In the spirit of Valentines Day….

We have made eye contact a few times- at the movies, around- and I think you could be someone worth knowing. I really don’t know what you think of me/ if you think anything of me/ if you are out of my league but I have a feeling this could be something? Talk to me.

• Be more vague please.



would someone PLEASE share it with me? for one time in my life i want to feel some love. i want to hold hands with a girl, stare at her eyes, and see love looking back at me. i don’t care how corny this is; i just want it.


Dear Secret Admirer

Just man up and tell me who you are. Leaving anonymous notes on my door is not the way to my heart!

• whaat?! that is super sweet.

• Shut up. No one admires you, secretly or otherwise.

• It’s ME!

• Aw. Why aren’t all guys this sweet/creepy for V-day? I mean yeah my bf is taking me out, but little notes are so cute too.

o greedy bitch. accept what you fucking have

What I look for in a male…

Acceptance of corporate American culture.

An affinity for economics.

North Face, check.

Barney’s, check.

J. Crew, check plus.

Kudos if he’s “found himself” abroad for a year, only to apply his knowledge of Latin America to JP Morgan Chase’s next investment in Ecuadorian petrol.

Big Dick.

• someone should’ve went to Williams…..

o should have GONE. not should have went. get your grammar right, seriously.

• go back to yale

• north face fuckin sucks. patagonia

• at least you’re honest…

About Ezra Silk

I have been interested in journalism ever since I was an editor at my high school student newspaper, where I was involved in a freedom of speech controversy that was covered in the local newspaper as well as local television and radio outlets. The ACLU became involved, and the ensuing negotiations lead to a liberalization of my school's freedom of expression policy. I worked as a summer intern at the Hartford Courant after my freshman year at Wesleyan, reporting for the Avon Bureau under Bill Leukhardt and publishing over 30 stories. At the Argus I have been a news reporter, news assistant editor, news editor, features editor, editor-in-chief, executive editor, blogger, and multimedia director. I have overseen the redesign of, founding the Blargus and initiating ArgusVideo at the beginning of my time as editor-in-chief during the spring of my junior year. During my senior year, I have co-edited the Blargus with Gianna Palmer and founded Argus News Radio, a 15-minute weekly show produced by WESU 88.1 on which I conduct a weekly segment interviewing seniors about their thesis topics. I have written over 70 stories at the Argus and continue to do reporting and blogging as much as I can.

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