hair, you even revealed what most of your friends do, but you never mentioned what you do. I think if you’re going to promote sexual openness and maturity then you should at least reveal what you do with your pubic hair, since you revealed your friends and societies preferences.

  • Tula Milli

    Dear Abbey,

    I’m an MIT student that grew up just as this trend was entering vogue.

    I noticed a similar trend and got into pornography (the “media”) during college because of it. In particular, I wanted to know if the girls in my dorm had shaved pussies or not, as some indicator of whether they were overly interested in sex or whether they couldn’t care less. After a few college years of watching porn with bald pussies, I must say that it now disgusts me to continue to see it, year after year, and model after model. There is some disappointment to see the so-called “all-natural” manipulate her body like that; at some point, I wanted to see an unaltered patch of hair, and the rarer it has become in Internet pictures (and apparently real-life college Americans), the more I respect women who follow their own wishes, stay nature/pure (or who just don’t care about how a part of their body that nobody sees looks), and who stay fully pubed. Other bodily modifications such as tattoos, edgy piercings, plastic surgery, and waxing seem to be creeping into fashion in America as well. I’ve come to notice that Japanese girls, even in hardcore pornography generally have full bushes, no piercings, no ink, natural tits, and very white skin with no tan lines. This is truly what it means to be beautiful; even though they may still shave their armpits and legs, and even though they are sexually active, they have a more innocent appearance in bed because of this pubic hair. That’s much more appealing than feeling like you’re the 10069th man to pound a a certain girl. I’m not one to say which culture or which girl is more sexually active, but I can honestly an unequivocally say that I at least *think* a girl is much more innocent, pure, tight, and less slutty or pornographic when I see a hairy pussy, because it shows she isn’t nearly as conscious, self-sacrificial, motivated by appearance in bed, or sexually driven as the shaving woman. Most men I know would agree that the tight pussy is generally more favorable to penetrate than the obviously-abused veteran loose lips. This is still an argument of appearances, but I think being synonymous with sexual activity and constant awareness and concern with one’s look around the private region — hair poking through the bikini for example — is not a good sign, particularly for men who do want a natural, unaltered woman who isn’t obsessed with sex and genital display. Shaving an armpit, which everyone from coworkers to teachers can see, and shaving a vulva, which ideally very few people should see, bear two totally different standards for me; you might shave the former just to maintain a “clean” appearance for everyday people, but you don’t shave the second unless you are doing it for sex or “fashion,” neither of which makes the girl seem any cooler or sexier in my mind. I realize this is an opinion, though, but check out some Japanese porn and tell me if you think it’s any less beautiful or sexy.


  • Sphinx fan

    “I prefer my women to look like women, not 12 year old girls” – I suppose you like hairy legs and a hint of a mustache as well then.

  • Ms’s Happy

    The images of a women’s vaginal area from the past represented political and social elites and not the commoner that always had some hair. If we reflect beyond the proclivities of the day, some hair, especially around the vulva helps keep bad bacteria out and natural pheromones in. Finally time and effect for women and now men to be totally “pink” is not mandatory and we should really question each marketing image that comes our way. I think a public that questions what to do about their pubes will honesty end up more on the natural hair than bare side of the genital image for today.

  • Edcap8x6

    a shaved clam is truly breathtaking..especially when shes a squirter..an ex of mine was a shaved blonde squirter..i used to take her out for lobster dinner and wear the bib home..lobsters arent the only things that squirt
