After looking through thousands of applications, the Admissions Office sent out acceptance letters last Friday to regular decision applicants to the class of 2015. This is the third year in a row that the University received over 10,000 applications.

“The Admissions Committee is very excited about the prospective contributions of the Class of 2015 to Wesleyan life in and out of the classroom,” wrote Gregory Pyke, Senior Associate Dean of Admissions, in an email to The Argus.

Of those accepted, nine percent were from the Midwest, 25 percent were from the West and 11 percent live outside the United States. Forty-one percent are U.S. students of color, seven percent are non-U.S. citizens, and 14 percent did not speak English as their first language. Additionally, 16 percent of accepted students are the first generation in their family to go to college, while 10 percent have a Wesleyan student/alumni relative.

For the class of 2015, the median SAT scores were 720 for critical reading, 720 for math and 730 for writing, while the ACT median was 32. Of the accepted students, 83 percent were in the top 10 percent of their high school class, 84 percent have taken calculus, 78 percent have had at least four years of learning a foreign language, and 79 percent have taken biology, chemistry, and physics courses.

“The great diversity of their education, background, and experience produces a very strong academic profile,” Pyke wrote.

Admissions Officers will now shift focus to convincing accepted applicants to matriculate.


  1. John Wesley

    10% have a Wesleyan student/alumni relative! That appears disturbingly high. What percentage of *applicants* had a Wesleyan connection?

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