In one short year, Linus has become one of the most buzzed-about campus bands (and reigning kings of the music scene, Duchampion, are set to graduate so we need a successor). Linus, composed of Dema Paxton Fofang ’13, Dylan Bostick ’13, Ethan Young ’13, Jason Katzenstein ’13, and Mac Taylor ’13, will be opening for the Dirty Projectors, Black Lips, and Big Boi at Spring Fling after their triumphant Battle of the Bands win. Catch them this Friday opening for The Loom at Eclectic, and you can listen to their music at

Argus: Why did you guys change your name from Friendsome?
Linus: Well Friendsome sort of came out of nowhere, and it was too much of a joke, like someone said it sounded like a Barenaked Ladies song – which is not what we want to sound like. Any time someone would ask if we were in a band, we would try to find a way around telling them what our name was. Our friend Alex came up with the name Linus, after the scientist Linus Pauling, and also the Peanuts character. It’s nice to have a one-word name that sounds like the music we make. Basically we’re trying to appeal to 40 to 60 year olds who read “Peanuts” and know who Linus Pauling is. Baby boomers.

A: Which movie do you guys wish you had done the soundtrack to?
L: “The Graduate,” because Simon and Garfunkel dropped the ball. Also “Watchmen,” because we could have written better sex scene music.

A: What is your favorite rock movie?
L: “Across the Universe.” Not the Beatles one, but the documentary about JUSTICE. “Anvil” was good, also “Stop Making Sense,” “Spinal Tap,” and “School of Rock.”

A: Best concert you’ve seen at Wes so far?
L: Beach House, Dan Deacon, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Yeasayer, Dawes. Also, Duchampion is sick. We love Duchampion.

A: Describe your feelings about opening for Spring Fling in three words.
L: [Silence.] Jazzed as fuck. Jazzed/nervous as fuck if you can combine the first two words.

A: Miley Cyrus or Justin Beiber?
L: How about a lesbian that looks like Justin Beiber? He transcends being a tool. Actually, the production for Miley is sick, so band vote is for Miley. We would rather have sex with her.

A: How did you guys meet?
L: Dylan and Mac went to middle school, and Ethan and Jason went to middle and high school together. We met Dema at the farm, then we played OutKast covers at open mic night.

A: If you could take one album to a desert island to listen to, which one would it be?
L: “Pet Sounds” by the Beach Boys for Dema and Jason, “California” by Mr. Bungle for Ethan, “Lonesome Crowded West” by Modest Mouse for Mac, and “Repeater” by Fugazi for Dylan.

A: If you could send one band to a desert island so that they never made music again, which one would it be?
L: Ke$ha and her hairstylist. Tiesto. Muse. Linkin Park. Soulja Boy.

A: Any gigs between now and Spring Fling?
L: We’re playing a show at Eclectic on Friday at 10, and everyone should come. We are the pregame!

A: Are you best friends with the guys from Static Stamina?
L: Static Stamina got every single member of Linus crowd surfing at Battle of the Bands last week. So we’re best friends. Also Adrien is the man. Also thanks to John Snyder and Charlie Ellis for being in our band for the Battle of the Bands concert when Ethan and Mac were out of town!

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