Every year, hipsters, comedy junkies, dirty hippies, and college students everywhere anxiously await the announcement of the lineup for the coming summer’s Bonnaroo festival, which takes place over four days on a large farm in Manchester, Tenn. In addition to bands, the festival brings in a handful of comedians, who have yet to be announced for this summer. The lineup for this summer’s festival, which marks the 10th anniversary of Bonnaroo, holds nothing back, bringing in a combination of well-known crowd pleasers as well as talented, more obscure bands. For those debating whether to go to Bonnaroo, here’s a break down of the best acts taking the stage this summer:
Arcade Fire: Fresh off their Best Album Grammy win for “The Suburbs,” the band, which is based in Montreal, is a group of talented musicians who can definitely please a crowd and then finally answer the question: Who is arcade fire?
The Black Keys: With their incredibly catchy song “Tighten Up,” which was nominated for a Grammy, the duo of blues-influenced rockers truly produce great music. Seeing them would be a great, chill way to spend the afternoon in the burning hot sun.
String Cheese Incident: First of all, they’ve got a great name. Second, I love jam bands, and these guys can definitely bring it with their lengthy bluegrass-style improvisations.
Mumford and Sons: Tied for first place in my favorite Bonnaroo 2011 bands, nothing quite beats the English folk rock sounds of Mumford and Sons. Their music is catchy, their lyrics are powerful, and their harmonies are absolutely gorgeous. My only complaint is that they’ve only released one album.
Girl Talk: It’s one guy, playing kick-ass mash-ups of songs across a variety of genres, and it makes for great dance music.
Gogol Bordello: Tied in first with Mumford and Sons, Gogol Bordello is gypsy punk, complete with an accordion. What could be better? Frontman Eugene Hutz’s mustache, that’s what.
Sleigh Bells: This noise-pop duo from Brooklyn is loud, fun, and downright awesome.
Twin Shadow: After this one-man band (aka George Lewis Jr.) played an awesome show right here at Wesleyan, why wouldn’t you see him again?
Obviously there are a lot more bands, a lot of them worth seeing. So if you want to hear some great music, make some new friends and experience the insanity that is Bonnaroo, go check it out June 9-12.
1 Comment
yer an idiot for not mentioning the reunited Buffalo Springfield (I assume you don’t even know what that is)