Last night in the Nicholson Lounge during the opening performance of “Shoot The Duke,” a Second Stage sponsored play, the writer and director, who also performed, was accidentally stabbed with a prop sword during a stage fight.

According to members of Second Stage, the production including the props was in compliance with all relevant safety regulations, which require that any blade that appears onstage be ground-down and dull. Students involved in the production told The Argus that before the incident actors had accidentally picked up props that were intended for use in another scene and were unaware that they were fighting with metal swords.

Second Stage says that it is already in the process of revising its safety standards in light of the accident.

The injured student has been taken to a hospital, according to a Public Safety alert.  According to a statement that Second Stage sent to The Argus, he was treated on the scene and is reported to be “in stable condition, conscious, and responsive.”

The show continues this weekend with different props.

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