The Cine-Files

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First thing’s first: we’re very excited by a lot of the excellent suggestions ya’ll sent in for next year’s series. Get pumped. But to those of you who suggested “The Room?” Shame on you, you terrible, terrible people. Save that riff-trax nonsense for the projector at your friend’s woodframe.

Both the spring weather and the summer release schedule have begun to unfold in all their glory, and the films on the series this week are just as exciting. We’ve got a Swedish series of comedies the size of a sister-biting moose, a runaway train, one of the best SNL sketch-to-movie transfers, and Gene Kelly in a musical. What could be lovelier?

Also, you should go see “Bridesmaids” on Tuesday at 8 p.m. For free! Celebrate the end of your thesis, your two-day lull between midterms and final projects, your fascination with Ellie Kemper’s cuteness, whatever. Just don’t bring your phones to the CFS; they’ll be forced to wait in a box outside.


2007. Sweden. Dir: Roy Andersson. With Jessika Lundberg. 95 min.


“You, The Living” isn’t just one story about how hilarious and miserable life is every day; it’s fifty stories. Fifty absurd, bleak, Swedish stories. Director Roy Anderson uses wide angles, static shots, and Dixieland Jazz to construct his tableaus of a Stockholm beset by slapstick, executions, and tubas. At once perplexing, depressing, affectionate, and entertaining, this is a thoroughly unique experience. Actually, it’s fifty of them.


2010. USA. Dir. Tony Scott. With Denzel Washington, Chris Pine. 98 min.


Kick your WesFest off with a series of sensitive vignettes illustrating the illusory nature of the American—well, actually, no. There’s a train. It won’t stop. Denzel and Chris Pine have to stop it. Don’t let the simple premise fool you, though. This movie is loud, tense, and full of mayhem; an enthralling action flick that doesn’t need to ramp itself up by jumping the shark (too much). Solid performances and the straightforward, pleasing action all make this movie well worth the ride. Mark Bomback, the screenwriter, will be present afterwards to discuss the film.


1992. USA Dir: Penelope Spheeris. With Mike Myers, Dana Carvey. 94 min.


There once were two lads in a basement,

Who rocked out, oft’ stared in amazement.

They did party on,

So do come along,

To the Goldsmith; our love for this film is so          blatant.


For serious, dudes. Bring those dewy-eyed pre-frosh down as well; it’s never too early to start watching/shadow-casting movies with a sizable chunk of the Wesleyan campus.


1967. France. Dir: Jacques Demy, Angès Varda. With Catherine Deneuve. 120 min.


It’s Gene Kelly! And Catherine Deneuve! And they’re dancing in France in the 60s! If you’re still brooding over the effrontery of Matisyahu being brought to campus (or the tickets selling out by the first afternoon), it is biologically impossible to not be cheered by Demy’s peach-and-cream pastels and the sailors dancing in the streets. The breezy camerawork and catchy tunes fix joy in every frame.

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