Wesleyan is imagined as a progressive university and is known for its political activism and exceptional diversity, but is that really the case? Does our community actually live up to these ideals of progressiveness, political action, and real diversity?

Just this semester we have seen a rebirth of the Wesleyan political action scene and with it the understanding of what diversity looks like on our campus has been questioned. As members of various communities that make up the larger Wesleyan community, we want to start a conversation about the realities of diversity on our campus, especially within the active communities our campus is known for.

As we are trying to make a difference on our campus, address social and global issues, and celebrate cultures and identities we want to start addressing the divisions within our community. Specifically, we want to start talking explicitly about the divides between the Student of Color community and the White “Activist” or “Liberal” community, but we also want to address the other divisions that exist.

If we aspire to shape Wesleyan into the place we want it to be, it is crucial that we address these divisions. We know that the most successful organizing is that which is collaborative and incorporates more than just the community which is primarily affected. Moreover, when it comes to the Wesleyan community, we are all affected.

In the spirit of beginning these difficult conversations, come to a conversation about the divisions on our campus and how we can begin breaking down the barriers between us. We hope this will be a chance to come together from different parts of the community to think about how we can advocate for each other.

This conversation will be this Saturday December 11th at 5:00pm in the Daniel Family Commons. A meal from Typhoon and Pattie’s Palace will be provided.

Feel free to email us with any questions, comments or concerns. We hope to see you all there!


Teju Adisa-Farrar ‘13

Haley Baron ‘12

Meggie Mcguire ‘12

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