Dear Administration,

After having been at Wesleyan for three years, I have witnessed Beta be an active and crucial part of student life. From social events held in the house, where all classes can come enjoy one another’s company, to the intellectually stimulating speakers that have given talks in their house, to the brother’s contributions on the athletic fields and in challenging academic settings (the film major is no joke!). On campus or off campus they have been part of this community. I have also seen the administration carry out plans that have benefitted and improved student life at Wesleyan; a student life that Beta bros and non-beta bros all partake in and want to enjoy peacefully. At the start of your feud with Beta Theta Pi, I never expected this to turn into the spectacle it has. Are there not more pressing matters than childishly fighting with Beta? Why have we prioritized acts of schoolyard fighting (though bullying seems more appropriate) over increasing financial aid, making the campus greener, making campus more accessible, or truly providing a “safe” and “secure” environment for us? Instead of picking on Beta, can you help protect and serve our true interests? After all, you claim to threaten and force Beta’s hand in our name. Clever politics.

We have seen it all before and this latest e-mail is the icing on the cake. Have you forgotten that we are a student body that doesn’t want to be told what to do, when to do it and how we can do it; this is Wesleyan, after all. You have even managed to get DKE to put aside a bitter rivalry and join Beta in speaking ill of your name, but more impressively, our liberal student body aligns with the likes of Martin Benjamin in Beta’s defense! You’re definitely doing something right.

As far as I can tell the administration had three goals that have been prioritized above all this year. 1. Get P-Safe access to Beta and finally close any gaps in the Wesleyan bubble. 2. Avoid bad press and attempt to rebuild or rather remold Wesleyan’s image. 3. Increase our endowment and financial standing. It seems like you managed to complete the first. You lost a sense of respect and dignity but mission accomplished nevertheless. The second doesn’t seem to be going so well. There’s been an influx of Argus articles, Middletown Press articles, FIRE articles… who knows where that’ll lead. As for the third, here’s a cautionary note from a well-wisher: You do know that money is important? Can’t bully your way to money; there’s no change in Beta’s pockets. Yet you have shown a segment of our population, if not its entirety, that certain students are valued and respected less than others and you have done it all in search of power. I wish you all the best in getting DONATIONS, in the future of course, from Beta/DKE and all the other kids that you bullied during your rule as the all-powerful administrators!


Issar is a member of the class of 2012.

  • Anom Alum

    This non-beta alum will continue to cease all donations. Nothing has changed since the 90’s. What a joke. Soon conn college shall pass us in the rankings.

  • 2012

    Right on Sid.

  • 2011

    Right on Sid.

  • 2013

