Do these types of Facebook statuses look familiar?

Max is thank god that’s over.

Lindsay hates drama.

Jake wishes things could be simple again.

In case you were looking for a nice catch phrase to describe dramatic yet unspecific statuses, Urban Dictionary has got you covered:

Picture 3

About gpalmer

Gianna Palmer is a senior English and Sociology major from Eugene, Oregon. At Wesleyan, Gianna has written for the Argus and Wesleying, and tutored through the Writing Workshop. Outside of Wesleyan, Gianna has interned/written for Preservation Magazine in Washington, D.C. and the New York Daily News. Besides heading up the Blargus, Gianna is keeping busy her senior year by doling out funds as a member of the Student Budget Committee, dancing in student-choreographed pieces and scoping out the class of 2014 as a senior interviewer in the Admissions Office.


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