My fascination with sex and sexuality all started when I was three. My Communist Manifesto-reading, motorcycle-riding mother took me to see a drag queen show at the Holiday Inn near our apartment. I remember being slightly confused yet fascinated by how these men were able to transform from being scruffy, beer bellied males to fabulous ladies of the night. Ever since then, I have always been skeptical of the gender binary and the definition of what really makes a man, a man, or a woman, a woman. I do not have the answer to this, but in writing this column I hope to learn more about sexuality through my retelling of my experiences and thoughts on sexuality and sex.

So what makes me so qualified to dirty the Blargus with my and other people’s sexcapades? It is because my sex life has been anything but your typical suburban teenager’s. It is probably because I ate out a girl before my first kiss, or that I gave one of my best friend’s boyfriend road head on Valentines Day. I mean don’t take my word for it, take the CollegeACB’s, where I have been dubbed, “controversial queer” and “ridiculous man whore,” my personal favorites.

If you are curious, I’m bisexual, which definitely gives me perspective on sex with girls, boys and both at the same exact time.

So my first sexual experience all went down (pun intended) when I was in third grade. Tanaynay (not her real name) was one of my best friends and she was adopted, so she was very curious about where she came from. She finally learned on one fated day about sex (probably on Cinemax’s Night Passions) and she told me all about it. Thirty seconds later, I learned about the clit and eating out. Five minutes later in the very backseat of bus 91, I was eating Tanaynay out until a 5th grader, whose only comment was, “sexy,” walked in on us. Ever since then, eating out has been one of my favorite hobbies in the world.

Yet, as much I would want like to divulge more in my very first column, the sex bell has been rung, so I must depart.

Stay sexcellent,


About Ezra Silk

I have been interested in journalism ever since I was an editor at my high school student newspaper, where I was involved in a freedom of speech controversy that was covered in the local newspaper as well as local television and radio outlets. The ACLU became involved, and the ensuing negotiations lead to a liberalization of my school's freedom of expression policy. I worked as a summer intern at the Hartford Courant after my freshman year at Wesleyan, reporting for the Avon Bureau under Bill Leukhardt and publishing over 30 stories. At the Argus I have been a news reporter, news assistant editor, news editor, features editor, editor-in-chief, executive editor, blogger, and multimedia director. I have overseen the redesign of, founding the Blargus and initiating ArgusVideo at the beginning of my time as editor-in-chief during the spring of my junior year. During my senior year, I have co-edited the Blargus with Gianna Palmer and founded Argus News Radio, a 15-minute weekly show produced by WESU 88.1 on which I conduct a weekly segment interviewing seniors about their thesis topics. I have written over 70 stories at the Argus and continue to do reporting and blogging as much as I can.


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