On April 6, the University’s Transportation Administration approved a shuttle to Washington D.C. and Philadelphia, Pa. that will run during the holiday breaks beginning next Thanksgiving. This shuttle will be added to the already existing shuttle services that run to New York, Boston, Bradley Airport, and New Haven.

Transportation Chair for the Wesleyan Student Assembly (WSA) Zach Malter ’13 had lobbied for a shuttle to Washington D.C. and Philadelphia since this past November.

“In the beginning of the year there was a lot of skepticism amongst the Transportation Administration about whether this would be viable at all,” Malter said. “My first attempt was to get it implemented during last Thanksgiving, but unfortunately there were cost issues.”

Malter and the rest of the Transportation Committee talked with students and found that there was sufficient student interest in the shuttles.

“There were over 55 students who contacted me saying they would love a bus to D.C. and Philly,” Malter said.

Eventually the administration overcame its reservations and decided on one shuttle that will stop at both cities. The program is round trip, so students are expected to take the bus both ways, Malter said.

Malter added that while the price has yet to be determined, it will most likely be comparable to train prices. He stressed that there are many benefits to using Wesleyan transportation, and he hopes students utilize the new shuttles.

“With public transportation there are often many more variables,” Malter said. “I think a lot of students like taking the Wesleyan shuttles because there is a lot of certainty that the shuttles will run on time, it leaves from Wesleyan, and it will be safe and run smoothly.”

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